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Lindsey Graham is getting ready to introduce a bill to use Military Force in Mexico because "its time to get tough on Mexico" 

Are these old heads acrually fucking insane? 

If this shit gains traction do you even know what the ramifications of this could even be?! 

Stop aid to Ukraine to Terrorize the Mexicans?! 


Im speechless... 


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1 minute ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Lindsey Graham is getting ready to introduce a bill to use Military Force in Mexico because "its time to get tough on Mexico" 

Are these old heads acrually fucking insane? 

If this shit gains traction do you even know what the ramifications of this could even be?! 

Stop aid to Ukraine to Terrorize the Mexicans?! 


Im speechless... 


You do realize Americans are getting kidnapped and murdered right over the Mexico border right

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23 minutes ago, FreeBird said:

You do realize Americans are getting kidnapped and murdered right over the Mexico border right

Im well aware of what happened but thats not why he's proposing this... 

He says its because of Drugs... 

But something doesnt sit right with me about stopping aid in Ukraine for Military Intervention in Mexico for "Strategic Cartel Removal"  because we all know how well past "Strategic Removal" has gone... 

Yall complain about immigration now... 

If this passes then just wait till you see the absolute fucking disaster thats bound to happen after this... 

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Fentanyl death unfortunately are V E R Y H I G H  its scary.... 

But Starting a War or even propposing something like this is a horrible idea and will only push our allies away from us on a global scale it'll put us in a light similar to that of Putin... 

Then on a more local scale it will only exasperate the immigration problems because this wont go smoothly Im willing to bet my right nut that there will be some unforseen economic Fuckery and Social consequences cast down on the Mexican citizens such as civilian war casualties and Massive infastructure damage....

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2 hours ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Lindsey Graham is getting ready to introduce a bill to use Military Force in Mexico because "its time to get tough on Mexico" 

Just because a bill gets introduced, doesn’t mean it’s going to pass.  


2 hours ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

If this shit gains traction do you even know what the ramifications of this could even be?! 

So, what are the ramifications as you see them? Weakening of the Cartels? Reduced drug flow into the US?  Big upsurge in the number of people crossing into the US through the secure border?  We’ve apparently got plenty of room and we can always pass more spending bills to help absorb the refugees.  Our sanctuary cities are waiting with open arms and open pockets.  Fill up Atlanta, Chicago, NY, LA, Seattle, Portland, Houston, Phoenix, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Detroit, Boston, Baltimore, Oakland, San Francisco, Philadelphia…All those cities are bastions of wealth with few issues to contend with.  We don’t have an immigration issue right? 


2 hours ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Stop aid to Ukraine to Terrorize the Mexicans?! 

Where does it say stop aid to Ukraine?  We’re committed.  As long as Putin keeps the war going, we’ll send aid, even if Russia runs out of weapons and starts using Chinese supplied weapons and ammo.  You’ve heard the president’s talking point “whatever it takes”, 5yrs? 10yrs? 1 trillion, 5 trillion,  10 trillion…. We’ll use whatever is left to send aid to Taiwan as well after China decides when it is most favorable to annex them.  It’ll be real fun when we have to start sending people. I propose a cut off at 60yrs old.  Anyone between 18 and 59, go kick some ass.

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1 hour ago, concha said:


I was unaware that Lindsey Graham could declare war and order the military into Mexico in a full-scale invasion.

Thank God we have TMHS here to wet himself and scream about it.

We never would have known until was too late.


So first before you go into the concha room of ego stroking... 

I know he doesnt have that power but You think Im stupid... 

This shit will be backed by the Republicans because its a chance to Harass and Terrorize Mexico and they'll come up with some excuse and it'll get pushed through because they're Ass holes for the sakes of just being ass holes... 

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7 minutes ago, On2whls said:

Just because a bill gets introduced, doesn’t mean it’s going to pass.  


So, what are the ramifications as you see them? Weakening of the Cartels? Reduced drug flow into the US?  Big upsurge in the number of people crossing into the US through the secure border?  We’ve apparently got plenty of room and we can always pass more spending bills to help absorb the refugees.  Our sanctuary cities are waiting with open arms and open pockets.  Fill up Atlanta, Chicago, NY, LA, Seattle, Portland, Houston, Phoenix, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Detroit, Boston, Baltimore, Oakland, San Francisco, Philadelphia…All those cities are bastions of wealth with few issues to contend with.  We don’t have an immigration issue right? 


Where does it say stop aid to Ukraine?  We’re committed.  As long as Putin keeps the war going, we’ll send aid, even if Russia runs out of weapons and starts using Chinese supplied weapons and ammo.  You’ve heard the president’s talking point “whatever it takes”, 5yrs? 10yrs? 1 trillion, 5 trillion,  10 trillion…. We’ll use whatever is left to send aid to Taiwan as well after China decides when it is most favorable to annex them.  It’ll be real fun when we have to start sending people. I propose a cut off at 60yrs old.  Anyone between 18 and 59, go kick some ass.

