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Why won't Trump help NY as asked?


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1 hour ago, Horsefly said:

You look to insert his economic stats wherever, regardless of how irrelevant to the topic ... coronavirus 

This is a reminder to everyone that concha has been lying about economics for a very, very long time.

To explain his claim that Obama was a bad President he pulled out this whopper:

On 1/13/2017 at 11:57 AM, concha said:

Obama has been president for 8 years. Eight.

In not a single year under his presidency will have seen 3% or greater growth. This has not happened since Hoover, a man who left the White House over eighty years ago.

As regards the unemployment rate, the left loves to look at the low number.  It belies the fact that the labor participation rate has plummeted and a big reason for it is NOT simply Baby Boomers retiring, but younger, working age people who have given up. Fact. Nearly 6 million of the "employed" category are in part-time jobs involuntarily (they want full-time).

Yet in Trump's 4 years he will not see a single year of 3% growth. Bad President then, right?


concha claims that in a world of less than 3% growth we were "prospering" economically. How were we prospering? Why, unemployment was low!

But he also claimed that low unemployment under Obama didn't matter. 


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15 minutes ago, The Guru said:

concha claims that in a world of less than 3% growth we were "prospering" economically. 

Here's the prospering quote:

On 2/6/2020 at 11:22 PM, concha said:

Trump has the country prospering. For all colors, creeds and 84 genders. That's worthy of appreciation.

According to that known liberal publication, Forbes, Trump's three years are worse than Obama's last three.

Trump's Economic Growth Is Slower Than Obama's Last 3 Years

Using the same GDP metric of consumer spending plus business investment adjusted for inventory changes, Obama’s last three years in office had growth rates of at least 2.17% and as high as 3.06%.

For Trump the high point was 2.83% in 2018 when the tax cut seems to have had the largest impact and even fell short of Obama’s 2014 and 2015 growth rates of 3.06% and 3.05%, respectively.

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1 hour ago, Horsefly said:

Look, the slate has been pretty much wiped clean. Many that got jobs are now unemployed, wealth accumulated the past 3 years have been wiped out and we can expect unemployment to rise significantly.  What he did in the past is meaningless. 

he’ll have his work cut out for sure in rebuilding, but constantly referring to an old, outdated stat sheet doesn’t fix it


Maybe you need to look back at what I replied to.

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1 hour ago, Troll said:

Good...now factor in that the media has NOT given any evidence or ‘reasonable’ explanation as to why this world wide shut down is required...See the previous query that you (and no one here) has answered...

”So what is so different about THIS pandemic than the last half dozen or so “


BTW: disingenuous would be claiming people should have an opinion based on the current ‘shutdown’ standing, entirely discounting the weeks and months of opinion forming....

"The media" is not in a place to give evidence or a reasonable explanation. The media provides a platform for the public health experts to do all of that. And they have.

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1 hour ago, The Guru said:

But claiming that the virus was contained and totally under control is, in fact, his fault.

This is a level of reckless and irresponsible that only someone of Trump's ignorance and incompetence can reach.

You're still here to apologize and carry his water though.


I am capable of recognizing that despite saying some things he shouldn't have, things were in fact being done.  


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3 minutes ago, concha said:

I am capable of recognizing that despite saying some things he shouldn't have, things were in fact being done.  

You're also capable of overreacting if it was Obama in the same position and down-playing it because it's Trump.

"Saying some things he shouldn't have" is what someone says when their single mission is to apologize for someone's behavior.

"Saying unconscionable and highly irresponsible things" is more accurate.

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1 hour ago, The Guru said:

This is a reminder to everyone that concha has been lying about economics for a very, very long time.

To explain his claim that Obama was a bad President he pulled out this whopper:

Yet in Trump's 4 years he will not see a single year of 3% growth. Bad President then, right?


concha claims that in a world of less than 3% growth we were "prospering" economically. How were we prospering? Why, unemployment was low!

But he also claimed that low unemployment under Obama didn't matter. 



1) In my post (from well over two years ago), everything I said was factually correct. Dr. Andy disproved, well, nothing... Because Andy isn't smart. Had I made such a claim recently, Andy might have a point. But that's not the case. So, in fact, Andy has been the dishonest one here. Who's shocked?

2) Trump's growth has not quite met expectations, though it has been better than under Obama and certainly been stronger than most if not all other major industrialized nations. 

3) In the year prior to Trump taking over, GDP growth averaged maybe 2%. Obama had not had a quarter of 3% growth for 6 quarters.  Since then there have only been two quarters at or below that level.

4) Unemployment rates had barely budged at all in the 12-18 months prior to Trump taking over. Post Trump's arrival, the rates dropped sharply. Half a point in just 4 months, in fact. A full point if you go by the U6 rate.

5) Andy is, unsurprisingly, lying when he says I claimed low unemployment under Obama didn't matter. I simply pointed the fact that much of Obama's "low" numbers (which are much higher than we've had for multiple years now) was due to the drop in the labor participation rate. This is a fact. Andy just isn't smart enough to understand the relationship between that rate and unemployment.

6) Real income growth, anyone?


So, Andy face plants. Again.



PS:  Andy, it's kinda weird how you chase after me and look up posts that are over two years old.  I know you don't like that I smack you around like a $2 whore, but get a grip.


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1 hour ago, The Guru said:

This is a reminder to everyone that concha has been lying about economics for a very, very long time.

To explain his claim that Obama was a bad President he pulled out this whopper:

Yet in Trump's 4 years he will not see a single year of 3% growth. Bad President then, right?


concha claims that in a world of less than 3% growth we were "prospering" economically. How were we prospering? Why, unemployment was low!

