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OT: Trump taking credit for jobs that are the result of Obama's policies

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Republicans truly get dumber by the election cycle..


If they TRULY believed a president's policies affected job growth in just it's second month (trends be damned), then IMAGINE how they would have eviscerated Obama when 702,000 jobs were lost in his second month. No one, not even Republicans, were that stupid then. But then, Republicans were smart enough to nominate much more honorable candidates

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9 minutes ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

Republicans truly get dumber by the election cycle..


If they TRULY believed a president's policies affected job growth in just it's second month (trends be damned), then IMAGINE how they would have eviscerated Obama when 702,000 jobs were lost in his second month. No one, not even Republicans, were that stupid then. But then, Republicans were smart enough to nominate much more honorable candidates

Agree, I've read some of the most ridiculous things today from them on this topic.

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11 minutes ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

Republicans truly get dumber by the election cycle..

Perhaps...that said, they've also been kicking the shit out of you at the same time. 

Hopefully your faux intellectual superiority will provide some comfort during the next 8+ years that they're running the country. 

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6 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

Perhaps...that said, they've also been kicking the shit out of you at the same time. 

Hopefully your faux intellectual superiority will provide some comfort during the next 8+ years that they're running the country. 

lol... look at this fool


somebody tell this clown that adults are more interested in progression rather than being right


We wont complain if Trump increases consumer confidence 25 points... triples the stock market, or cut unemployment in half

those are the traits of Trumptards

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1 hour ago, zulu1128 said:

Haven't seen SOC this assclenched in quite awhile. 

Hope everything's okay. 

Simple concepts seem to enrage him.

The election was over four months ago, but he seems to think people and companies are only now realizing the reality of Trump as the president.

It makes it all the more funny when he claims intellectual superiority.  The average skid row bum is probably more up-to-speed than he is.

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1 hour ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

Republicans truly get dumber by the election cycle..


If they TRULY believed a president's policies affected job growth in just it's second month (trends be damned), then IMAGINE how they would have eviscerated Obama when 702,000 jobs were lost in his second month. No one, not even Republicans, were that stupid then. But then, Republicans were smart enough to nominate much more honorable candidates

You are apparently not bright enough to realize that the election happened over four months ago.

Are you so dimwitted that you think people and companies would ignore Trump's election and his stated economic plans?

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11 minutes ago, concha said:

You are apparently not bright enough to realize that the election happened over four months ago.

Are you so dimwitted that you think people and companies would ignore Trump's election and his stated economic plans?

rephrased as an adult would speak:

The election happened over 4 months ago.

People and companies, being aware of this and his stated economic plan, would be likely to respond.  (as I believe they have causing the positive numbers I have spoken to)



hope this helps!


anything else I can for you, just let me know.

Noone is always ready to help!

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5 hours ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

 I find it amazing that Trump and his supporters (along with many in the 'liberal' media) are giving Trump credit for jobs Obama created! A presidents policies could not have any impact on the economy until at least six months after inauguration. Most analyst claim even longer. I would ask that Trump supporters on this board to revisit this subject in six months to a year but we all know facts are just not what they do. Any  sane, knowledgeable Republican would've thanked Obama for these numbers and wished like hell Trump could continue the trend. The masses are truly lacking in morals and credibility

 He and his supporters, as well as many in the 'liberal' media are also giving Trump credit for money given to HCBU's by OBAMA. Are Trump supporters that stupid? Why are the rules always changed for whatever idiot Trailer America shoves in our face?



it lists Trump's contributions to this ecomony

OH, FUCK YOU FOOL! You dumb ass DEMS are FUNNY as SHIT! Do you think that it was just a coinkidink, that the stock market started to SOAR by 2500 points, five minutes after Trump won the election?xDxDxD And I QUOTE! "THESE jobs will NEVER come back to America!".(signed, BARACK HUSSEIN OBANA) SINCE that time, more than a dozen major corporations have said that they will bring BACK jobs to AMERICA, due in LARGE part to the overtures set forth by DONALD J. TRUMP, PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!! And THIS is JUST the beginning! FIRST, Attorney General Sessions and the Justice Department, must find the leaks and PROSECUTE to the FULLEST extent of the law! I suggest that Holder, Jarrett, Crapper, and Lynch, et al., had better head for the hills before that door closes!

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2 hours ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:





I see you like to go full retard\insert laughing emoticon whenever presented with facts



WHAT POLICIES, SOCIALISM? Barry had never HEARD of the companies who sent their CEO's to the White House recently! These jobs are coming back because of the promise of corporate tax cuts to 15-20%. And the lowering of Federal regulations by 75%, that are killing jobs in AMERICA! These jobs are coming back because these regulations had STRANGLED SMALL business! These jobs are coming back, because Donald J. Trump is a BUSINESS man, and NOT a community organizer, who couldn't organize a birthday party for his half bro, who lives in a cardboard house in AFRICA! Barry is a JOKE!

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4 hours ago, Horsefly said:

Job growth in construction in some areas of the country was forecasted years ago based on anticipated growth in particular areas, whether residential or commercial expansion.  you can see it in places like north Texas, where Toyota decided years ago to build a state of the art headquarters.  When those constructions contracts are signed is when construction jobs will be created and filled.  That may be years after a decsion has been made.

las vegas is another example where back in 2015 they projected construction growth through 2017/2018.

And in East Plano near the George Bush  and 75 with State Farm Moving there from California.

