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You got Covid headed for a negative outcome. Would you take hydroxychloraquin?


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42 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

Based on the heading of the thread, anecdotally, by then it would be too late. To the extent it does any good, it is at the outset. The Gilead Sciences drug is the one that has a positive impact on the back end. 

Generally, it is more powerful in a preventive sense, but there have been numerous cases where it made a difference later on.  I had the pleasure of speaking to one such survivor today, one month after which his wife was advised to square away his advance directives.   That same day doctors started him on HC and within a couple of days his condition stabilized, then started to improve until he made a full recovery.  

BTW, being into stocks, you should be well aware that the $1000 a dose difference between the two factors into the media coverage.  That and the powerfully influential folks that own much of the stock in the Gilead product have made it the darling of the media.

As for the FDA, hah, they’ve released dozens of drugs that have an impressive list of debilitating side effects including death, not to mention they unleashed hydrocodone on the American public.  Consider this, of the 25 most populous countries in the world, the US and Germany consume something like 85% of it.  Good thing the other countries have smarter regulatory agencies. 

I questioned my rheumatologist about both were I to get Covid.  His response: “I wouldn’t recommend against HC”.  I’m pretty sure he’s qualified enough to speak on the subject😉

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The panic and fear frenzy whipped up on the left over hydroxychloroquine is spectacular.

It has been in use since since 1955 and is a commonly prescribed medicines in the US.  The WHO has it on their list of essential medicines for a health system.

TDS is real.




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52 minutes ago, RedZone said:

Failure to wear masks and social distance is spectacular.

Stop talking about the protesters like that...


52 minutes ago, RedZone said:


Nothing spectacular about a malaria drug. If I ever get malaria I will take it.



and lookie thar 👀.... it apparently won't kill you...unless you think you are a fish (and we all know you like fish sticks 😝)


PS: where did your 🥓 bacon go ? I think there is some more in the other room....can't you smell it ?

mmmmm bacon 🥓

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3 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Only when pissing up a rope in mosquito infested Panama. 

Larry the Woke



I might suggest some tonic water

.... in your beverage 🍸

for what ails you....🤣

...contains quinine.


Just sayin' lol.


PS:....and probably not as expensive and taxing as them thar newfangled combobulations 🤔

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1 hour ago, concha said:


The panic and fear frenzy whipped up on the left over hydroxychloroquine is spectacular.

It has been in use since since 1955 and is a commonly prescribed medicines in the US.  The WHO has it on their list of essential medicines for a health system.

TDS is real.




Exhibit A... "gorilla effect" as demonstrated by Conchita... it's a deflection of sorts to get you to miss the real issues, case in point partisan politics with no solution in sight.



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3 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Exhibit A... "gorilla effect" as demonstrated by Conchita... it's a deflection of sorts to get you to miss the real issues, case in point partisan politics with no solution in sight.




Larry being a good little woke shill.



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