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Illegals coming to this country to have kids will end


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19 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

What's hilarious is these liberal scumbags that have been wanting to dismantle the 1st and 2nd amendment are now the defenders of the 14th!!! 

"We must uphold the constitution!" 😂

These lunatics are deranged 

Trump just pushed them into a corner. They now have to defend illegals even more. The 14th amendment has nothing to do with illegals. It's for citizens. 


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5 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

I'm assuming he's just trying to fire up the voters with this move, since it's really not the best idea for him to actually do it. 


That said, it would at least be interesting to see the SCOTUS interpret the "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" language in the 14A.

Why isnt it the best move? It makes complete sense. It should have been done 30 years ago

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31 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

Why isnt it the best move? It makes complete sense. It should have been done 30 years ago

I don't think it's a great idea to fuck around with the constitution via Executive Order.

I agree that the 14A is being abused well beyond it's original intent in this case, but things pertaining to the Constitution should be done via legislation, and then through the SCOTUS, if necessary. 

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6 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

I don't think it's a great idea to fuck around with the constitution via Executive Order.

I agree that the 14A is being abused well beyond it's original intent in this case, but things pertaining to the Constitution should be done via legislation, and then through the SCOTUS, if necessary. 

It will get to scotus. that's exactly what trump wants. Hes got a conservative scotus. I have a feeling he already knows what the outcome will be if it gets there. Just like the travel ban he can now use to stop the caravan 

Obama signed plenty of EO by the way

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2 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

Trump to sign the EO ending this. It should have been done 30 years ago. Cant come to this country to have kids and have the right of citizenship

I remember you posting about too many Spanish people living on your street.

If trump could just shitcan those folks back wherever you'd be in white man's heaven...

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37 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

I don't think it's a great idea to fuck around with the constitution via Executive Order.

I agree that the 14A is being abused well beyond it's original intent in this case, but things pertaining to the Constitution should be done via legislation, and then through the SCOTUS, if necessary. 

Perhaps a good view of it.

Birthright citizenship for illegal aliens is preposterous. But using EO to ban it may not be the way to go about fixing it.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

Perhaps a good view of it.

Birthright citizenship for illegal aliens is preposterous. But using EO to ban it may not be the way to go about fixing it.

Congress won't be around til after midterms. Sign the EO. It will be legally challenged. Take it to SCOTUS. Win at SCOTUS and its law!!!!!


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Cajun isn't used to a President putting the Safety and benefit of legal America citizens. His President used his time strengthening our enemies, stabbing our allies in the back, creating a war on police narrative and dividing the country at every turn. 

Trump is taking every necessary step to ensure that legal citizens are taking care of, and being the world's ATM is over. 

Its about damn time. He needs to close this loop hole that illegals take advantage of with their anchor babies. 

And remember, when someone uses racist rhetoric like Cajun they have ulterior motives. People that stick up for illegals are enemies of American citizens 

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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

Cajun isn't used to a President putting the Safety and benefit of legal America citizens. His President used his time strengthening our enemies, stabbing our allies in the back, creating a war on police narrative and dividing the country at every turn. 

Trump is taking every necessary step to ensure that legal citizens are taking care of, and being the world's ATM is over. 

Its about damn time. He needs to close this loop hole that illegals take advantage of with their anchor babies. 

And remember, when someone uses racist rhetoric like Cajun they have ulterior motives. People that stick up for illegals are enemies of American citizens 

I just wish he would pull us out of the WTO and the UN. Both organizations do not do anything good for the US

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Why don't the four of you put your heads together and come up with a compelling argument for why the rights and privileges of citizenship should be determined by birth? You might then be able to expand it to justify the claim that it should be determined so in this case but not in that case.

That might be interesting to someone who isn't already a fanboy of a political party and who nods his head in agreement to whatever the party happens to be saying on this day.

Otherwise it's just the same four guys once again parroting the party lines and "liking" each other's posts for doing it. 

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2 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

What's hilarious is these liberal scumbags that have been wanting to dismantle the 1st and 2nd amendment are now the defenders of the 14th!!! 

"We must uphold the constitution!" 😂

These lunatics are deranged 

That is funny.

But what's really hilarious is when the conservatives accuse the liberals of being inconsistent in their appeals to the Constitution while they themselves do the same thing. 

That's a political joke that will never ever get old. 

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16 minutes ago, concha said:

I think it should be determined by a dance off.

Or maybe a belching contest.

So you've not really thought about this issue either. 

Do you ever get tired of realizing that you've got almost nothing to offer in support of your political opinions?

Don't you find that embarrassing as a grown man with interests in politics? 

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20 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

So you've not really thought about this issue either. 

Do you ever get tired of realizing that you've got almost nothing to offer in support of your political opinions?

Don't you find that embarrassing as a grown man with interests in politics? 

Let me try and answer for him since it's a relatively easy question even for him.

NO, NO and NO...xD

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45 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

It's not stupid at all.....hes gonna force dems to defend illegals. 

But how many voters are the children of immigrants? its one thing to go after a block of people who cant vote, whole other ball game to go after a block of people that are voters! One second he is saying that latinos should vote for him because they unemployment rate is so slow, now he is saying that if he were president 30 40 50 years ago they wouldnt be allowed to vote.... Dumb Move

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5 minutes ago, ron169 said:

But how many voters are the children of immigrants? its one thing to go after a block of people who cant vote, whole other ball game to go after a block of people that are voters! One second he is saying that latinos should vote for him because they unemployment rate is so slow, now he is saying that if he were president 30 40 50 years ago they wouldnt be allowed to vote.... Dumb Move

Go look up the number. I'm sure there are plenty of voters who are citizens today because there mother gave birth to them. 

Hes saying legal Hispanics who came to this country legally and applied for citizenship and got it vote for him because his policies are helping them

Someone who walks over the border and spits out a kid is not the same thing and it is abusing a loophole that should have been closed a long time ago. 

My mother has been seeing this kind of stuff her whole career in a hospital in NYC

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