I will admit most my fears with this bill is using American Military in a Neighboring country will: 

1. Put us in a light similar to that of Russia... 

2. While the Fentanyl situation is bad and disheartening going in and invading Mexico is not a good answer... 

3. "Strategic Cartel Removal" Ah jeez where have we attempted "Strategic Removal" at before? Gut feeling based on what has happened in the past I dont trust that to go too smoothly... 

4. Y'all think we got a Immigration problem now. Imagine what will happen if said "Strategic Removal" goes the way of Iraq and Afghanistan.... 

And honestly Reason #4 is the only reason I could see this failing if it does... 

As foolish as I think the Modern Republican party is... I'd like to believe they arent stupid enough to exasperate the Immigrant situation even further.... 

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2 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

So first before you go into the concha room of ego stroking... 

I know he doesnt have that power but You think Im stupid... 

This shit will be backed by the Republicans because its a chance to Harass and Terrorize Mexico and they'll come up with some excuse and it'll get pushed through because they're Ass holes for the sakes of just being ass holes... 


We'll see.

Mexico is either unable or unwilling to get the cartels under control.

Our current president is completely unwilling to get the border under under control.

We have 100k Americans dying annually just from fentanyl. Throw in the human trafficking.

I doubt Graham is talking about an invasion and occupation of Mexico. I would guess that any military effort would involve intelligence gathering to enable special forces to go after the heads of the cartels and any major infrastructure of theirs. Given the numbers of dead Americans involved and the lack of any (effective) response from Mexico itself, shouldn't we be able to protect ourselves?



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7 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

As foolish as I think the Modern Republican party is... I'd like to believe they arent stupid enough to exasperate the Immigrant situation even further.... 

But we don’t have an immigration situation.  It’s just a hoax being perpetuated by Fox News.  

If Americans are stupid enough to cross into Mexico and they get kidnapped or killed……well, we all have choices to make, choose wisely.  The government can’t be responsible for the safety of US citizens traveling internationally, any more than they can for travel domestically.  All you have to do to be safe here is follow the FBI warning and watch out for existential threats, or threats to our democracy, like white supremacist domestic terrorists.  Stay away from those folks and you’ll do just fine.  Oh, and maybe avoid Ohio for a bit.  Those crazy train conductors.

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1 hour ago, concha said:

Mexico is either unable or unwilling to get the cartels under control.

They are unable.  The cartels simply have too much money and influence over the politicians and authorities and use very aggressive violence and fear tactics.  
They are ruthless.  One of my wife’s distant cousins in Jalos, lost all three beautiful daughters to the cartels as wives.  The families didn’t want to take money but they were going to lose them anyway.  It’s a small town with little law enforcement so they had no choice.  
There are two deterrents to cartels.  Other cartels, and the areas where entire towns will take matters into their own hands and everyone takes up arms in a common cause.  The cartels aren’t into warring with entire towns that aren’t trying to steal their business, so they’ll make peace or just leave them alone. 
Money = power and power = corruption.  The US is far more corrupt than many here want to acknowledge. We just rationalize our corruption, politicize it, and point fingers at our ideological adversaries as the “real” problem.



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8 minutes ago, On2whls said:

They are unable.  The cartels simply have too much money and influence over the politicians and authorities and use very aggressive violence and fear tactics.  
They are ruthless.  One of my wife’s distant cousins in Jalos, lost all three beautiful daughters to the cartels as wives.  The families didn’t want to take money but they were going to lose them anyway.  It’s a small town with little law enforcement so they had no choice.  
There are two deterrents to cartels.  Other cartels, and the areas where entire towns will take matters into their own hands and everyone takes up arms in a common cause.  The cartels aren’t into warring with entire towns that aren’t trying to steal their business, so they’ll make peace or just leave them alone. 
Money = power and power = corruption.  The US is far more corrupt than many here want to acknowledge. We just rationalize our corruption, politicize it, and point fingers at our ideological adversaries as the “real” problem.



My concern is that if this shit passes its gonna go B A D.... 

 I watched his interview where he's talking about what to do and how to do it and he's talking about using missles and Strategic targeting the cartels... but the problem with this is like you said in your post the cartel is deeply ingrained in alot of these places and he's talking about missle usage and long range strikes... 

These type of things dont come without some civillian casualties or some sort of Infastructure damage... 


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17 minutes ago, On2whls said:

They are unable.  The cartels simply have too much money and influence over the politicians and authorities and use very aggressive violence and fear tactics.  
They are ruthless.  One of my wife’s distant cousins in Jalos, lost all three beautiful daughters to the cartels as wives.  The families didn’t want to take money but they were going to lose them anyway.  It’s a small town with little law enforcement so they had no choice.  
There are two deterrents to cartels.  Other cartels, and the areas where entire towns will take matters into their own hands and everyone takes up arms in a common cause.  The cartels aren’t into warring with entire towns that aren’t trying to steal their business, so they’ll make peace or just leave them alone. 
Money = power and power = corruption.  The US is far more corrupt than many here want to acknowledge. We just rationalize our corruption, politicize it, and point fingers at our ideological adversaries as the “real” problem.



