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The Alabama abortion ban


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I know there was a thread but I wanted to ask a question and it not get lost in the shuffle. 

All over social media they are bashing the decision for the state to ban abortions. But the thing no one is taking into consideration is the people who are making the decisions were voted into power by the majority of the residents! The majority of Alabama believe abortion is murder and should be banned. 

So why is this a big deal? Why when California decriminalized knowingly infecting someone with the AIDS virus, or VA and NY approve infanticide the controversy is only viewed as right leaning? 

These states are run by people who have outlooks that are similar to the people who put them in power. 

It seems that something is always controversial when it fits a left wing narrative in this country. The Alabama and Georgia laws are getting a lot more national blowback than the NY and VA laws. The ChristChurch shooting ran on a 24/7 loop. The Easter massacre which killed 6 times the amount of people barely made a blip on the radar. 

Anyone else see an issue with this? 

End rant 

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43 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I know there was a thread but I wanted to ask a question and it not get lost in the shuffle. 

All over social media they are bashing the decision for the state to ban abortions. But the thing no one is taking into consideration is the people who are making the decisions were voted into power by the majority of the residents! The majority of Alabama believe abortion is murder and should be banned. 

So why is this a big deal? Why when California decriminalized knowingly infecting someone with the AIDS virus, or VA and NY approve infanticide the controversy is only viewed as right leaning? 

These states are run by people who have outlooks that are similar to the people who put them in power. 

It seems that something is always controversial when it fits a left wing narrative in this country. The Alabama and Georgia laws are getting a lot more national blowback than the NY and VA laws. The ChristChurch shooting ran on a 24/7 loop. The Easter massacre which killed 6 times the amount of people barely made a blip on the radar. 

Anyone else see an issue with this? 

End rant 

No. States rights. The way it should be. Limited government

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19 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

...... The majority of Alabama believe abortion is murder and should be banned. 

So why is this a big deal?  ........

Because right now it's Unconstitutional.  Who's to say the Alabama majority now wants white only water fountains again. White only colleges and a separate public schools based on race and gender. To own, buy and sell individuals. Ban homosexuality, only Blondes with blue eyes can become Little Miss Alabama, and other non-senseable things. You want one country with a constitutions and laws, or 50 separate countries where each majority makes their own laws. Maybe even from week to week, or day to day depending on their version of government. No Jews in Georgia, white man stay out of Mississippi, lynching by posse OK in Texas. You get the point????     

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41 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

Because right now it's Unconstitutional.  Who's to say the Alabama majority now wants white only water fountains again. White only colleges and a separate public schools based on race and gender. To own, buy and sell individuals. Ban homosexuality, only Blondes with blue eyes can become Little Miss Alabama, and other non-senseable things. You want one country with a constitutions and laws, or 50 separate countries where each majority makes their own laws. Maybe even from week to week, or day to day depending on their version of government. No Jews in Georgia, white man stay out of Mississippi, lynching by posse OK in Texas. You get the point????     

I understand your point, but that would be throwing away state rights in favor of sweeping federal regulations across the board for all aspects of life. 

The great thing about state’s rights is you can live in an area of the country that best suits you, your family, and your lifestyle God willing. 

Where do you draw the line? People from California and Alabama are polar opposites, and forcing them to abide by the same federal laws across the board goes against what you are peddling. 

Everything will be settled by law anyways. All the extreme examples you made would be shot down in a court of law. You would think killing babies would be a no brainer too but here we are 

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9 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I understand your point, but that would be throwing away state rights in favor of sweeping federal regulations across the board for all aspects of life. 

The great thing about state’s rights is you can live in an area of the country that best suits you, your family, and your lifestyle God willing. 

Where do you draw the line? People from California and Alabama are polar opposites, and forcing them to abide by the same federal laws across the board goes against what you are peddling. 

Everything will be settled by law anyways. All the extreme examples you made would be shot down in a court of law. You would think killing babies would be a no brainer too but here we are 

Well here’s the thing.   If we are going to fully exercise states having the right to govern themselves then they have the right to suffer and prosper by themselves as well.  They can be responsible for their complete economic and social well being entirely.  No more federal aid and subsidies. 

