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Iowa republican steve king supports White Supremacists


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Interesting....I guess this is the type stuff the wing nut tucks away in the "I Sure Hope No One Notices" file...

Land O’Lakes Withdraws Support For White Supremacist GOP Congressman Steve King


Land O’Lakes, the Minnesota-based dairy giant, announced Tuesday it will not make any further campaign contributions to Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who just last week detailed his white nationalist worldview in an interview with a far-right publication.

“We take our civic responsibility seriously, want our contributions to be a positive force for good and also seek to ensure that recipients of our contributions uphold our company’s values,” the company said in a statement. “On that basis, we have determined that our PAC will no longer support Rep. Steve King moving forward.”

King is one of dozens of Republicans and Democrats the Land O’Lakes PAC has supported in 2018. The PAC has spent more than $400,000 in the midterms so far, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. It has given $2,500 to King, whose campaign has spent more than $680,000 so far.

The dairy company is not the first to drop its support for the congressman, who is running against Democratic challenger J.D. Scholten in the November midterm elections. Similarly, technology corporation Intel told employees in an internal email that it would no longer donate to King’s re-election campaign after looking into his public statements and determining that “they conflict with Intel values.” 

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27 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

You won't get a peep. And the reason is obvious. 

I know.


King is currently in a tie with former baseball player J.D. Scholten as of yesterday in a district trump won by 27 points....


In recent years, King has challenged liberals to name a single “subgroup of people,” at any time in human history, that “contribute[d] more to civilization” than “white people”; praised a virulently Islamophobic Dutch politician for understanding that “demographics are our destiny” and that the West “can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies”; tweeted, “Diversity is not our strength,” and, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one”; tried to prevent the U.S. Treasury from putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill; endorsed a far-right Austrian party that was founded by Nazis, and is currently led by a former neo-Nazi; and told his followers that if they wish to understand what will happen if America tries to restore its civilization with “whatever washes up on our shore,” they should read Camp of the Saints, a French novel with the following plot:


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29 minutes ago, RedZone said:

There's fish in this pond bump..

Oh yeah, wing nut fishing in the Hillary pond.

Go figure.

What pathetic fisherman...

The Hillary post was their attempt to deflect. For not one of them here would denounce King. After all he probably represents the views of some of them. So, to denounce would be to denounce themselves. 

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1 minute ago, DarterBlue said:

The people of Iowa are not bad. They are misguided. Steve King is another vile person. It is results like these why I am pessimistic about the future. 

They are misguided because they didn't vote for some left wing extremist? 

You and your party want to flood the country with illegals, dismantle the 2nd amendment, falsely accuse good people of horrific crimes, and keep people dependent on government. 

Some people aren't drawn to that 

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12 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

And in MN they voted for an israel hater and a wife beater. And that's 2 different people. Also voted for someone who wants to get rid of ICE. MN is one screwed up state. 

Yeah it's because tbey have some huge Somali/Muslim community that all went there. They have infiltrated the state to the point they will be pushing for Sharia Law up there. 

It is a screwed up ass state. I'm glad I will always be far away from that shit 

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Yeah it's because tbey have some huge Somali/Muslim community that all went there. They have infiltrated the state to the point they will be pushing for Sharia Law up there. 

It is a screwed up ass state. I'm glad I will always be far away from that shit 

Yep I've heard about it. And last night confirms it. Idk what's the worst blue state out there but MN might just be worse than CA and NY

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