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Thanks for running a forum that isn’t inhabited by a bunch of Karen’s crying about being offended by Rab. Fucking whiners can’t be bothered with the “ignore” option because it’s an inconvenience, but will post novels on why they shouldn’t have to!


”Why can’t he just follow the rules?” Are you shitting me?!? Grown ass “men”‘crying about being offended, then when offered a solution to cure their yeast infections they cry about that too!


Anywho, thanks again Brother! Hope you make the trip to Northcutt later this year so I can buy you a drink. I’d offer them as well, but they never break rules and having alcohol in your system on public school property is illegal here in Georgia and, therefore, breaking a “rule”. I’m pretty sure you’ll not suffer the wrath of a breathalyzer unless you really need it! 

So all you cc folk here better watch yourselves! Summa yer brethren don’t take too kindly to you having a drink or two before the games, rule followers they are and all. 


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I take it you killed the thread since it seems to be gone.  Too bad.  I guess it is for the best since the points I was trying to make clearly went flapping by over your head.  Pretty interesting since Hawg zapped Rab for many of the very things you seem to have had no problem with on the Ga board.

In many ways, "ignore" is the easy way out.  Instead of dealing with the problem like a mod is supposed to do, just tell everyone to ignore the problem.  It doesn't matter that the actions directly contravene the basic rules set by the corporate entity that hosts the board and could in fact get the board shut down if said corporation ever checked it.

I know it may come as a shock to you but there are more than me that prefer not to live our lives in the gutter of constant lies, attacks, and extreme profanity and yet still desire to participate in discussions about the sport we love.  It doesn't make us weak, or whiners, or any of the other things you imply.

If that's the world you want to live in so be it.

Enjoy your weekend.  I hope all in your household and extended family continue to get better.

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3 hours ago, Sweetlarry said:

Thanks for running a forum that isn’t inhabited by a bunch of Karen’s crying about being offended by Rab. Fucking whiners can’t be bothered with the “ignore” option because it’s an inconvenience, but will post novels on why they shouldn’t have to!


”Why can’t he just follow the rules?” Are you shitting me?!? Grown ass “men”‘crying about being offended, then when offered a solution to cure their yeast infections they cry about that too!


Anywho, thanks again Brother! Hope you make the trip to Northcutt later this year so I can buy you a drink. I’d offer them as well, but they never break rules and having alcohol in your system on public school property is illegal here in Georgia and, therefore, breaking a “rule”. I’m pretty sure you’ll not suffer the wrath of a breathalyzer unless you really need it! 

So all you cc folk here better watch yourselves! Summa yer brethren don’t take too kindly to you having a drink or two before the games, rule followers they are and all. 


You do realize rab is permanently banned from this message board right. I can't believe you talking about people getting offended while you are getting offended by them getting offended and coming at you about it because you are a mod. The hypocrisy and grown baby tears are something else. Why would hawg give 2 fuks about what you are crying about.

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7 hours ago, Sweetlarry said:

Con cuidado Shabazz! You might offend me. 

That’s Mr Shabazz good sir!

Hope you and yours are doing well recovering from the “ unseen enemy “.

Rab can and will turn a forum on it’s ass, that is certain. Rab is getting up there and is battling some physical issues so I give him a pass. 

To be fair about it, GSB spammed the hell out of the OT side with some pretty wild extremism and it what it is. Rab just can’t seem to keep the politics off the football side on both forums. 

I say the hell with it, let Rab be Rab and how much the mods can put up with it is how that’s gonna go. 

Besides, Rab seems to keep the Texas and Cali posters pretty engaged. Hahahaha. 


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3 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

That’s Mr Shabazz good sir!

Hope you and yours are doing well recovering from the “ unseen enemy “.

Rab can and will turn a forum on it’s ass, that is certain. Rab is getting up there and is battling some physical issues so I give him a pass. 

To be fair about it, GSB spammed the hell out of the OT side with some pretty wild extremism and it what it is. Rab just can’t seem to keep the politics off the football side on both forums. 

I say the hell with it, let Rab be Rab and how much the mods can put up with it is how that’s gonna go. 

Besides, Rab seems to keep the Texas and Cali posters pretty engaged. Hahahaha. 


Always forget Mr.. Damn. Will Honorable suffice? 

