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Just a few Notes of Gospel...


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WOW !!!!

After 41 damn years.

41 LONG damn years.

It's official.

Kirby is a god.


The heartbreak of 2018 is a memory.  A memory that won't go away...but...last night was salve for the wound.  Stetson Bennett IV...or "the little engine who could" played his heart out.  I thought the "fumble" would destroy him and Georgia's chances of winning.  I was totally wrong.  I don't care if you hate Bennett...you gotta give him his due.  He does not give up.  He keeps grinding...and grinding...and grinding.  And when the "thrill of victory" finally hit him last night...he simply couldn't hold his emotions back.  I can't imagine anybody not being happy for this kid.

I also can't imagine anybody not being happy for Coach Dooley.  You could see it in his eyes when he was hugging Kirby.  He looked 59...instead of 89.  For him to be there meant volumes.  I'm not sure how many of Georgia's players knew who he was...LOL...but...the Dawg Nation did.  Vince being at the game was simply...icing on the cake.

We will lose Dan Lanning to Oregon.  A chance he well deserves.  His defense was as ready last night as they could have been.  Those Dawgs were dialed in.  Coach Erk Russell had to be smiling and puffing on that cigar last night.  I imagine he was right there with Larry Munson...who was begging..."Hunker Down Dawgs.  Hunker Down...ONE MORE TIME".

We may lose Monken to LSU.  I truly hope not...but this is a different world so I won't be surprised if we do.  Monken is an offensive genius for the college game.  He's proven it.  Receiver after receiver goes down with injury...but he finds a way to keep the ball moving.  Everybody thought Stetson was Kirby's QB...but truthfully, he was Monken's.  Kirby just said OK and backed his OC up completely.  They make one helluva team.

Ms. Violet pointed out this morning...that we stayed up later and partied harder last night than we did on New Year's Eve.


I can get used to that.  At least for 365 days.

I hope I get to see another one.





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