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Edit x2: There where 8 mass shootings in America on 5-18-2019...44 shot, 9 dead in incidents...


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33 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

When the time comes, you won't be able to find these rock dwellers.

They will run.

Your people committed 7 mass shootings in one day. Tell me about how it’s white people who do this majority of time. Media and govt cover up the real numbers. Ifnt, it would look really really bad for you and yours. 

You don’t like facts, you can’t prove them wrong....

Because I’ve posted facts....

You don’t like the truth...

You cry racism when given truth...

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4 hours ago, RedZone said:

You ever thought about a career at fox news?

I hear they have an opening for a "hannity shit taster apprentice". 

You'd be perfect.

You and nut are twins...

You prob have the same daddy that abandoned both you....

Both old men hateful men that don’t like facts. 

Perfect couple you 2 are. 

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6 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Ah. Got it. The same BS as usual. I thought maybe that you actually had something based in reality to talk about. I’m disappointed again. 

Are you really disappointed 😞 tho?? Do you expect anything different 



he never has anything informative to talk about, he just fumbles some words around to try to show he’s smart and not an illiterate Buffoon but backfires 99.9999999999999999999998 of the time 

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37 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

The truth.

The same truth you dodge now.

The truth is that there are all types of 'oppression'...

And all types of reactions to it...

You are attempting to define or debate murderer types by race...

You sure you want to go that route? 


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9 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium. This paper explicates the dynamics of White Fragility.

Freud you are not....

and your 'paper' is racially motivated pure projection...

Freud might say you posted it to feel better about yourself...

How's your ID doing?



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6 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Freud might say anything but he can't, he's dead.

Again, I am me.

Still having trouble dealing with the truth I see.


Acceptance that many blacks try to blame all their troubles on Whitey?

Ok. that's a given.....what else you got?

more pickles?

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1 minute ago, Sportsnut said:

Being the culprit that is shooting up the chdren in school.

See, it's true.

That is the whole purpose for the convo.

He wants to  change the narrative.

He is angry because angry white men are doing this so he wants to point out that Blacks are killing Blacks

I don't dispute that but he feels compelled to try and drive home some point.


Ok so I get being the 'culprit' as guilty...

But maybe you could explain the 'white' part of guilty...as in what that is supposed to mean...

Did he shoot up the town because he was white? 

Would the same apply to ...say...other skin tones with exponentially worse rates???


Have you thought ANY of your argument thru???


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Just now, Sportsnut said:

Do some homework on the subject of "Angry white males and check out who is responsible for the school shootings and who has been responsible for the majority of mass shootings in the country since 1986.

Do they blame it on them being white???

asking for a friend...

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7 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Do some homework on the subject of "Angry white males and check out who is responsible for the school shootings and who has been responsible for the majority of mass shootings in the country since 1986.

You will lose bigly on mass shootings in this country. In real life we will count the mass shootings in the hood. They may not matter to CNN or you but they’re real. 

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4 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

No, it has been studied and the results show various reasons for the white male anger.

Are they supposed to be any different from the reasons for black male anger?

asking for a friend...

and is there supposed to be any point at all in your above statement?

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Just now, Sportsnut said:

Look it up.

I did...

It says... "people that promote the idea that criminal activity can be blamed on melanin %, should not be the ones with the very worst results when viewed by that breakdown"...

Dividing it up that way and as the worst offender pointing to the lesser offender really just makes you look silly....

and you certainly are not winning any arguments that way...

whether you think you are or not... 

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2 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Deflection from or of the truth.

You sound like Barr.

So quit deflecting then 🤣  and explain to the class how  being white (or black) has anything to do with it...


or possibly you have some new theory as to why ones rates are exponentially worse than the others...That would at least be interesting lol



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