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Time to starve and blockade N. Korea


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Let everyone of thos di*ks starve to death. Could care less. Can't build missles with no food. Need a Naval blockade and to seize control of their air space. CHINER needs to cooperate or risk economic ruin of their sugar daddy banning all imports from Chiner. If they call their loans, they'll just be in default. We can pay them back with fire and brimstone. 



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On 9/14/2017 at 8:47 AM, 181pl said:

What's the negative impact? Motorolla will have to provide our cell phones. So what. We don't need Samsungs or Chinese I-phones. We'll get by. 

What's the negative impact?  What you suggested is starve millions of people to death.  Aside from the obvious divorce from morality, you will have to account for your position.  What goes around comes around to you.  

Millions of people starved to death.  Pathetic.

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28 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

What's the negative impact?  What you suggested is starve millions of people to death.  Aside from the obvious divorce from morality, you will have to account for your position.  What goes around comes around to you.  

Millions of people starved to death.  Pathetic.

As opposed to your buddy ole pal KJU nuking Hawaii? I'll take the former, thanks. I'm an American, not a unicorn living in your magic utopia.

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On 9/14/2017 at 8:47 AM, 181pl said:

What's the negative impact? Motorolla will have to provide our cell phones. So what. We don't need Samsungs or Chinese I-phones. We'll get by. 

Lenovo, a Chinese company, owns what you think of as Motorola phones.  You can basically thank Carl Icahn for that one.

You remember Carl.  President Trump assigned him to be Special Adviser on Regulation.  As Special Adviser, Icahn tried to do one thing, remove an ethanol regulation.  Such removal primarily benefited one company, CVR Energy, which, purely by coincidence I'm sure,  is 82% owned by Carl Icahn Associates.  He didn't succeed, and recently resigned.  But don't worry about poor old Carl, when word 'leaked' that the regulation was going to be removed, CVR stock only doubled in price.  It probably wasn't a conflict of interest.  

Drain the Swamp!

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12 hours ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

Lenovo, a Chinese company, owns what you think of as Motorola phones.  You can basically thank Carl Icahn for that one.

You remember Carl.  President Trump assigned him to be Special Adviser on Regulation.  As Special Adviser, Icahn tried to do one thing, remove an ethanol regulation.  Such removal primarily benefited one company, CVR Energy, which, purely by coincidence I'm sure,  is 82% owned by Carl Icahn Associates.  He didn't succeed, and recently resigned.  But don't worry about poor old Carl, when word 'leaked' that the regulation was going to be removed, CVR stock only doubled in price.  It probably wasn't a conflict of interest.  

Drain the Swamp!

Sadly, we have pretty much outsourced everything to China. So much for our own big businesses acting in the interest of the USA. 

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On 9/14/2017 at 11:45 AM, 181pl said:

Let everyone of thos di*ks starve to death. Could care less. Can't build missles with no food. Need a Naval blockade and to seize control of their air space. CHINER needs to cooperate or risk economic ruin of their sugar daddy banning all imports from Chiner. If they call their loans, they'll just be in default. We can pay them back with fire and brimstone. 



How DARE you post on my EX's birthday? THAT'S a day of MOURNING!>:(

As an aside, before we NUKE UM! I propose amnesty for the lil honey who is always seen with him in file photos! She appears to be there under duress! And I'm willing to give her asylum in my bedroom!:)

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/18/2017 at 5:07 PM, 15yds4gibberish said:

Lenovo, a Chinese company, owns what you think of as Motorola phones.  You can basically thank Carl Icahn for that one.

You remember Carl.  President Trump assigned him to be Special Adviser on Regulation.  As Special Adviser, Icahn tried to do one thing, remove an ethanol regulation.  Such removal primarily benefited one company, CVR Energy, which, purely by coincidence I'm sure,  is 82% owned by Carl Icahn Associates.  He didn't succeed, and recently resigned.  But don't worry about poor old Carl, when word 'leaked' that the regulation was going to be removed, CVR stock only doubled in price.  It probably wasn't a conflict of interest.  

Drain the Swamp!

It's not just a HS Football blog, it's a community news service.  This thread is kinda interesting in light of the current Asia trip, but I wanted to mention that our populist pal Carl Icahn is back in the news.  No allegations at this time, but he has been subpoenaed. 

Who could have possibly foreseen that his self-serving interests while he was serving as special adviser to the President might draw some attention?  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  Stay tuned...


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