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Donald Trump has saved NATO – and the West

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It may sound counter-intuitive, but Donald Trump has probably done more to strengthen Nato than any other political leader in recent years. While he was president, he berated European members of the alliance for failing to pay what he called their “dues”, accusing them of freeloading on the US.

Earlier this year, he seemed to go even further by suggesting at an election rally, not only that he would not bring America to the defence of “delinquent” Nato members, but would encourage Russia to attack them. Cue a predictable international outcry, led by Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg, who accused him of undermining “all of our security”. Joe Biden, of course, waded in, saying Trump’s remarks were “appalling and dangerous” and would give Putin “a green light for more war and violence”.

Both of them were wrong. Anyone who has the slightest understanding of Trump’s negotiating techniques knows that he is unlikely to have meant what he said literally; it was a rhetorical device to emphasise his entirely valid point about recalcitrant Nato members. As for a green light, it was Biden who flashed that at Putin with his disastrous retreat from Kabul in 2021, which can only have contributed to Moscow’s calculations on invading Ukraine the following year.

Trump’s presidency was in fact a red light against Putin’s aggression, largely because of his unpredictable nature. And that same unpredictability has now rattled many Nato leaders into recognising that they need to step up their defence efforts for fear that he might abandon Nato in a second term.

Remembering Trump’s mercurial character, it is of course possible that as president he might actually pull the US out of Nato, though that would require Congressional approval. His then National Security Adviser, John Bolton, said he came close to doing so back in 2018. But even if that does happen, Trump-driven increased spending in Europe will have already made the world a safer place.


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  • Slotback Right changed the title to Donald Trump has saved NATO – and the West


Whether you credit Trump or the Russian invasion of Ukraine (or both), the fact is that Trump was right.

We have seen reactions of leftist bootlickers like WC and Andy. They don't care about anything other than disagreeing with Orange Man Bad.

Look at this epic dumbassery from WC:

"Btw, you know what would keep us out of foreign wars.  A strong NATO.  And that does not depend on Germany paying 1.6% or 2%.  It is an agreement not a transaction."  



So, by Dumbass's estimation, security in a defense pact is determined simply by the agreement.  Whether or not the participants actually spend adequate amounts to properly arm themselves is irrelevant.  The naivete and stupidity of this is astounding.

The Germans have admitted to - due to 30 years of underspending on defense - not even being able to defend themselves.  Where is the strength in partnering with those who won't even adequately defend themselves?


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16 hours ago, concha said:


Whether you credit Trump or the Russian invasion of Ukraine (or both), the fact is that Trump was right.

We have seen reactions of leftist bootlickers like WC and Andy. They don't care about anything other than disagreeing with Orange Man Bad.

Look at this epic dumbassery from WC:

"Btw, you know what would keep us out of foreign wars.  A strong NATO.  And that does not depend on Germany paying 1.6% or 2%.  It is an agreement not a transaction."  



So, by Dumbass's estimation, security in a defense pact is determined simply by the agreement.  Whether or not the participants actually spend adequate amounts to properly arm themselves is irrelevant.  The naivete and stupidity of this is astounding.

The Germans have admitted to - due to 30 years of underspending on defense - not even being able to defend themselves.  Where is the strength in partnering with those who won't even adequately defend themselves?


LMAO!!!  And?  Everything you say is just simple and dumb...and wrong.  And Trump has never been right.  

So let me summarize your position...we should elect a traitor as President and destroy our Democracy in doing it, abandon our commitments to NATO because Germany has not yet increased their goal of by 0.4%.  Give Putin an easy path to whatever he wants without the slightest of pushback.  All because Germany is putting 1.6% (and currently increasing) of their GDP towards NATO defense.  Brilliant strategy and totally not transactional.  Somehow this is worse than the United States going back on OUR commitments and what we said we would do.

As for caring about nothing but 'disagreeing with orange man bad'?  That is what a cult member would say.  Extremely simple and wrong and frankly embarrassing.  You are worthy of pity and nothing else.  You have a cult leader who wants to execute his Generals for not being sufficiently loyal to him, wants to ignore the constitution, wanted to put Biden and family in prison even before the election, has been proven to be a rapist, paid millions to keep people quiet about his scandalous shit, paid 2 women 250K or so just to have sex and not talk about it, tried to overthrow this government.  And you support this.  LMAO. 

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14 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

LMAO!!!  And?  Everything you say is just simple and dumb...and wrong.  And Trump has never been right.  

So let me summarize your position...we should elect a traitor as President and destroy our Democracy in doing it, abandon our commitments to NATO because Germany has not yet increased their goal of by 0.4%.  Give Putin an easy path to whatever he wants without the slightest of pushback.  All because Germany is putting 1.6% (and currently increasing) of their GDP towards NATO defense.  Brilliant strategy and totally not transactional.  Somehow this is worse than the United States going back on OUR commitments and what we said we would do.