Former Mexican security secretary Genaro Garcia Luna appears on a screen while sitting in Brooklyn federal court

Former Mexican security secretary Genaro Garcia Luna appears on a screen while sitting in Brooklyn federal court on drug trafficking charges during jury selection in New York, U.S., January 17, 2023 in this courtroom sketch. REUTERS/Jane Rosenberg

Drug trafficking trial begins for Mexico’s former top security official in charge of fighting cartels

World Jan 17, 2023 3:29 PM EST

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The man who was once Mexico's top security official and in charge of fighting the drug cartels was scheduled to go on trial Tuesday on charges he accepted millions of dollars in bribes in exchange for helping the powerful Sinaloa Cartel move drugs and its members avoid capture.

Genaro García Luna was best known as the mumbling, tough-looking former security secretary under ex-President Felipe Calderón, who spearheaded the bloody war on cartels 

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14 hours ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

Lindsey Graham is getting ready to introduce a bill to use Military Force in Mexico because "its time to get tough on Mexico" 

Are these old heads acrually fucking insane? 

If this shit gains traction do you even know what the ramifications of this could even be?! 

Stop aid to Ukraine to Terrorize the Mexicans?! 


Im speechless... 


Ur being selfish, how do you sit back and watch all these kids get killed with drug overdoses, fentanyl has killed 2x more people then Covid and yet ur fine doing nothing about it


thank the lord your not in charge 

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56 minutes ago, FreeBird said:

Ur being selfish, how do you sit back and watch all these kids get killed with drug overdoses, fentanyl has killed 2x more people then Covid and yet ur fine doing nothing about it


thank the lord your not in charge 

So Im selfish for thinking war across the border is a bad idea that could potentially have damming ramifications for both the USA and Mexico.... 


I never said Fentanyl wasn't an issue but launching a military Strike on the Cartel isn't a responsible idea either especially with no backup plan to support Mexico afterwards or the potential immigration issues this could exasperate.... 

You fail to see the potential problems here as @On2whls has stated the Cartel is deeply ingrained in Mexico this would require some extreme precision you cant just go in guns a blazing with Missle strikes on Mexican towns and cities... 


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8 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

So Im selfish for thinking war across the border is a bad idea that could potentially have damming ramifications for both the USA and Mexico.... 


I never said Fentanyl wasn't an issue but launching a military Strike on the Cartel isn't a responsible idea either especially with no backup plan to support Mexico afterwards or the potential immigration issues this could exasperate.... 

You fail to see the potential problems here as @On2whls has stated the Cartel is deeply ingrained in Mexico this would require some extreme precision you cant just go in guns a blazing with Missle strikes on Mexican towns and cities... 


How do we stop the gang violence? Just ask the cartel nicely to stop? Cmon max , if America shut down the country for the flu why won’t America shut  down the border to stop all the poison and crime flooding the border

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2 hours ago, FreeBird said:

I know deep down u really don’t mean the shit you say, you just trying to be down with the clowns on the left


Deep down I wish there wasn't a class problem and that everyone was well off and that the wealth gap wasnt increasing... 

Deep down I wish Putin wasn't a greedy bastard infringing on Ukraines Sovereign right to not be a Russian Butt puppet... 

Deep down I wish we could all get along together in spite of Political Ideology,Race,Religion,Sex,etc... 

I wish there wasnt any beef between us,China and North Korea... 

I wish Iran wasnt a theocratic Nightmare... 

I wish Africa was in better standings 

Deep down I wish for alot of things... 

But I mean everything I say... 

Im open to have my mind changed I know im not always right Im not that arrogant to think that Im always right... 

But I know that its important to learn from history and the mistakes we've made.... but other people dont... 

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As for my Political views... 

I cant bring myself to align with the modern Republican party... 

I dont agree with 100% of what the Democrats do or stand for.... 

But the Modern Republican party to me is a stones throw away from becoming something even uglier than the Devil himself... 

And I'll be honest its not ENTIRELY Trumps fault... 

The ugliness within America found a outlet through Trump and the Republican party though. And all the shit we're seeing now from Race issues to Social issues arent new problems theyve been there for a long ass time  they just got swept under the rug... 

And unfortunately for us both left and right we tried to pretend its not there but you never kill a monster by ignoring it... 

And I love Morgan Freeman but to say the way to stop Racism is to stop talking about it is a lie and absolutely stupid... 

Ignorance does not create peace all it results in is another generation thats blind to mistakes of the previous generation so they never learn because they never knew so they repeat the same exact shit... 

And the USA is the biggest offender of never learning from its mistakes... 

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On 3/9/2023 at 8:47 AM, FreeBird said:

How do we stop the gang violence? Just ask the cartel nicely to stop? Cmon max , if America shut down the country for the flu why won’t America shut  down the border to stop all the poison and crime flooding the border

Showing ignorance by asking that question.

You do realize that, right?

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