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58 minutes ago, LOSer said:

I did.

Molasses team don't just decide to switch one day and have immediate success.

You will not read it properly this time either.

I'll try again for the last time.

Your point has been made to the "point" I'm about to vomit.

Rummel is not St X (Molasses Team) as we have ATHs......trying to get them the ball is really NOT rocket science, los. You throw it to them, they try to catch it and run with it far as they can. xD


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14 hours ago, LOSer said:

I'd say that the vast majority of the board would agree.

Hence why your answer is homerific.


14 hours ago, LOSer said:

I said that his answer is inaccurate because it is.

The games are only compelling to people with rams as their avatars.


8 hours ago, LOSer said:

This is easy to ascertain.

We could ask the board or we could go off what we already know.

Nobody has been willing or capable to offer a counterpoint.

If you want to pose the question then have at it.


8 hours ago, LOSer said:

And nobody else seems to either (outside of Georgia homers and Caj).

Feel free to poll this board.


I'll give you your ignorance since you took a blessed to most everyone else absence from the board for an extended period of time.  The Grayson/Curtis game has been discussed multiple times by many people.  No, I won't do your research for you and quote the threads but they are there.  The discussions weren't all between Georgia people either.


6 hours ago, LOSer said:

I base it on the fact they've never done it before, yes.

But apparently you can give tons of examples of molasses coaches just "deciding" one day to throw the ball around the park and being ultra successful, right?

Nothing like basing your belief in something on no evidence at all.

I can give you one.  We went from a team that went whole ball games without throwing and being a pure wing-T team to a hybrid spread/wing-T in one year.  We did pretty good with about a 50% pass rate and wound up in the semifinals.  The next year we won state.  That's pretty successfe  As I've said many times, I don't pretend to follow the entire country and in fact generally look in depth at the teams we play or might affect our rankings.  I much prefer to stay informed - in the small amount of time I have - with those teams.  I don't pretend to be a know it all that lives to attack those that have different opinion.  Given that, I will admit my sample is small but it proves it can be done.  That we did it is a fact and you don't have to be a homer to say so.

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9 hours ago, Fred said:


I can give you one.  We went from a team that went whole ball games without throwing and being a pure wing-T team to a hybrid spread/wing-T in one year.  

Rummel has never run the Wing-T.....We've always been a heavy play action team with emphasis on the power run game.

I imagine we still play action with more emphasis on the passing game though with maybe some new WR formations and routes, Possibly, a little spread look at times. It's not rocket science.

We probably averaged throwing it 12-15 times a game last year and a lot of those attempts were on 3rd down (if you know what I mean), I'd have to look. Hopefully that can increase to 25 or more times this year with a lot of 1st and 2nd down throws. It would really open up our running game in the process.

In any case our WRs will be a big part of our game this year win or lose.

Air Rummel.



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Guest LOSer
9 hours ago, Fred said:

We went from a team that went whole ball games without throwing and being a pure wing-T team to a hybrid spread/wing-T in one year.

This doesn't qualify as a valid comparison.

So one year they were full wing-t and then the next year they were a half wing-t.

Not the same thing.

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Guest LOSer
9 hours ago, Fred said:

 I don't pretend to be a know it all that lives to attack those that have different opinion. 

You also admitted that you don't really know anything about high school football outside your small sphere.

So why are you chiming in again?

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Guest LOSer
50 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Rummel has never run the Wing-T.....We've always been a heavy play action team with emphasis on the power run game.

The guy came up with an absolutely terrible comparison.

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Guest LOSer
Just now, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

He could ask you the same thing. 

But I know about how school football outside of my sphere.

And didn't openly admit that I didn't.

So, again, you miss.

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Just now, LOSer said:

That seems to be a 'you' problem.

By the way. I'm not polling shit for you. You're the one who loves to throw we and us around you do it. 

And also since you know so much about HSFB outside of Florida heres 3 simple questions you wont answer. Instead I'll get a witty remark. 

1. Bingham lost to Lone peak in what year in the Utah state finals? 

2. How many classifications does South Carolina have? 

3. This NJ team can't get Louisville Trinity on the schedule. who are they? 


Again I dont expect you to answer. 

I expect some smart ass comment or rhetort. 


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13 hours ago, LOSer said:

The guy came up with an absolutely terrible comparison.

No I didn't and if you knew as much about football as you think you do you would know it.  We went from throwing the ball once or twice a game to throwing enough to become a balanced 50% pass 50% run in ONE season.  YOU said teams don't do that with any success.  We did it and went to the semi finals the first year and won state the next year.  Oh yea, I think we wound up #2 in the nation that year.  It might have been 3rd but the point is you were wrong.  I answered with a perfect comparison and you aren't man enough to admit it.

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Guest LOSer
36 minutes ago, Fred said:

 We did it and went to the semi finals the first year and won state the next year.

Just because you do something and reach the semifinal doesn't mean that the change was successful.

You can throw the ball more and get to a semifinal without being a good passing team.

It's simple logic.

You have to demonstrate that they passed it well for the example to work.

You're either too lazy or you simply can't do it.

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I started to go back and show LOS all the places he said teams don't change and won't be successful.  There are a lot of them on this thread.  Then I thought, nah, it won't do any good.  I showed him a team that changed and wound up in the Semis the first year and then won state.  His answer, that doesn't prove you passed "well".  Hmmm, we went from maybe 1 or 2 passes game to 50% of our plays being passes.  If we weren't doing it well, we wouldn't have had success on the field.  Going to the semis and then winning state the next year demonstrates success.  The problem is he a) won't admit when he is wrong, b) when he is wrong he changes the criteria to try to make himself right again, c) repeats ad nauseum until the reasonable person gives up.  Then the personal attacks kick in.  Life's too short.  I'm done with this argument.

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Guest LOSer
2 minutes ago, Fred said:

I started to go back and show LOS all the places he said teams don't change and won't be successful. 

I never said teams don't change.

You can't even get your story straight.

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Guest LOSer
4 minutes ago, Fred said:

I showed him a team that changed and wound up in the Semis the first year and then won state.  His answer, that doesn't prove you passed "well".

You don't understand basic logic.

Saying that getting to a semifinal proved that the passing offense was good (or efficient) is a fallacy.

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Guest LOSer
4 minutes ago, Fred said:

Hmmm, we went from maybe 1 or 2 passes game to 50% of our plays being passes. 

Again, another fallacy.

Going from 2 passes a game to 50% of your plays being passes doesn't mean that you were a good passing team.

Simple, simple concepts.

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Guest LOSer
6 minutes ago, Fred said:

Going to the semis and then winning state the next year demonstrates success.

It demonstrates team success. It doesn't demonstrate the success that you're trying to claim.

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