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2 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

I understand your point, but that would be throwing away state rights in favor of sweeping federal regulations across the board for all aspects of life. 

The great thing about state’s rights is you can live in an area of the country that best suits you, your family, and your lifestyle God willing. 

Where do you draw the line? People from California and Alabama are polar opposites, and forcing them to abide by the same federal regulations across the board goes against what you are peddling. 

Everything will be settled by law anyways. All the extreme examples you made would be shot down in a court of law. You would think killing babies would be a no brainer too but here we are 

Roe v Wade has been the law of the land since 1973. Alabama purposely wrote their law to be as restrictive as possible (rape and incest victims not exempt). It doesn't take effect for 6 months. That is more then enough time to be blocked by the courts. They and several other conservative states want to overturn the 46 year old law. I don't foresee (opinion) a total sweeping reversal from the current Supreme Court, but more limitations could be on the horizon. Remenber liquor was outlawed at one time and we all know how that pendulum swing turned out. IMO it's a woman's personal decision up to certain time limits. Then again, I'm not a woman   

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The devil is working overtime today. The governor of Alabama said that children were gifts from God and everyone lost their shit. 

The evil is alive and real. I firmly believe that the worst thing about this country was the liberal laws and left wing lifestyles that have rotted us as a society from within. When gays and trannies are celebrated and God is mocked. You don’t have to be a religious Nut. It is symbolic that we as a society are morally bankrupt and you will continually see mentally Ill and evil people committing terrible crimes. 

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The devil is working overtime today. The governor of Alabama said that children were gifts from God and everyone lost their shit. 

The evil is alive and real. I firmly believe that the worst thing about this country was the liberal laws and left wing lifestyles that have rotted us as a society from within. When gays and trannies are celebrated and God is mocked. You don’t have to be a religious Nut. It is symbolic that we as a society are morally bankrupt and you will continually see mentally Ill and evil people committing terrible crimes. 

 Chicken Little, not in Appalachia yet ?  The Bible belt will suit you well....good hunting, I hear possum taste like chicken.  

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19 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The devil is working overtime today. The governor of Alabama said that children were gifts from God and everyone lost their shit. 

The evil is alive and real. I firmly believe that the worst thing about this country was the liberal laws and left wing lifestyles that have rotted us as a society from within. When gays and trannies are celebrated and God is mocked. You don’t have to be a religious Nut. It is symbolic that we as a society are morally bankrupt and you will continually see mentally Ill and evil people committing terrible crimes. 

So children born from rape and incest are a gift?  And if the child of incest/rape is a gift then is the act itself, the process that creates that gift also a gift from God?   

So tell me, according to the Bible when does life begin? (You may not like what you find)  

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34 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Once abortion was made justifiable, life becomes expendable for any reason..When NY and their senate applauded that murder bill and Va followed suit, that changed my whole belief system.....The dignity and value of life has been destroyed....We are fast becoming like the killers in Concentration camps.....Yes, We and what is next, selective breeding, sterilize the underclass....Anything goes leads to everything went...It's going....Overture Roe/Wade....

Rape and incest is a heinous act that takes away a woman’s control and traumatizes her emotionally; making her carry an unwanted pregnancy from either crime does the same thing as the rapist.  The tragedy of this law is that this can be young girls that are victims of such crimes.  Where legally they may be underage to give consent to sex but yet are forced to carry the result of a crime that violated her right to consent to sex.  That’s barbaric 

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21 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

No. States rights. The way it should be. Limited government


20 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:



20 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

I understand your point, but that would be throwing away state rights in favor of sweeping federal regulations across the board for all aspects of life. 

The great thing about state’s rights is you can live in an area of the country that best suits you, your family, and your lifestyle God willing. 

Where do you draw the line? People from California and Alabama are polar opposites, and forcing them to abide by the same federal laws across the board goes against what you are peddling. 

Everything will be settled by law anyways. All the extreme examples you made would be shot down in a court of law. You would think killing babies would be a no brainer too but here we are 

You don't want someone in Washington telling you what you can do, but you're okay with someone in Montgomery telling you what you can do?

