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trump tells all this trumptards to get the covid shot


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2 minutes ago, Ga96 said:



Keep in mind the idiot college flunky interviewing him has been spreading BS against vaccinations while secretly getting vaccinated herself. 

Well, the tweet you referenced is a little flawed since 2900 of the 100,000 people that died (cases 650,000 to 750,000) were vaccinated as reported by the CDC.   That’s 2.9%, not much different from the initial pre-vaccine mortality.   NYC, the most vaccinated city in America is currently in the throes of Omicron, many of them “breakthrough” cases.  But guess what, Omicron is not killing people at a high rate vaccinated or not, so the vaccine is not a factor there.  Good thing it’s not a deadly mutation. 

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8 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

It wouldn't be trumpy without claiming he alone made them vaccines 🤣

Of course he didn’t make the vaccines, but there is no telling how long it would have taken with someone else to prod big pharma.    Now, if the negative results continue to pile up, then you can always blame Trump for forcing the hands of the big pharma guys to move too quickly.  You see, blaming everything on Trump is always a win win, no matter the circumstances.  Three presidents from now people will still be whining about the guy. 

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23 hours ago, On2whls said:

Well, the tweet you referenced is a little flawed since 2900 of the 100,000 people that died (cases 650,000 to 750,000) were vaccinated as reported by the CDC.   That’s 2.9%, not much different from the initial pre-vaccine mortality.   NYC, the most vaccinated city in America is currently in the throes of Omicron, many of them “breakthrough” cases.  But guess what, Omicron is not killing people at a high rate vaccinated or not, so the vaccine is not a factor there.  Good thing it’s not a deadly mutation. 

Does that make the remaining 97.1% higher than initial pre-vaccine mortality as well?  

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23 hours ago, On2whls said:

Of course he didn’t make the vaccines, but there is no telling how long it would have taken with someone else to prod big pharma.    Now, if the negative results continue to pile up, then you can always blame Trump for forcing the hands of the big pharma guys to move too quickly.  You see, blaming everything on Trump is always a win win, no matter the circumstances.  Three presidents from now people will still be whining about the guy. 

I think Trump deserves credit for being in charge when the vaccine was created.  Whether or not it could have been produced any faster if someone else was President is unknowable.  What is amazing to me is that it was such an obvious victory for him and he didn't run with it and claim credit.  His nature can't stand doing the normal thing so he did the exact opposite.  Virus was a Democrat Hoax, undermining our experts, undermining preventative measures, not being honest about how serious it was, are just a few of the things Trump did to downplay the pandemic.  To the detriment of his supporters I might add (rallies every week-no masks, etc.).  This pandemic, as bad as it has been for everybody and in many ways, could have been an opportunity to bring the country together and we could look out for each other and get through this.  It became political from the start and it was Trumps doing.  That cost him the election by not taking advantage of that opportunity.

So Trump gets credit, from me, for the vaccine but he also gets credit for the unnecessary deaths that occurred while he was in charge.

If there is anything that should never be political, it is a pandemic.  

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16 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Does that make the remaining 97.1% higher than initial pre-vaccine mortality as well?  

Truth be told, if everyone was required  to submit to Covid antibody tests, no telling what the real death rate would be, except that it would be lower than what we currently know.  There’s probably a lot more people that are asymptomatic than we know.  I’ve got Covid antibodies but haven’t had even common cold symptoms for several years now.  

Still, I took the shots because it was required for travel.  

Got sent home from work Tuesday because I was exposed for 15 minutes, to a coworker that came up positive.  This despite vaccines, antibody data, and two negative Covid tests on a recent trip overseas.  And, I have to get another test on Sunday in order to return to work.  I appreciate getting to work from home, but the whole thing is pretty silly.  Wouldn’t you agree?

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11 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

In a thread that pointed out what Trump said, you called people "fuktards", yes,


So you did your usual dishonest bullshit and took a word completely out of context, thereby lying.

We all get it, Andy.

It's up there with calling a man racist for stating facts and views backed up by court verdicts, evidence, ME reports, video...

You'll stoop to anything. And do.

Andy = 💩




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As a refesher, concha got really mad when I quoted his exact word-for-word takes on the killing of every single unarmed black person during the life of this board.

His defense for never thinking that an unarmed black person was killed unjustifably?

The law! His claims were proven in court!

But his take on Daunte Wright, whose killer was recently convicted?


On 4/13/2021 at 8:41 AM, concha said:

I have a really hard time understanding how people struggle with the concepts of "comply" vs "resist".

Daunte Wright's death directly followed him resisting arrest and trying to flee.

Had he simply complied and obeyed legal orders from the police, is there anyone here who really thinks he wouldn't be alive right now?

This isn't a game to find out how skilled the police are as wrestlers or how fast and far they can run.

And these guys they've stopped aren't choir boys with clean records.

How many of the people killed in recent years by the police that were unarmed were NOT resisting or fleeing and/or on drugs at the time?

Why do people act like ignoring lawful orders, resisting arrest and fleeing the cops are constitutional rights and perfectly OK actions?

These are armed police interacting with potentially dangerous people (Wright was a gang-banger, how many others had clean and/or non-violent records?).


He had it coming too!

I guess the court proceedings are no longer valid.

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The irony of Andy's lying about this is actually pretty entertaining.

I was pointing out out how many on the left were sowing doubt in and attacking the vaccines because they were developed under Trump.

Now that they're in power, those same vaccines are solid gold.

Remember this?  🤣




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29 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

As a refesher, concha got really mad when I quoted his exact word-for-word takes on the killing of every single unarmed black person during the life of this board.

His defense for never thinking that an unarmed black person was killed unjustifably?

The law! His claims were proven in court!

But his take on Daunte Wright, whose killer was recently convicted?



He had it coming too!

I guess the court proceedings are no longer valid.


As a refresher, Andy accused me a being a racist for pointing out facts about high profile shootings - generally involving people resisting arrest. 


When challenged to prove me a racist, what did Andy do?  He posted a number of quotes of mine that not only had nothing to do with race, but were supported by verdicts and evidence that all backed up my statements, including ME reports and videos.

Now, since his last efforts are shown to be utterly dishonest, he tries again.

Daunte Wright.

What did I say about Daunte Wright that was racist? Answer: Nothing.  The basic point of my post is that if you obey the cops and don't resist, you likely won't get shot. 

Does anyone disagree with this?

Andy appears to disagree so much that he is willing to smear someone as a racist for simply pointing it out.

And at no point did I say anything remotely close to "he had it coming too!".


Andy, you are just a total lying piece of shit.




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6 minutes ago, concha said:

When challenged to prove me a racist, what did Andy do?  He posted a number of quotes of mine that not only had nothing to do with race, but were supported by verdicts and evidence that all backed up my statements, including ME reports and videos.

You said the same thing about Daunte Wright whose killer was just convicted.

Your claims have nothing to do with proof or evidence since they are always the same regardless of the verdict and they are all made *before* the trials.

You've seemingly never seen an unarmed black person who didn't have it coming.

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5 minutes ago, concha said:

Daunte Wright.

What did I say about Daunte Wright that was racist? Answer: Nothing.  The basic point of my post is that if you obey the cops and don't resist, you likely won't get shot. 

Your position never changes regardless of facts.

Every unarmed black person seemingly in history was a gang-banger who had it coming.

Who would've thought!

kkkoncha having this take?


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