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Those Ba$÷@×& were in the hallway...

Wildcat Will

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for 45 minutes. They were standing there as the children were being slain 10 fucking feet from them and they eere concerrned with their lives. That is a zero, not a hero. 

These sorry ass excuses for cops need to be charged with negligence. Some here speak on the need for police reform as if it is a bad thing. It is much needed. 

Parents imploring the cops to go in and not allowing the willing parents to go in but holding them back. 

NWA was right

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  • Wildcat Will changed the title to Those Ba$÷@×& were in the hallway...


At this point, I'm all for trained and deputized (and screened) combat vets for security. Preferably more than one per school. Security doors that swing one way for emergency exits.

We have a mental health issue in this nation and the laws and processes don't work all the time.  I think the age of the smart phone and social media is fucking up our kids and the younger generations who have been under its influence since they were small.

We protect lots of things in this country with guns, yet with so many schools we slap up a "Gun Free Zone" sign.  You must be fucking kidding me.


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Everyone that owns an AR-15 is a bad mental health day away from slaughtering 20-30 kids, 20-30 co-workers, and etc.

....ugly divorce, lost job, broke, no future, mad at the world, don't fit in, can't get any pussy,. ....... Insert whatever triggers bad mental health days.

"OH, he had a long history of mental health issues". No one knew, imagine that.

America doesn't have a mental health issue, it has a freaking dumbass issue.






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1 hour ago, Wildcat Will said:

for 45 minutes. They were standing there as the children were being slain 10 fucking feet from them and they eere concerrned with their lives. That is a zero, not a hero. 

These sorry ass excuses for cops need to be charged with negligence. Some here speak on the need for police reform as if it is a bad thing. It is much needed. 

Parents imploring the cops to go in and not allowing the willing parents to go in but holding them back. 

NWA was right

You can't go through life thinking there's heroes on every block..... or in every supermarket or in every school or every church or every office building or every concert. 

There isn't.

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9 minutes ago, RedZone said:

You can't go through life thinking there's heroes on every block..... or in every supermarket or in every school or every church or every office building or every concert. 

There isn't.

In other words Will if you're ever in a situation where someone is firing an AR-15 in your general direction with no particular purpose in mind you're probably going to DIE.

You have a chance to survive though.... sort of like the lottery, I guess.


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2 hours ago, concha said:


At this point, I'm all for trained and deputized (and screened) combat vets for security. Preferably more than one per school. Security doors that swing one way for emergency exits.

We have a mental health issue in this nation and the laws and processes don't work all the time.  I think the age of the smart phone and social media is fucking up our kids and the younger generations who have been under its influence since they were small.

We protect lots of things in this country with guns, yet with so many schools we slap up a "Gun Free Zone" sign.  You must be fucking kidding me. 


Enough with the good guy wuth a gun bull. It is funny how the white boys are always mental cases. 

Smartphones and social media to blame? Bullshit. It is learned behavior. Engrained within the fabric of life.

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1 minute ago, Wildcat Will said:

Enough with the good guy wuth a gun bull. It is funny how the white boys are always mental cases. 

Smartphones and social media to blame? Bullshit. It is learned behavior. Engrained within the fabric of life.


Your hatred of white people is palpable.

Do you think the SUV guy in Waukesha was all there mentally? I personally doubt it.  You almost seem to resent the very notion that these people might have psychological issues? Why? I can take a guess. You just like the ability to label any white guy you have a beef with as evil, not ill.

You claim that it is learned behavior (you mean "white learned", right?). Well guess what, you racist fucking dumbass. Apparently very fucking few white people are teaching. 

There are about 200 million white people in the USA.  How many white mass shooters?

Your dumb ass just spouts crap and you keep on getting humiliated by these little things called facts and truth.

You are a message board piñata.


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2 hours ago, concha said:


Your hatred of white people is palpable.

Do you think the SUV guy in Waukesha was all there mentally? I personally doubt it.  You almost seem to resent the very notion that these people might have psychological issues? Why? I can take a guess. You just like the ability to label any white guy you have a beef with as evil, not ill.

You claim that it is learned behavior (you mean "white learned", right?). Well guess what, you racist fucking dumbass. Apparently very fucking few white people are teaching. 