What's the essential difference?

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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

The devil is working overtime today. The governor of Alabama said that children were gifts from God and everyone lost their shit. 

The evil is alive and real. I firmly believe that the worst thing about this country was the liberal laws and left wing lifestyles that have rotted us as a society from within. When gays and trannies are celebrated and God is mocked. You don’t have to be a religious Nut. It is symbolic that we as a society are morally bankrupt and you will continually see mentally Ill and evil people committing terrible crimes. 

Liberal laws is what is distinctive of Western civilization. It's how we have distinguished ourselves from other civilizations for hundreds of years. It's what Americans were supposed to have been fighting for for most of the 20th century.

Now it's the worst thing about the country? 

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Just to be clear, we're advocating limited government, because we don't want the government telling us what to do, but we're in full support of the government's forbidding a woman who was impregnated by an act of rape from having a first-trimester abortion. Is that the view?

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

Just to be clear, we're advocating limited government, because we don't want the government telling us what to do, but we're in full support of the government's forbidding a woman who was impregnated by an act of rape from having a first-trimester abortion. Is that the view?

Mind blowing isn’t it.

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28 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Rape and incest is a heinous act that takes away a woman’s control and traumatizes her emotionally; making her carry an unwanted pregnancy from either crime does the same thing as the rapist.  The tragedy of this law is that this can be young girls that are victims of such crimes.  Where legally they may be underage to give consent to sex but yet are forced to carry the result of a crime that violated her right to consent to sex.  That’s barbaric 

I don’t agree with that part. The rape and incest part. I’m not hyper religious.however I do look at Christianity as a moral compass, and believe in God. 

I am not mainly anti abortion for religious reasons. I’m anti abortion because I don’t think women should be able to kill babies whenever they feel like it because they don’t want to accept responsibility for their action. 

Women know that letting some guy cum in them may result in pregnancy. Even having proetected sex is no guarantee. And not too many married women are having abortions. So this is mainly irresponsible single women killing babies because they don’t like the outcome of their actions. 

Thats why their needs to be more accountability in these circumstances 

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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

I don’t agree with that part. The rape and incest part. I’m not hyper religious.however I do look at Christianity as a moral compass, and believe in God. 

I am not anti abortion for mainly religious reasons. I’m anti abortion because I don’t think women should be able to kill babies whenever they feel like it because they don’t want to accept responsibility for their action. 

Women know that letting some guy cum in them may result in pregnancy. Even having proetected sex is no guarantee. And not too many married women are having abortions. So this is mainly irresponsible single women killing babies because they don’t like the outcome of their actions. 

Thats why their needs to be more accountability in these circumstances 

I’m not addressing anything other than no exception for incest and rape.  That includes children that are victims of these crimes but will be required to carry to term.  That’s sick and barbaric 

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

Not like Trump, good point.  

He lost the popular vote of California. 

Take out the “Give AIDS Get a ticket” State and Trump wins by over a million. 

Look at the map. She won big cities filled with people who don’t share common American values. Just cesspools of melting pots. Hillary won the worst parts of America 

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2 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

Did you hear Rush Limbaugh today...?.. Americans never voted on abortion..... Since  1973 when Roe/ Wade was passed, killing and the sanctity of LIFE has diminished....Look at all the killing in cities and the too many church and temple shooting...

Weren't you advocating the shooting of illegal immigrants? Now you're appealing to the sanctify of human life. I guess human life is sacred until it crosses a political boundary. 

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2 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

I’m not addressing anything other than no exception for incest and rape.  That includes children that are victims of these crimes but will be required to carry to term.  That’s sick and barbaric 

Like I said, I don’t agree with that part. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good. Greater being the much much higher percent of babies now being saved from single women who want to kill babies as birth control and/or voiding responsibility 

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

Weren't you advocating the shooting of illegal immigrants? Now you're appealing to the sanctify of human life. I guess human life is sacred until it crosses a political boundary. 

I think he has the “innocent until proven guilty” mindset. Lol 

When you prove you are scum, all bets are off 😂

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