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2 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

And in East Plano near the George Bush  and 75 with State Farm Moving there from California.

Yep, and in some cases these decisions were made years ago based on demand for expansion or relocation, not in the last two months bc some guy was elected to office and made some loose promises.  Pretty flimsy theory to think businesses strategize on promises and less on historical performance.  

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13 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

And in East Plano near the George Bush  and 75 with State Farm Moving there from California.

And at a secondary level, the new businesses coming into the metroplex will drive construction for new houses, not precipitated bc of trump says moly existing, but bc of market demands driven from major corporate relocations. 

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3 hours ago, noonereal said:

rephrased as an adult would speak:

The election happened over 4 months ago.

People and companies, being aware of this and his stated economic plan, would be likely to respond.  (as I believe they have causing the positive numbers I have spoken to)



hope this helps!


anything else I can for you, just let me know.

Noone is always ready to help!

Man! I get that you are Sir Neutral...But don't  cave in to the stupidity ...


Those numbers, which have Trumptard gushing their panties, are in line with monthly job numbers from the past SIX YEARS, due to Barry O's policies... there's absolutely no buck in trend 


Do you notice how they're now taking credit for the same numbers they'd trash Obama for?

Hell the job numbers are actually down from the MONTH BEFORE but they still can't control themselves ....smh ??



I get that they're passionate in their stupidity, especially Cuntra.... but no need to throw any bones  on this one... they've lifted their skirts and exposed themselves for imbeciles, once again

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2 hours ago, ORabidOne said:

OH, FUCK YOU FOOL! You dumb ass DEMS are FUNNY as SHIT! Do you think that it was just a coinkidink, that the stock market started to SOAR by 2500 points, five minutes after Trump won the election?xDxDxD And I QUOTE! "THESE jobs will NEVER come back to America!".(signed, BARACK HUSSEIN OBANA) SINCE that time, more than a dozen major corporations have said that they will bring BACK jobs to AMERICA, due in LARGE part to the overtures set forth by DONALD J. TRUMP, PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!! And THIS is JUST the beginning! FIRST, Attorney General Sessions and the Justice Department, must find the leaks and PROSECUTE to the FULLEST extent of the law! I suggest that Holder, Jarrett, Crapper, and Lynch, et al., had better head for the hills before that door closes!



Zulu must've  called and woke his uncle up 


this is a pure indication they intend to take this discussion deeper into the full retard rabbit hole



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1 hour ago, Horsefly said:

And at a secondary level, the new businesses coming into the metroplex will drive construction for new houses, not precipitated bc of trump says moly existing, but bc of market demands driven from major corporate relocations. 

Technically it's Richardson.  But man it is called cityline and it is awesome.  Mass transit right there and awesome restaurants and housing for thousands.  I drove over there from work last night.  Beautiful place.  Exactly I guess Obama should get credit for Having these Fortune 500 Companies relocate to where the market demand is. Some time it's better to not even waste your time when foolishness is involved.  The Economy sucked ass 9 years ago and have been flourishing.  Now Trump says the job numbers are now true but not when  OBAMA was in office.  Now what damn fool believe anything this lying ass man let come out of his mouth? I was told not to trust a liar.  He is not trying to hide it and when caught in a lie just create another damn lie.  This is unheard of.  Remember he claimed 42% were unemployed.  That is not a joke no matter how ridiculous you think it is. Dude actually said it but now they are magically correct because Puff the Magic Orange Man is in office now.



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8 minutes ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

Man! I get that you are Sir Neutral...But don't  cave in to the stupidity ...

Those numbers, which have Trumptard gushing their panties, are in line with monthly job numbers from the past SIX YEARS, due to Barry O's policies... there's absolutely no buck in trend 

Do you notice how they're now taking credit for the same numbers they'd trash Obama for?

Hell the job numbers are actually down from the MONTH BEFORE but they still can't control themselves ....smh ??

I get that they're passionate in their stupidity, especially Cuntra.... but no need to throw any bones  on this one... they've lifted their skirts and exposed themselves for imbeciles, once again


The numbers both exceeded expectations and showed numbers for construction and manufacturing that were ten-year highs.  

They far exceeded the average number for 2016 and the averages for every year of Obama's presidency bar just one.

But they're "the same numbers they'd trash Obama for"?  That's just a stupidly ignorant statement that doesn't bear up to the slightest scrutiny.

And you are still advertising your ignorance in not recognizing that employers have known for over months that presidents (and thus policies) would be changing.


You are either willfully ignorant or just plain stupid.  Take your pick.


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This is one lying ass President. 


I'm gonna give this a try with the Bosses on Monday.  I am the greatest Insurance Salesman ever. I am gonna sell 1 million, 2 million, I even might sell 3 million.  I am gonna be the greatest Insurance salesman that God ever created.  Then I am gonna demand a 100% pay raise because I am gonna beat everyone in the Industry.  I'm without a doubt the greatest Insurance guy ever.  ^_^  More people will buy insurance from me cheaper than anyone and to close with them I'm gonna say we don't beat anyone in the Industry anymore.  China sells insurance cheaper and Mexicans buy it and drive to Mexico and give the insurance to people over there. Not anymore. 9_9 Then I am gonna say stop wasting money sending me to these sale seminars and learning from books called the Challenger Sale and Wilson Learning to enhance my techniques. I am now a Trump follower and lying is the new Selling strategy.



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