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Trump calling out Germany for their Russian ties


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Germany is 35%.  Much of Europe participates in the pipeline.

German troops die side by side with Americans fighting for the same ideals and beliefs.  I represented a German company for almost 30 years and am proud of the country.  Trump is pursuing Putin’s goal of ripping NATO apart.


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I should note there are 30,000 American troops in Germany where we have several large bases to use as staging areas for Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.  We need NATO and the Europeans as much as they need us.

I should also add that most Germans speak some English since it is taught in elementary school.

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28 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

My God, these are our friends and allies.

Not Russia.

If they are our friends, then our relationship can withstand a little honest heart to heart discussion about issues that have been neglected for years.  If they can’t abide with that, then they are not very good friends.  And a lot more Americans died fighting Germany than any other nation on earth.

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15 minutes ago, Bormio said:

If they are our friends, then our relationship can withstand a little honest heart to heart discussion about issues that have been neglected for years.  If they can’t abide with that, then they are not very good friends.  And a lot more Americans died fighting Germany than any other nation on earth.

I am sorry but the Germans (like the Canadians) are good people. I have been to Dachau twice:  it is a reminder that something like that should never happen again.

Hitler started with false promises, lies and intimidation.  He projected himself as the only hope for a country that greatly suffered from WWI and the worldwide depression.  People believed him because they needed to.  Then it turned violent and the unspeakable was legitimized while the majority of Germans were too frightened to resist.

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27 minutes ago, Bormio said:

If they are our friends, then our relationship can withstand a little honest heart to heart discussion about issues that have been neglected for years.  If they can’t abide with that, then they are not very good friends.  And a lot more Americans died fighting Germany than any other nation on earth.

President Donald John “Master Negotiator” ®️©️™️ Trump surprised me with this one.  

I fully admit there are some details I don’t know about, but Russia has often been categorized as nothing more than a criminally-run gas station.  

To the extent the Europeans can get their energy needs met by other means (including nuclear, which I know Mutti just LOVES) then why not do it?  

Why keep spending money to prop up Putin’s regime?

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6 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

I am sorry but the Germans (like the Canadians) are good people. I have been to Dachau twice:  it is a reminder that something like that should never happen again.

Hitler started with false promises, lies and intimidation.  He projected himself as the only hope for a country that greatly suffered from WWI and the worldwide depression.  People believed him because they needed to.  Then it turned violent and the unspeakable was legitimized while the majority of Germans were too frightened to resist.

Right. Agreed.  Have known a lot of Germans and Canadians in my time.  But what do the Holocaust and Hitler have to do with anything here? 

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Addendum:  European companies employ more than four million Americans in the U. S.  We export more to the E. U. than to China.  Trump announced $200 Billion more in tariffs yesterday.  Essentially this will place a tariff on almost everything coming from China.

They will retaliate, as they have, with similar tariffs on American products.

Trump has tariffs on some European products and threatens more including cars (BMW employees 8,000 in Spartanburg ((over 20,000 with subcontractors)) ).  Europe will retaliate.

We are now in a trade war where price increases will soon show up on the many new products.  Significant increases.

Point is that whether NATO or trade Trump is risking far more than many expect.

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12 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

I am sorry but the Germans (like the Canadians) are good people. I have been to Dachau twice:  it is a reminder that something like that should never happen again.

Hitler started with false promises, lies and intimidation.  He projected himself as the only hope for a country that greatly suffered from WWI and the worldwide depression.  People believed him because they needed to.  Then it turned violent and the unspeakable was legitimized while the majority of Germans were too frightened to resist.

Most Russians are good people too.  The whole push behind European integration was to tie Germany up in Europe to counteract their bad habit of invading their neighbors.  In so doing, they let Germany run Europe.

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33 minutes ago, Bormio said:

If they are our friends, then our relationship can withstand a little honest heart to heart discussion about issues that have been neglected for years.  If they can’t abide with that, then they are not very good friends.  And a lot more Americans died fighting Germany than any other nation on earth.


We lost 650,000  fighting amongst ourselves.






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Several hundred thousand + will protest Trump’s visit to the UK tomorrow night.  I think a lot of Americans are going to be surprised when they visit Europe in the future. Whether the UK, Germany, France, etc. there are many who question not only Trump but also those here who support him.  There are nationalists in these countries too but it is Trump’s personality, narcicism and aggression that upset many of them.  


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5 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

Several hundred thousand + will protest Trump’s visit to the UK tomorrow night.  I think a lot of Americans are going to be surprised when they visit Europe in the future. Whether the UK, Germany, France, etc. there are many who question not only Trump but also those who support him.  

Can’t handle an American President more worried about America than what Europeans want (but rarely lift a finger for).

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1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

I should note there are 30,000 American troops in Germany where we have several large bases to use as staging areas for Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.  We need NATO and the Europeans as much as they need us.

I should also add that most Germans speak some English since it is taught in elementary school.

Largest air force base is in Rammstein

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7 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

Several hundred thousand + will protest Trump’s visit to the UK tomorrow night.  I think a lot of Americans are going to be surprised when they visit Europe in the future. Whether the UK, Germany, France, etc. there are many who question not only Trump but also those here who support him.  There are nationalists in these countries too but it is Trump’s personality, narcicism and aggression that upset many of them.  


There is no reason to go to Europe. We have everything we need right here in the good ole USA

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6 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Can’t handle an American President more worried about America than what Europeans want (but rarely lift a finger for).

He is only concerned about himself.  Always, everyone else is wrong.

I believe Trump is dangerous to the American economy and position in the world.  His acts must please Putin immensely.

I agree with you about the Russian people.

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1 minute ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Yet the Russell 200 just hit its all-time high this week. There's no better index to gauge how our economy is doing. To be continued...

I am retired with only 5% or so in stock.  I believe we have a great deal at risk and want to protect ourselves as best I can.  Muni’s, CD’s (3.3% right now), bond funds, I have friends who lost 50% in 2008.  By 1932 the stock market lost 80%.  Municipal bond funds lost 10% in 2008, CD’s are insured, bond funds vary from 10-20% depending on the fund. 

Tariffs played a major role in contributing to our ‘30 depression.

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1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

Several hundred thousand + will protest Trump’s visit to the UK tomorrow night.  I think a lot of Americans are going to be surprised when they visit Europe in the future. Whether the UK, Germany, France, etc. there are many who question not only Trump but also those here who support him.  There are nationalists in these countries too but it is Trump’s personality, narcicism and aggression that upset many of them.  


If the English lose to Croatia it will be even less hospitable when Trump visits tomorrow.

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