There are about 200 million white people in the USA.  How many white mass shooters?

Your dumb ass just spouts crap and you keep on getting humiliated by these little things called facts and truth.

You are a message board piñata.


Truth is truth junior. The only beef I have is that white boys are afraid of losing their status and are willing to do harm to the multitudes to try and stave off the inevitable. 

The number of those passing it on does not matter. What matters is that it is being done.

How many mass shooters are white? Most of them. An overwhelming majority of school shootings are perpeyrated by white men. 

Don't make me start posting numbers.

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30 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

Truth is truth junior. The only beef I have is that white boys are afraid of losing their status and are willing to do harm to the multitudes to try and stave off the inevitable. 

The number of those passing it on does not matter. What matters is that it is being done.

How many mass shooters are white? Most of them. An overwhelming majority of school shootings are perpeyrated by white men. 

Don't make me start posting numbers.


You use "white boys" to paint a broad brush over scores of millions.  Exactly how many have done "harm to the multitudes"?

Guess what, fuckwit?  Black guys commit mass shootings and killings too. "Waukesha".

Per Statista, so far in 2021 there have been 68 white mass shooters in the US and 21 black.  When 60% of Americans are white and 13% black, guess what?  I'll save you trying to do the math that is no doubt way beyond you:  That means a black man is much more likely to be a mass shooter than a white man. Oh, and the shooter in Texas was Hispanic. Imagine that.

Who's more likely to commit a murder in this country? Answer: a black man. Who's more likely to a victim of murder (and at the hands of a black man to boot)? Another black man.

Post all the numbers you like, you racist fucktard.

I'll smack you around like a $2 hooker.

The only thing you've proven on this site is your ability to be ignorant, racist and get your ass kicked when it comes to facts and reality.



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I hope Wee Willie doesn't come at me with stuff like this:  😟



Our analysis of Gun Violence Archive data found a total of 395 mass shootings as of August 24, an almost 45 percent increase over the same period last year. If the pace holds, this year’s total will be the highest tally since the organization began tracking shootings seven years ago. 

The mass shootings have disproportionately occurred in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Nearly 50 percent of the shootings analyzed by The Trace took place in majority-Black census tracts, though less than 10 percent of census tracts nationally have majority Black populations. The pattern held in almost every city that has had more than five mass shootings in 2020. In Chicago, for example, 31 out of 36 shootings with four or more victims happened in majority-Black census tracts. In Detroit and Milwaukee, each of which saw five mass shootings, all of them occurred in majority-Black neighborhoods.



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2 hours ago, concha said:


Your hatred of white people is palpable.

Do you think the SUV guy in Waukesha was all there mentally? I personally doubt it.  You almost seem to resent the very notion that these people might have psychological issues? Why? I can take a guess. You just like the ability to label any white guy you have a beef with as evil, not ill.

You claim that it is learned behavior (you mean "white learned", right?). Well guess what, you racist fucking dumbass. Apparently very fucking few white people are teaching. 

There are about 200 million white people in the USA.  How many white mass shooters?

Your dumb ass just spouts crap and you keep on getting humiliated by these little things called facts and truth.

You are a message board piñata.


Black Boyz  gotta hella rage , can’t even walk outside my house with out the fear Of black boy running me over

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Maybe Wee Willie will kick my ass with this one:

Since 2012, Mother Jones has added 29 more mass-shooting events to its database (and tweaked its definition of the crime to fit with new federal guidelines that placed the threshold at three victims instead of four). In this bigger data set, the proportion of white mass shooters drops down to 56 percent, by my count. Judging by those newer numbers, and the most current census estimate that 76.9 percent of Americans are white, the whites-are-overrepresented-among-mass-shooters meme appears even less accurate. Perpetrators that Mother Jones classifies as Asian make up 7.4 percent of the data set, versus an estimated 5.7 percent of the population, while those MoJo identifies as black represent 17.0 percent of the mass shooters in the database versus an estimated 13.3 percent of the population. According to this data set, then, Asians and black Americans are overrepresented among mass shooters by about the same proportion (a bit more than one-fourth) that whites are underrepresented. This means the population rate of mass shootings by whites (at least according to the tiny sample measured in the MoJo database) is 0.021 per 100,000 people, while the corresponding rate of mass shootings by blacks is 1.7 times higher, at 0.037.

