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Google: remember when I pointed out...


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Fake news, from a Fake poster..... Until you can vote at home, on your I-phone, or laying in bed this is nothing NEW. You still must physically mail in the official ballot, or take your ass down to vote. Only the uninformed are duped by sales pitches from the left or the right. Big Orange hoodwinks you fools everyday. Now you're surprised billion dollar "Facebook" ( and many others ) are targeting groups of voters to influence how they vote ?  Talk about a couple "greenhorns," still wet behind the ears. Spend less time watching "Fox" on the boob tube, and more of your free time reading the conservative "Wall Street Journal."  A brain is a terrible thing to waste !

4 hours ago, NorCalRuss said:

That’s only bad if the Russians do it for “Trump” Just ask any liberal Rat! 

Look Dipstick, one's a US company that employs thousands of Americans , the other's a renegade foreign adversary looking to sway an election. If you can't see the difference......Oh well, better get back on the grill...something you know  :)     

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7 hours ago, dan in daytona said:

Fake news, from a Fake poster..... Until you can vote at home, on your I-phone, or laying in bed this is nothing NEW. You still must physically mail in the official ballot, or take your ass down to vote. Only the uninformed are duped by sales pitches from the left or the right. Big Orange hoodwinks you fools everyday. Now you're surprised billion dollar "Facebook" ( and many others ) are targeting groups of voters to influence how they vote ?  Talk about a couple "greenhorns," still wet behind the ears. Spend less time watching "Fox" on the boob tube, and more of your free time reading the conservative "Wall Street Journal."  A brain is a terrible thing to waste !

Look Dipstick, one's a US company that employs thousands of Americans , the other's a renegade foreign adversary looking to sway an election. If you can't see the difference......Oh well, better get back on the grill...something you know  :)     

I actually agree with most of what you said. Anyone who is influenced by a fake meme or news story are clowns and the left and right have many, left just have many more. They’ve been lied to by msm for years over DTS. In California, you don’t have to mail in your ballot or go vote. Ballot harvesting is allowed which if you don’t think they’re doing a lot of illegal ballots then you’re “wet behind the ears”.🤣

Since ya mentioned it, I did put these on yesterday for 6.5 hrs very low and slow.

Finished with a homemade Apricot, Habaneros, Serrano’s, Jalapeños, and Carolina Reaper  jam and the other has same peppers with Black Cherries. 🐖🐖🐖  






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9 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

From trump this morning.

Lou Dobbs stated that this is a fraud on the American public.

stated with certainty that they suppressed negative stories on Hillary Clinton, and boosted negative stories on Donald Ttump. All very illegal. We are watching Google very closely

According to Scottsdale/nut, it’s ok nothing to see here, fake news!

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Twitter locked accounts belonging to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's re-election campaign and several prominent conservatives Monday, after they posted videos of left-wing protesters gathered outside McConnell's Kentucky home -- with one demonstrator calling for someone to stab McConnell "in the heart" and for McConnell to break his "raggedy" neck.

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7 minutes ago, NotBigdaddybloom said:


Twitter locked accounts belonging to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's re-election campaign and several prominent conservatives Monday, after they posted videos of left-wing protesters gathered outside McConnell's Kentucky home -- with one demonstrator calling for someone to stab McConnell "in the heart" and for McConnell to break his "raggedy" neck.

Saw that earlier. They do this blatant shit because they're used to getting away with it...no accountability by the media for obvious reasons. And the average liberal is too, for lack of a better word...too dumb...to realize what's happening. ORRR as I said before, I'm beginning to believe that they do see the unethicalness but simply don't care. They're ok with big tech and the media pushing their agenda. Do you want the ringer on your team or the other team? No Trump at all costs. Progressiveness at all costs. Socialism at all costs. 

Trump 2020😎

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18 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Saw that earlier. They do this blatant shit because they're used to getting away with it...no accountability by the media for obvious reasons. And the average liberal is too, for lack of a better word...too dumb...to realize what's happening. ORRR as I said before, I'm beginning to believe that they do see the unethicalness but simply don't care. They're ok with big tech and the media pushing their agenda. Do you want the ringer on your team or the other team? No Trump at all costs. Progressiveness at all costs. Socialism at all costs. 

Trump 2020😎

Thank god for "FOX." They're about the only bastion of truth left in the entire nation. Wonder why you little bitches whine so often. It's a conspiracy I tell you. 

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32 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

Thank god for "FOX." They're about the only bastion of truth left in the entire nation. Wonder why you little bitches whine so often. It's a conspiracy I tell you. 

If you call trying to help save our great nation before the  unethical, lying liberals completely fuck everything up more than you already have, then yes I’m “whining”.

And Fox is only real news from 4-8p pacific. Before that it’s not much better than the 100% crappola that you typically watch. Hope this helps👍

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1 minute ago, Blueliner said:

If you call trying to help save our great nation before you unethical, lying liberals completely fuck everything up more than you already have, then yes I’m “whining”.

And Fox is only real news from 4-8p pacific. Before that it’s not much better than the 100% crappola that you typically watch. Hope this helps👍

It does help. I always enjoy your "Fox" narrative. By doing a 180 then I know I'm going in the right direction. Thanks.

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1 hour ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Again compared to CNN and MSNBC??? Wake the fuck up!

Jeez. Right!!? There’s a reason CNN has 23 people watching over night. I honestly and sincerely don’t understand how an adult with any kind of critical thinking skills whatsoever can watch ANY of that nonsense. Forget left or right, CNN and the MSM are I just plain shit.

Little tidbits from yesterday:

1. Some asshat on CNN stated that “Trump’s order to leave the flags at half staff until August 8th is because THAT date is a message to white supremesists”. Now follow along...H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 8/8 = HH = Heil Hitler”. Just....wow. 

2. That nut job chick on MSNBC (forget her name...actually I never really cared to KNOW it), actually said that “Trump wants to exterminate Latinos”. Fucking exterminate.

You can not make any of this shit up. These statements, among too many others to list, were actually reported on major “news” organizations without ramification. Do we wonder why the leftists have become so unhinged. Even noon has finally went off the deep end. 


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47 minutes ago, concha said:

Google controls nearly 90% of the global search market. 

If they tweak algorithms to push certain information higher and suppress other data, of course they can shape and influence how and what many people think. 

The leftists love having the ringers on their team, but they won’t admit it. They’ll just say it’s all fair and balanced and that we’re just conspiracy theorists. Nothing to see her🙄

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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

Jeez. Right!!? There’s a reason CNN has 23 people watching over night. I honestly and sincerely don’t understand how an adult with any kind of critical thinking skills whatsoever can watch ANY of that nonsense. Forget left or right, CNN and the MSM are I just plain shit.

Little tidbits from yesterday:

1. Some asshat on CNN stated that “Trump’s order to leave the flags at half staff until August 8th is because THAT date is a message to white supremesists”. Now follow along...H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 8/8 = HH = Heil Hitler”. Just....wow. 

2. That nut job chick on MSNBC (forget her name...actually I never really cared to KNOW it), actually said that “Trump wants to exterminate Latinos”. Fucking exterminate.

You can not make any of this shit up. These statements, among too many others to list, were actually reported on major “news” organizations without ramification. Do we wonder why the leftists have become so unhinged. Even noon has finally went off the deep end. 


I put it on to try to watch sometimes and my wife yells at me, “how can you watch this garbage”!!! Hahaha

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