As for caring about nothing but 'disagreeing with orange man bad'?  That is what a cult member would say.  Extremely simple and wrong and frankly embarrassing.  You are worthy of pity and nothing else.  You have a cult leader who wants to execute his Generals for not being sufficiently loyal to him, wants to ignore the constitution, wanted to put Biden and family in prison even before the election, has been proven to be a rapist, paid millions to keep people quiet about his scandalous shit, paid 2 women 250K or so just to have sex and not talk about it, tried to overthrow this government.  And you support this.  LMAO. 


Let's just start the further exposure of your stupidity by pointing out that the last thing Putin would want is increased NATO spending... which Trump has pushed for and certain allies you choose to fellate have not done for DECADES. 🤡

We can also point out that while Trump was president, Putin invaded precisely nowhere. 🤡

We can also point out that it took the Ukraine invasion to get Germany to increase defense spending and even the German press has pointed out that they are cooking the books on that. 🤡

The several other bullshit attacks on Trump have nothing to do with this and simply prove your intellectual weakness on the matter.

Trump and I are so wrong that the Germans even admit to their negligence. 🤣 🤡

30 years of negligent underspending by a key "ally" and rather than criticize them, all you are able to do is criticize Trump.  It's a disease. And you are the simple-minded afflicted.


I repeat... the Germans even ADMIT to what Trump pointed out. But you are so woefully afflicted by your TDS that if Trump were to state that 1+1=2, you would blindly dispute it. Seek fucking professional help.


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LMAO, to the right wingnuts who now comically claim the brilliance of the unfiltered words that flow daily from their God's filthy mouth. Big Orange doesn't really mean what he spews, it's all psychology...child psychology. Yes means no, good means bad, Putin has the OK to invade Allies,etc,ect... who cares ! I got no problem questioning the effectiveness and need in these times for the NATO alliance, Snail darters, or tree huggers. Or any other long/short term agreement between countries, friends or advocates. But if words coming from the mouth of the "Leader of The Free World" are ambiguous, inflaming, or just plain ignorant, how can that be a good and safe thing. Trump says stupid things everyday. He enjoys throwing red meat, in the form of insults and put downs, to his fan boys, supporters and deplorables. Hillary got that one right. Problem with Trump is he can't discern the difference in words coming from a nut case blogger (drink bleach) or the words from a Pulitzer Prize winning Wall Street Journal columnist. He repeats what he reads... no filter, no substantiations, no fact checking. He's raw and dangerous. Not good traits for a man in his position.

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3 hours ago, dan in daytona said:

LMAO, to the right wingnuts who now comically claim the brilliance of the unfiltered words that flow daily from their God's filthy mouth. Big Orange doesn't really mean what he spews, it's all psychology...child psychology. Yes means no, good means bad, Putin has the OK to invade Allies,etc,ect... who cares ! I got no problem questioning the effectiveness and need in these times for the NATO alliance, Snail darters, or tree huggers. Or any other long/short term agreement between countries, friends or advocates. But if words coming from the mouth of the "Leader of The Free World" are ambiguous, inflaming, or just plain ignorant, how can that be a good and safe thing. Trump says stupid things everyday. He enjoys throwing red meat, in the form of insults and put downs, to his fan boys, supporters and deplorables. Hillary got that one right. Problem with Trump is he can't discern the difference in words coming from a nut case blogger (drink bleach) or the words from a Pulitzer Prize winning Wall Street Journal columnist. He repeats what he reads... no filter, no substantiations, no fact checking. He's raw and dangerous. Not good traits for a man in his position.


Dummy, I've shared several articles from the GERMAN press confirming Trump's stance. Press releases from the German military itself confirm it.

Instead of dealing with facts around the actual topic, all you clowns can do is rip your ass cheeks apart and spray shit around like angry monkeys.




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On 4/28/2024 at 3:42 AM, Slotback Right said:

It may sound counter-intuitive, but Donald Trump has probably done more to strengthen Nato than any other political leader in recent years. While he was president, he berated European members of the alliance for failing to pay what he called their “dues”, accusing them of freeloading on the US.

Earlier this year, he seemed to go even further by suggesting at an election rally, not only that he would not bring America to the defence of “delinquent” Nato members, but would encourage Russia to attack them. Cue a predictable international outcry, led by Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg, who accused him of undermining “all of our security”. Joe Biden, of course, waded in, saying Trump’s remarks were “appalling and dangerous” and would give Putin “a green light for more war and violence”.

Both of them were wrong. Anyone who has the slightest understanding of Trump’s negotiating techniques knows that he is unlikely to have meant what he said literally; it was a rhetorical device to emphasise his entirely valid point about recalcitrant Nato members. As for a green light, it was Biden who flashed that at Putin with his disastrous retreat from Kabul in 2021, which can only have contributed to Moscow’s calculations on invading Ukraine the following year.

