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Diamond and Silk (remember them) suggest FOX NEWS is racist.....


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. fox fired Diamond and Silk recently for being a couple of babbling idiots.

My conclusion.

1-fox is racist (everyone knows that)

2- Diamond and Silk are complete idiots.

3- probably won't be seeing much of Diamond and Silk at the trump convention.

4- Diamond and Silk have become great friends with Scott Baio. (haha, made that up)


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19 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Nothing proves the black token right-wing grift more than these two bozos.

Craven opportunists whose only purpose is to assuage white conservatives that the Republican Party is not racist.


They released their NEW book last week.....


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2 hours ago, RedZone said:

. fox fired Diamond and Silk recently for being a couple of babbling idiots.

My conclusion.

1-fox is racist (everyone knows that)

2- Diamond and Silk are complete idiots.

3- probably won't be seeing much of Diamond and Silk at the trump convention.

4- Diamond and Silk have become great friends with Scott Baio. (haha, made that up)



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Speaking of...

Black Voters Have Never Had a Place in the Democratic Party

Diamond  and Silk
Posted: Aug 22, 2020 12:01 AM


We often refer to the Democrat Party as the “Democrat Plantation.” Some think we are actually talking about a plantation. We’re not. We are talking about a mindset that keeps you restricted by beliefs that control you. 

The liberal Democrat Party has been pulling the wool over black Americans’ eyes and giving conflicting signals for decades. They say one thing and do another; they never uphold any of their promises. Democrats love keeping black people in a fight, causing us to distrust everything. We’ve been taught not to trust anybody, not even ourselves. 

The goal is to keep minorities dependent on Democrats instead of showing them how to depend on themselves. 

Democrats attempt to force us into their amoral beliefs through education and indoctrination against traditional right and wrong. They left black Americans wounded while portraying them as the face of victimhood. They stifled freedom of speech and freedom of thought with political correctness. When they’re questioned about their actions and intentions, they’ll brand and label you with terms like xenophobe, Islamophobe, homophobe, racist, white nationalist, and white supremacist.

Looking at the Democrat Party today, in our opinions, they’ve always been the party of division. To divide and conquer are their goals. They divided Americans based on race, gender, sexuality, and class, then put us against each other. A lot of the oppression going on in our country has been created by liberalism and liberal ideology, whose strongest supporters happen to be black. 

During the ’60s, black people marched in the streets for equality. Today, some black people still march in the streets for equality while voting for the same party that equates them to being less than. 

Liberalism tells everyone that the statues are the problem; the statues are racist. Instead of people doing research, they attack something made of bricks and stones, something that can’t feed them, clothe them, or give them a job. After seeing just how easy it was to control the narrative, liberals told everyone that the American flag was against them as black people. Once again, instead of doing research, people went out of their way to disrespect the very thing that represents the men and women who fought for their freedoms. 

Kneeling on the flag is another way for liberals to control the narrative while creating a fog that keeps people from seeing the real truth about what’s happening within the black communities. 

Black-on-black crimes get swept under the rug. Where are all of the marches against blacks killing other blacks? Everyone is quieter than mice peeing on cotton. 

Don’t get us wrong, we love our police officers, even though there are a few bad apples in the bunch. But to demonize all police officers, whose job is to protect and serve, is wrong. The people you demonize are the same ones you call when you need help. Like I said before, when you need an officer, you can’t pick up the phone and call Black Lives Matter. You can, however, pick up the phone and dial 911. 

Then everyone wants to blame the white man. Don’t blame the white man; blame liberalism, which consists of Democrats who happen to be white and black. You can even put some of the blame on the media, which depicts black people as thugs and criminals while wondering why there is a divide between black and white or mishandling from the police. The line of trust and respect is deteriorated. It wasn’t the white man who made some black people prisoners in their own communities. It was some black people who intimidated, harassed, terrorized, and bullied black people within their communities. 

Black people have never had a place in the Democrat Party; they were just tolerated. Democrats have cleverly and strategically created division and oppression within the black community. Just listen to the words of Lyndon B. Johnson, spoken to Democrat senator Richard Russell Jr. of Georgia regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957:

These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we’ve got to do something about this. We’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us, and there’ll be no way of stopping them. We’ll lose the filibuster, and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again. 


It makes us cringe when we hear black Americans praise Lyndon B. Johnson and talk about how he passed the Civil Rights Act and signed it into law. He was a known racist. The crazy thing is, some sources also attribute this quote to Johnson: “We will have those n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years.” So while he was signing the Civil Rights Act into law with one hand, he was unapologetically spewing racist words and trying to control the black vote with the other hand.

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39 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

If you don't think that they're token grifters then you're as clueless and gullible as we all thought you were.


Thanks for confirming my post, Andy. And the ladies' point.

You can't have any uppity negroes thinking for themselves and stepping off the plantation...




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14 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

You have to admit that Andy is a real Democrat...



Any negro not toeing the Dem party line needs to be disciplined.

Along the lines of Creepy Joe's recent comment, if they don't vote Dem they ain't black. 

I mean, voting Dem has worked out so well for black folks, right?


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40 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I love the idea that the only people who "think for themselves" are the ones who agree with you.

You used that term. Not me.

I just called them what they are: token grifters.


I love the idea that black folks should be able to think for themselves and choose their own beliefs rather than be belittled by an $11.00/hr liberal lickspittle such as yourself.


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41 minutes ago, concha said:

I love the idea that black folks should be able to think for themselves and choose their own beliefs rather than be belittled by an $11.00/hr liberal lickspittle such as yourself.

I love when criticism of two people is purposefully misrepresented as being of "black folks" in general.

concha has no standards.

He just uses whatever dishonest argument he can when it suits him.

My analysis is of Diamond and Silk and not anybody else.

If you have a rebuttal to that (don't bother because we know that you don't) then feel free to post it.

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14 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Again, you've been bamboozled by the most obvious crook and grifter of all-time in Donald Trump.

So no surprise that you'd completely miss obvious grifters like Diamond and Silk.


Keep'em on the plantation Andy.

That's a good Democrat...


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15 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I love when criticism of two people is purposefully misrepresented as being of "black folks" in general.

concha has no standards.

He just uses whatever dishonest argument he can when it suits him.

My analysis is of Diamond and Silk and not anybody else.

If you have a rebuttal to that (don't bother because we know that you don't) then feel free to post it.


Loved your use of the word "token" Andy.

Your Simon Legree Merit Badge is in the mail.



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