Tell you what, I’ve taken a few ass whippings but this is a different animal. Beaten by Roy Jones Jr (twice) and a few others you’d know, been shot with a poisoned tipped bullet outside of Mogadishu that nearly killed me (or made me wish I was dead), got married (oops wrong topic, kind of) and a variety of others physical maladies, but this Covid stuff is a different bear. Still have my beliefs about the world has to keep moving, but do so wisely and at your own risk while protecting those who need it. And that in Itself is a bigger net than I’d thought, admittedly.


100% agree on Rab. If anybody deserves a pass it’s somebody who was willing to put his life on the line for everybody else, IMO. Obviously it has limits, but if stuff said by somebody over a massage board “offends” you, tag out. Come a different hobby. Try Knitting. Golf. Something that’ll keep your heart rate and stress levels low. So maybe not golf, but many things to spend your time doing. 

My thing is this, My Honorable Brother, if you have a headache what do you do? Take something for it or do something to alleviate it. Or suffer. What about Back pain? Same. Or suffer. So when there’s a clear and painless option to alleviate your issue, Rab in this case, what is so wrong with taking 3-5 seconds to hit the fucking ignore button to alleviate the issue?!? Seriously, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I’ve never seen a group of “men” so bothered by something they could fix in Seconds, but would rather spend hours whining about somebody fixing it for them and rule following. If the prior generations thought like this Lord knows what language we’d be speaking? I’d bet a lot of these freedoms (you know, the kind guys like Rab were willing to die for) Would be absent as well. 

This is today’s society. People can fix things instantly but would rather spend countless hours bitching about it or having somebody else do it for them. 

Salaam alachem my Brother! 

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8 hours ago, Ga96 said:

You do realize rab is permanently banned from this message board right. I can't believe you talking about people getting offended while you are getting offended by them getting offended and coming at you about it because you are a mod. The hypocrisy and grown baby tears are something else. Why would hawg give 2 fuks about what you are crying about.

Pretty sure Rab is not banned by Hawg but in actuality Rab banned himself 

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10 hours ago, Fred said:

I take it you killed the thread since it seems to be gone.  Too bad.  I guess it is for the best since the points I was trying to make clearly went flapping by over your head.  Pretty interesting since Hawg zapped Rab for many of the very things you seem to have had no problem with on the Ga board.

In many ways, "ignore" is the easy way out.  Instead of dealing with the problem like a mod is supposed to do, just tell everyone to ignore the problem.  It doesn't matter that the actions directly contravene the basic rules set by the corporate entity that hosts the board and could in fact get the board shut down if said corporation ever checked it.

I know it may come as a shock to you but there are more than me that prefer not to live our lives in the gutter of constant lies, attacks, and extreme profanity and yet still desire to participate in discussions about the sport we love.  It doesn't make us weak, or whiners, or any of the other things you imply.

If that's the world you want to live in so be it.

Enjoy your weekend.  I hope all in your household and extended family continue to get better.

Moved it to a different board. Politics. There wasn’t really a forum for the topic. 

I am sending a note to the staff to see if they’ll open a new forum for completely off topic stuff that doesn’t have a home.


I’ll be moving threads that are specific to their forum as a rule follower now. If I see 6A stuff in 7A, I’ll move it. And so on. 

I understand what y’all are saying, I just don’t agree with somebody who has the ability to fix their situation in seconds and chooses to let everybody else do it for them. If you and the rest choose to live your lives relying on everybody else to solve your problems, have at it. I’m not that guy. 

We are hanging in there, thanks for asking. I can’t shake this pneumonia and Mama isn’t anywhere near 100%, but feeling stronger. It’s all I can ask. 

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9 hours ago, Ga96 said:

You do realize rab is permanently banned from this message board right. I can't believe you talking about people getting offended while you are getting offended by them getting offended and coming at you about it because you are a mod. The hypocrisy and grown baby tears are something else. Why would hawg give 2 fuks about what you are crying about.

Praise Jesus! A post that isn’t whining about Marietta spanking that sorry lowends ass! You even formed a coherent sentence! Baby steps. 

Hawg knows what goes on over there, that’s why he chooses to allow men to decide for themselves what to read and what not to, as opposed to having somebody else decide for them. 

I was way off on a lot of the ages of many in these forums. A lot of millennial thinking wanting others to do for them what they can do for themselves. 

Was raised to take care of my problems myself when it’s easy to do. Not the prevailing thought by many others. 

I miss your Buddy MTP. Crazy times!

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