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florida trying it's best to reign supreme as the worst state in the country.

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3 hours ago, Ga96 said:

Safety and common sense BAD, Slavery GOOD......I'm old enough to remember two-a-days in August with Hot water and  salt tablets in 40gal plastic garbage cans being withheld because we needed to be tougher MEN ! Thank god most of those Neanderthal coaches are no longer with us.     

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3 hours ago, dan in daytona said:

Safety and common sense BAD, Slavery GOOD......I'm old enough to remember two-a-days in August with Hot water and  salt tablets in 40gal plastic garbage cans being withheld because we needed to be tougher MEN ! Thank god most of those Neanderthal coaches are no longer with us.     

Explains a lot

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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Par for the course you 2 clowns would side with criminals over the tax payers who have to fund their prison stay 

You are literally about to vote for a criminal to be President.

I love the law and order people who stretch the definition of law and order when it fits their agenda.

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48 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You are literally about to vote for a criminal to be President.

I love the law and order people who stretch the definition of law and order when it fits their agenda.

But it would have been the same if republicans acted like dictators and tried to jail their political enemies. These kangaroo courts in front of democrat judges is a farce. This is out of a commie playbook. Crush dissent, jail political enemies and censor free speech. All the boxes are checked with this regime. Add in crippling inflation, and Stalin, Castro and Maduro would be proud. 

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48 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You are literally about to vote for a criminal to be President.

I love the law and order people who stretch the definition of law and order when it fits their agenda.

Add in Biden hiring 80,000 IRS stormtroopers to audit single moms who forgot to declare a $50 lottery ticket while the federal government just loses billions of dollars and no one says a peep 

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7 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Par for the course you 2 clowns would side with criminals over the tax payers who have to fund their prison stay 

You really are one ignorant MF'er. The religious right Taliban (very similar to y'all) happily throws homosexuals to their death from rooftops, but withholding water, breaks and or shade in unbearable summer heat isn't damn near the same thing ?  "You would leave it to individual guards whether to give breaks or water ?"  Stop by Daytona, I've got a boot to place up your ass as you travel northward.  

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5 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

You really are one ignorant MF'er. The religious right Taliban (very similar to y'all) happily throws homosexuals to their death from rooftops, but withholding water, breaks and or shade in unbearable summer heat isn't damn near the same thing ?  "You would leave it to individual guards whether to give breaks or water ?"  Stop by Daytona, I've got a boot to place up your ass as you travel northward.  

I didn’t comment about the water breaks. I commented on you guys siding with criminals leaching off of taxpayers.


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4 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

I didn’t comment about the water breaks. I commented on you guys siding with criminals leaching off of taxpayers.


Ok, my mistake...for the time being, but it's a G.D. certainty you'll spout off some moronic take on a similar issue and just reinforce how clueless and uncaring you are for a God worshiping believer. May your adoring young son never be at the wrong place, at the wrong time, among some dubious characters when an unfortunate incident goes down. You better hope the arresting authorities are more like DaytonaDan and not like his loving, but narrow-minded prejudicial father. You've got all the answers, until it comes up in your own backyard.      

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8 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

Ok, my mistake...for the time being, but it's a G.D. certainly you'll spout off some moronic take on a similar issue and just reinforce how clueless and uncaring you are for a God worshiping believer. May your adoring young son never be at the wrong place, at the wrong time, among some dubious characters when an unfortunate incident goes down. You better hope the arresting authorities are more like DaytonaDan and not like his loving, but narrow-minded prejudicial father. You've got all the answers, until it comes up in your own backyard.      

I don’t know where you are getting all this. I’m actually a lovable guy. I get along with everyone. You couldn’t even tell my beliefs just by looking at me. I’m all for common sense, and common ground. When one side goes to the extreme then everyone looks extreme to them. I lean center-right. It’s not far right or racist to want secure borders, better vetted teachers, solving our problems here first, hard work, accountability, religious freedom, family oriented, morals and decency. I’m not some dumb redneck Trumper. I support Trump simply because he is the best chance to advance a conservative agenda. I like DeSantis more but know he can’t win. Yet. I was born and raised in the city of Tampa, and went to public schools in all predominantly African-American communities. I have been exposed to different cultures. I am tolerant of people of character, and not so tolerant of people who violate the rule of law, and hold disdain for the country I love so much. 

it’s all love and respect 

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6 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I don’t know where you are getting all this. I’m actually a lovable guy. I get along with everyone. You couldn’t even tell my beliefs just by looking at me. I’m all for common sense, and common ground. When one side goes to the extreme then everyone looks extreme to them. I lean center-right. It’s not far right or racist to want secure borders, better vetted teachers, solving our problems here first, hard work, accountability, religious freedom, family oriented, morals and decency. I’m not some dumb redneck Trumper. I support Trump simply because he is the best chance to advance a conservative agenda. I like DeSantis more but know he can’t win. Yet. I was born and raised in the city of Tampa, and went to public schools in all predominantly African-American communities. I have been exposed to different cultures. I am tolerant of people of character, and not so tolerant of people who violate the rule of law, and hold disdain for the country I love so much. 

it’s all love and respect 


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21 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

These kangaroo courts in front of democrat judges is a farce. This is out of a commie playbook. Crush dissent, jail political enemies and censor free speech. All the boxes are checked with this regime. Add in crippling inflation, and Stalin, Castro and Maduro would be proud. 

Also, as if this even has to be mentioned, the Democratic Party or Biden or whichever fake bogeyman you want to cite today, aren't the ones jailing Trump. It's the criminal justice system.

Somehow you scream law and order but when your God-King commits several crimes you scream that trying him is "commie" actions of some sort.

Should we have laws and enforce them? Or not?

Simple question.

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21 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Add in Biden hiring 80,000 IRS stormtroopers to audit single moms who forgot to declare a $50 lottery ticket while the federal government just loses billions of dollars and no one says a peep 

Survey says?


Is IRS Hiring 87K New Agents To Audit Middle-Class Americans?


This claim misrepresents a 2021 U.S. Treasury Department report estimating that around $80 billion in funding would allow the IRS to incrementally hire nearly 87,000 employees by the year 2031. Most of those hires would be replacements for workers retiring from existing positions, including not only IRS enforcement agents, but also customer service and technology specialists. According to the Treasury Department, audit rates for those earning less than $400,000 in actual income will not rise. 

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18 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

I commented on you guys siding with criminals leaching off of taxpayers.

We're siding with law and order, and the liberty that should come when your debt to society has been paid off.

You seem to have no actual principles whatsoever except the capitulation to wannabe dictators as long as they punish the right people and spout the right talking points.

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13 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

 I lean center-right. It’s not far right or racist to want secure borders, better vetted teachers, solving our problems here first, hard work, accountability, religious freedom, family oriented, morals and decency. I’m not some dumb redneck Trumper.


High comedy.

Now you don't even understand the right-left spectrum.

You have demonstrated zero morals, decency or accountability.


To suggest so is almost satire.

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29 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


High comedy.

Now you don't even understand the right-left spectrum.

You have demonstrated zero morals, decency or accountability.


To suggest so is almost satire.

The problem you have is that you think it’s decent to take care of other people while at the same time Americans suffer. You think as long as you are doing one good thing, then it doesn’t matter how much bad that does for someone else. 

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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

The problem you have is that you think it’s decent to take care of other people while at the same time Americans suffer. You think as long as you are doing one good thing, then it doesn’t matter how much bad that does for someone else. 

No, I think it's decent to have a moral standard and then apply it dispassionately to every situation.

You clearly don't. 

The examples are almost endless.

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