Trump’s presidency was in fact a red light against Putin’s aggression, largely because of his unpredictable nature. And that same unpredictability has now rattled many Nato leaders into recognising that they need to step up their defence efforts for fear that he might abandon Nato in a second term.

Remembering Trump’s mercurial character, it is of course possible that as president he might actually pull the US out of Nato, though that would require Congressional approval. His then National Security Adviser, John Bolton, said he came close to doing so back in 2018. But even if that does happen, Trump-driven increased spending in Europe will have already made the world a safer place.



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2 hours ago, dan in daytona said:

LMAO, to the right wingnuts who now comically claim the brilliance of the unfiltered words that flow daily from their God's filthy mouth. Big Orange doesn't really mean what he spews, it's all psychology...child psychology. Yes means no, good means bad, Putin has the OK to invade Allies,etc,ect... who cares ! I got no problem questioning the effectiveness and need in these times for the NATO alliance, Snail darters, or tree huggers. Or any other long/short term agreement between countries, friends or advocates. But if words coming from the mouth of the "Leader of The Free World" are ambiguous, inflaming, or just plain ignorant, how can that be a good and safe thing. Trump says stupid things everyday. He enjoys throwing red meat, in the form of insults and put downs, to his fan boys, supporters and deplorables. Hillary got that one right. Problem with Trump is he can't discern the difference in words coming from a nut case blogger (drink bleach) or the words from a Pulitzer Prize winning Wall Street Journal columnist. He repeats what he reads... no filter, no substantiations, no fact checking. He's raw and dangerous. Not good traits for a man in his position.

Afghanistan withdrawal claiming American lives. Ukraine/Russia war. Palestinian-Iran/Israel war. Tensions never higher

- Biden


The Abraham Accords. Historic peace treaties between Arab and Jewish nations. No new wars anywhere in the world

- Trump 


Im a fucking dumbass 

- DouchebagDan and WorldNotAmericanCitizen

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11 hours ago, concha said:


Dummy, I've shared several articles from the GERMAN press confirming Trump's stance. Press releases from the German military itself confirm it.

Instead of dealing with facts around the actual topic, all you clowns can do is rip your ass cheeks apart and spray shit around like angry monkeys.




Look A-Hole, like the majority of the German citizenry, particularly old East Germans, I don't see current Russia as the Boogeyman they are portrayed. More that of a fallen corrupt empire, with a gigantic inferiority complex that shouldn't be prodded and poked into a corner for nationalistic political gain. Fuck around with to much "Macho" and the whole world loses, dies...even you tough internet cats. Much of Eastern Germany still needs industry and development after 50 years of stagnation. They say screw the missiles, we want jobs. All Western democracies make these "Guns or Butter" decisions. I say we bring home our standing US Military of 35,000+ soldiers now in Germany for the last 80 years and call it even. History tells us Germany caused two World Wars and the loss of 100,000,000 lives. So they're a little slow with the Guns... so what !    

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8 hours ago, dan in daytona said:

Look A-Hole, like the majority of the German citizenry, particularly old East Germans, I don't see current Russia as the Boogeyman they are portrayed. More that of a fallen corrupt empire, with a gigantic inferiority complex that shouldn't be prodded and poked into a corner for nationalistic political gain. Fuck around with to much "Macho" and the whole world loses, dies...even you tough internet cats. Much of Eastern Germany still needs industry and development after 50 years of stagnation. They say screw the missiles, we want jobs. All Western democracies make these "Guns or Butter" decisions. I say we bring home our standing US Military of 35,000+ soldiers now in Germany for the last 80 years and call it even. History tells us Germany caused two World Wars and the loss of 100,000,000 lives. So they're a little slow with the Guns... so what !    


They don't, Jeeneeus? 🤣

I guess that's why they have stopped buying Russian oil & gas. Why worry when the Russian Bear starts invading its neighbors, amirite? 🤡

And not sure if you noticed, but your argument kinds speaks to NATO being outdated and unnecessary, especially if they aren't willing to actually pay for an effective military.,. Your fellow leftists on this site might not like that.

FYI, we seemed to trust Germany in the 80s with a military several times the size of what they have now.



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6 hours ago, concha said:


They don't, Jeeneeus? 🤣

I guess that's why they have stopped buying Russian oil & gas. Why worry when the Russian Bear starts invading its neighbors, amirite? 🤡

And not sure if you noticed, but your argument kinds speaks to NATO being outdated and unnecessary, especially if they aren't willing to actually pay for an effective military.,. Your fellow leftists on this site might not like that.

FYI, we seemed to trust Germany in the 80s with a military several times the size of what they have now.





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