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Belly Bob

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Belly Bob last won the day on February 2 2023

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  1. Would that help? Let's try it. It would be morally permissible to increase the net sum of his suffering by jailing him for the remainder of his natural life, since increasing the net sum of a person's suffering isn't morally wrong provided that he's murdered two young women. It would be morally wrong to execute him, though, since killing is wrong and two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not sure that helps. Or maybe you were being humorous: we should keep him in jail because it would be worse for him.
  2. That's an odd trio of thoughts.
  3. It doesn't matter to the people here that the Daily Mail is a deprecated source. So is Newsmax. So is OANN. So is The Epoch Times. Etc. If it publishes what they want to hear, it's a good source. If it doesn't, it's not. I don't think it goes any deeper than that.
  4. Here, the way you determine whether a source of news is reliable is by measuring the extent to which it confirms opinions you already hold.
  5. Isn't that how the game is played? Find an idiot on the right or left and then use it to disparage the right or left. Were you expecting something else over here?
  6. America's college campuses are a good place to look. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-colleges-become-flashpoints-protests-both-sides-israel-hamas-war-2023-10-13/
  7. Did you want to change the subject?
  8. Several BLM chapters: Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Phoenix. The Black Alliance for Peace. Several chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America. These are some leftist groups who have published official statements in support of Hamas.
  9. The right generally pursue their political ends in a US Constitutional approved way as well. I agree, but I'm not sure the right does more looting and burning than the left. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. etc. But who cares. Suppose you're correct that the idiots on the right are worse than the idiots on the left. What would be the takeaway point?
  10. I'm sure there's better stuff out there, but I think this guy did a good job, if you've got 20 minutes and you're interested enough.
  11. It's sounds like being leftist isn't the issue driving US foreign policy, since, as you yourself point out, we do business with Vietnam and China. Moreover, why would you think that not interfering with foreign states would reduce immigration? To use your Vietnam example, immigrants from Vietnam doubled in the 80s and then doubled again in the 90s. And most undocumented immigrants living in the US today are from Mexico, and I'm not sure how much energy the US has exerted in undermining Mexico's government.
  12. It's almost like how most Republicans try to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 👇 It's almost like Democrats and Republicans both have a hard time thinking for themselves.
  13. Then how do you make sense of deplatforming and cancel culture? Maybe. How do you measure dangerous and ignorant? But who cares when the left, here and abroad, are also dangerous and ignorant. Go Hamas! Right? Have you payed attention to this thread or this forum? The left does a pretty good job of hating folks who aren't like themselves.
  14. I heard it at Berkeley. So I don't know why you think it's so implausible.
  15. He should know that since he knows how little Grayson does with all their recruited talent.
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