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Democrat priorities 101


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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Ruben Verastigui was arrested on charges of receiving and possessing child pornography on Friday.

Verastigui's LinkedIn shows he worked for the Senate Republican Conference until July. 

He also previously worked for the Republican National Committee, designing ads for Trump.

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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

In 2006, Florida Rep. Mark Foley was forced to resign after it was revealed that he’d sent sexually explicit messages and propositioned teenage congressional pages via email and text.

In 2015, former Rep. Dennis Hastert, the longest-ever serving Republican speaker of the House, pleaded guilty to making illegal hush-money payments in order to cover up his history of sexually abusing high school wrestlers he had coached decades before.

“Nothing is more stunning than having ‘serial child molester’ and ‘speaker of the House’ in the same sentence,” the judge said at his sentencing.

During and after the 2016 presidential race, among the dozens of women who accused former president Donald Trump of being a sexual predator were several contestants in the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, who reported that he barged into their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing. (Trump allegedly told them, "the younger, the sweeter".

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Dems have no clue wtf they’re doing. It’s all about identity politics and diversity. 
Iran made our military its bitch yesterday and no one is even talking about it. They attacked, we retaliated and they continued to bomb our bases in Syria without a worry or response since. I’m still hoping we do something but I’m not sure this administration has a clue what they’re doing. 

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This is who’s leading our military.

Reuters 3/5: Mark Milley “flew to Syria to … review safeguards for American forces against attacks, including from drones flown by Iran-backed militia”

NYT 3/24: A drone killed 1 American & wounded 6 because “the main air defense system at the base was ‘not fully operational’”

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11 hours ago, Crusader12-0 said:

Stuff like this is why I will never ever vote for a Democrat. Seriously, how doe’s any straight white male still vote for this party. They think men like us are the enemy, despite the fact that we built the western world (that gives them a high quality of life) that they blindly hate. 


You built what? You did nothing but win a culture war at the expense of centuries long grant of servitude for an entire race of people, who really built this country, with their blood, sweat, tears and lives.

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2 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

You built what? You did nothing but win a culture war at the expense of centuries long grant of servitude for an entire race of people, who really built this country, with their blood, sweat, tears and lives.

First off, the Nat Am spent 20,000 years in isolation and did not progress beyond Stone Age technology. Maybe they could’ve won the war, had they not spent so much time killing each other and instead invested on technology.

And the slave trade would not have been possible had the kings of Western Africa not sold their own people into slavery. As for their societies, they weren’t much better than the ones the Nat Am had. Ripe with human sacrifice and other atrocities as the European and Asian societies lived with technology that was 1000s of years ahead of them.

Who knows where those places would today if us dreaded straight white men had never stepped in? We wouldn’t live at the standard we today, I can tell you that much!




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19 hours ago, Crusader12-0 said:

Stuff like this is why I will never ever vote for a Democrat. Seriously, how doe’s any straight white male still vote for this party. They think men like us are the enemy, despite the fact that we built the western world (that gives them a high quality of life) that they blindly hate. 


You reeeally don’t know your history. Even Donald Trump stated the United States was built on the backs of the African Americans.

Damn, an article that states a particular race is a plague and must be eliminated. . . . . . .


Welcome to the club !!!! 🥳


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5 hours ago, Crusader12-0 said:

First off, the Nat Am spent 20,000 years in isolation and did not progress beyond Stone Age technology. Maybe they could’ve won the war, had they not spent so much time killing each other and instead invested on technology.

And the slave trade would not have been possible had the kings of Western Africa not sold their own people into slavery. As for their societies, they weren’t much better than the ones the Nat Am had. Ripe with human sacrifice and other atrocities as the European and Asian societies lived with technology that was 1000s of years ahead of them.

Who knows where those places would today if us dreaded straight white men had never stepped in? We wouldn’t live at the standard we today, I can tell you that much!




I keep hearing that talking point specifically from Trump supporters. 

Answer this. What percentage of the slave trade were produced by the country selling its own into slavery?

You should know since you all keep saying that.

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7 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

You built what? You did nothing but win a culture war at the expense of centuries long grant of servitude for an entire race of people, who really built this country, with their blood, sweat, tears and lives.

I’m starting to think they were the ones skipping their History courses during school 😒

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Fauci funds gain-of-function research instead of protecting us, Nuland foments conflict with Russia instead of diplomacy, and the Federal Reserve prints money until inflation leads to an economic crisis:

"They're literally doing the opposite of what they are supposed to be doing... It should be easy to replace them because it's so obvious they are failing, but you can't because we can't get honest media coverage of the situation."

Oh and our military leaders are more worried about equality/diversity. This idiot is focused on learning about “white rage”. Wtf this has got to be a joke. And somehow these idiots still co-sign this crap. 


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