But he also claimed that low unemployment under Obama didn't matter. 


@concha is funny because he's fat!


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1 hour ago, The Guru said:

Here's the prospering quote:

According to that known liberal publication, Forbes, Trump's three years are worse than Obama's last three.

Trump's Economic Growth Is Slower Than Obama's Last 3 Years

Using the same GDP metric of consumer spending plus business investment adjusted for inventory changes, Obama’s last three years in office had growth rates of at least 2.17% and as high as 3.06%.

For Trump the high point was 2.83% in 2018 when the tax cut seems to have had the largest impact and even fell short of Obama’s 2014 and 2015 growth rates of 3.06% and 3.05%, respectively.


You mean an editorial.


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1 hour ago, The Guru said:

And using just straight average GDP growth:



2.3% = bad President, like Hoover

2.5% = everybody prospering

And I wonder what this will look like after the first quarter of 2020? Hmmm.

concha's a clown. Always has been.


Most presidents would be incredibly happy to get 0.2% growth. Per  year. I won't even assume if Andy understand compound growth rates.

Should I even point out that Trump has accomplished his growth in a world economy that has been sluggish (EU growth rates have plummeted since mid-2017)?  No.  Andy probably wouldn't understand that either.


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33 minutes ago, The Guru said:

You're also capable of overreacting if it was Obama in the same position and down-playing it because it's Trump.

"Saying some things he shouldn't have" is what someone says when their single mission is to apologize for someone's behavior.

"Saying unconscionable and highly irresponsible things" is more accurate.


My my.

Isn't Dr Andy from the Florida unemployment bureau quite the mind reader?

🤣 🤡


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59 minutes ago, concha said:

1) In my post (from well over two years ago), everything I said was factually correct. Dr. Andy disproved, well, nothing

This is what concha does when he's exposed as a hypocrite and a liar. Dance around and pretend that he's not a turd.

What was proven is how cravenly dishonest and hypocritical you are. I think anybody of average intelligence can see why.

Obama with Less than 3% growth = bad President

Trump with less than 3% growth = prospering! 

I would say that you can do better but I know that you can't.

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1 hour ago, concha said:

4) Unemployment rates had barely budged at all in the 12-18 months prior to Trump taking over. Post Trump's arrival, the rates dropped sharply. Half a point in just 4 months, in fact. A full point if you go by the U6 rate.

You claimed that low unemployment under Obama meant nothing.

Now it's proof that people are prospering.

The unemployment rate was near full employment when Trump took office.

Now you're claiming that 4 months in to his term he was significantly affecting the unemployment rate.

Good God.

You're so dishonest that it seeps from every post.

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Just now, The Guru said:

See what I mean by dishonest turd?

Trump promised 4%, 5% and even 6% growth

It's actually 2.5% on average right now and promises to be much lower after this coronavirus crash.

concha's assessment?

"growth has not quite met expectations"





So I'm a dishonest turd for that, yet you're a sparkling paragon of virtue after being spanked on several other points?

Andy, Andy, Andy...


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Try to keep your head from spinning while reading concha's claim that six weeks is not nearly enough time to assess anything.

On 3/8/2017 at 4:21 PM, concha said:

He's been in power six fucking weeks and you already know the results.

Then two days later lauding the numbers.

On 3/10/2017 at 9:15 AM, concha said:



Jobs added at above average rate, solidly exceeding predictions.

Wages up.

Participation up.

U3 down.

U6 steady (as labor participation rate increase offsets jobs increase).

And just now that 4 months is clearly because of Trump.

1 hour ago, concha said:

Half a point in just 4 months, in fact. A full point if you go by the U6 rate.


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10 minutes ago, concha said:

So I'm a dishonest turd for that, yet you're a sparkling paragon of virtue after being spanked on several other points.

No better sign than this.

Even a master liar and spinner like yourself is struggling mightily to explain your obvious lies and contradictions.


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Just now, The Guru said:

You claimed that low unemployment under Obama meant nothing.

Now it's proof that people are prospering.

The unemployment rate was near full employment when Trump took office.

Now you're claiming that 4 months in to his term he was significantly affecting the unemployment rate.

Good God.

You're so dishonest that it seeps from every post.


1) No. I didn't. "Meant nothing" are your words, Andy. Dishonest words. Because you are dishonest.

2) Unemployment under Trump has reached record lows. Also, the jobs are better jobs with better incomes.

Here's an example of what was happening under Obama. From Reuters via the HuffPo (so you don't wet yourself with rage):



By Lucia Mutikani

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - U.S. businesses are hiring at  a robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four of  the nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of  the jobs are low-paid.


3) If it was near full unemployment, than it wouldn't have dropped another 1.3%, actually past where many thought the full employment level was, Andy.

4) I'm sure that unemployment being effectively stagnant for 12-18 months prior to being sworn in was just a coincidence and reductions would have happened anyway. Is that your story, Andy?   



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10 minutes ago, The Guru said:

Try to keep your head from spinning while reading concha's claim that six weeks is not nearly enough time to assess anything.

Then two days later lauding the numbers.

And just now that 4 months is clearly because of Trump.



Unemployment rates are due to businesses hiring, Andy.

Business knew Trump and his policies were coming for 2-3 months prior to his inauguration.  🤡

Pray tell, Andy, given that unemployment had gone nowhere for over a year prior to Trump, are you actually going to give credit to Obama?

🤣  🤡

It's just too easy.


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