This disparity, which could be thought of as the statistical non-whiteness of mass shootings, is much smaller in magnitude than the one for killings nationwide. Overall murder rates among black Americans are 6.3 times higher than they are for whites, according to a report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Another report suggests white offenders made up just 45.3 percent of everyone who committed homicides between 1980 and 2008.* In other words, white Americans may be somewhat underrepresented among mass shooters, but they’re even more underrepresented among all killers. 

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2 hours ago, concha said:

I hope Wee Willie doesn't come at me with stuff like this:  😟



Our analysis of Gun Violence Archive data found a total of 395 mass shootings as of August 24, an almost 45 percent increase over the same period last year. If the pace holds, this year’s total will be the highest tally since the organization began tracking shootings seven years ago. 

The mass shootings have disproportionately occurred in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Nearly 50 percent of the shootings analyzed by The Trace took place in majority-Black census tracts, though less than 10 percent of census tracts nationally have majority Black populations. The pattern held in almost every city that has had more than five mass shootings in 2020. In Chicago, for example, 31 out of 36 shootings with four or more victims happened in majority-Black census tracts. In Detroit and Milwaukee, each of which saw five mass shootings, all of them occurred in majority-Black neighborhoods.



...concha shows these stats to every parent of murdered children mowed down by AR-15's in random school shootings....he's done it for over a decade now.

The parents always feel better and concha always leaves their house giving them a big thumbs up.

Like I said before.

There's nothing new in this thread. Same tired bullshit from the same tired assholes.


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3 hours ago, concha said:


You use "white boys" to paint a broad brush over scores of millions.  Exactly how many have done "harm to the multitudes"?

Guess what, fuckwit?  Black guys commit mass shootings and killings too. "Waukesha".

Per Statista, so far in 2021 there have been 68 white mass shooters in the US and 21 black.  When 60% of Americans are white and 13% black, guess what?  I'll save you trying to do the math that is no doubt way beyond you:  That means a black man is much more likely to be a mass shooter than a white man. Oh, and the shooter in Texas was Hispanic. Imagine that.

Who's more likely to commit a murder in this country? Answer: a black man. Who's more likely to a victim of murder (and at the hands of a black man to boot)? Another black man.

Post all the numbers you like, you racist fucktard.

I'll smack you around like a $2 hooker.

The only thing you've proven on this site is your ability to be ignorant, racist and get your ass kicked when it comes to facts and reality.



I use it because that is the issue. They are at the center of this conversation.  You can count. They all have been in the news. The stats bear out the truth. 

68% to 21%.

Nothing more needs to be said. What that means is white boys are responsible for the majority of mass shootings, especially school shootings.

I don't make idle threats but you do you. You're funny.

You would rather try to pull hairs off a tigers ass in a phonebooth than fuck with me.

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2 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

I use it because that is the issue. They are at the center of this conversation.  You can count. They all have been in the news. The stats bear out the truth. 

68% to 21%.

Nothing more needs to be said. What that means is white boys are responsible for the majority of mass shootings, especially school shootings.

I don't make idle threats but you do you. You're funny.

You would rather try to pull hairs off a tigers ass in a phonebooth than fuck with me.


Jesu-Cristo...  You are just so laughably lost and ignorant.

Not "%".  68. 21. There are nearly 5x as many whites in this country as blacks.

You have never, ever been even remotely near a statistics course.

You are so fucking stupid that if one black man lived in China and he committed a mass shooting but Chinese people did two, you'd thump your chest about how bloodthirsty the Chinese are.






I'm curious what idle threat I made. No doubt with your head up your ass, where it seems to maintain permanent residence.


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16 hours ago, concha said:


There are 100 white guys and 10 black guys.

All 10 of the black dudes commit a mass shooting.

11 of 100 white guys do.


Wee Willie's genius analysis:

"Look how violent white folks are".

🤪  🤡


Difference is.........black men don't shoot up schools.

Stay on topic.

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11 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

Difference is.........black men don't shoot up schools.

Stay on topic.


66 dead kids in Chicago from gunshots last year. Overwhelmingly black.


Just in one city.

But Wee Willie only gives a fuck when he can point at whitey.

What a total sell-out, racist piece of shit.



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