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The last tree days I have finally heard media talking heads speak to the fact that although Trump is at 36-39%, an unheard of low, those 39% will not budge no matter what he does. And given this, he will every hard to unseat in 3 years. this is a dated metric when it comes to Trump. It just does not apply. 

Exactly what I have been saying as well as pointing out since Trump's coronation, with a 39% base that cannot be budged, he only needs 7% of all the non Trumpets. 

That gives him the same 46% that he won with last time.

It is not hard at all to gain 7% of the vote. Anti votes for whatever candidate the DEm's put out will likely cover the spread easily. 

Point is, all the exploding heads need to understand that their tact is wrong and to continue with the exploding head reaction will only ensure Trump for 7 more years. 

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1 hour ago, HSFBfan said:

parts of them scream for checks and balance and the electoral college is part of the checks and balances which they attack lol


please explain how the electoral college is part of the checks and balances, this ought to be good...

I have a serious question for you to think about.

Is it not better to be quiet and let people think you are a dolt than to open your mouth and prove it? 

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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

the new Wall St. Journal/NBC poll has him with a 57% disapproval rating and 51% strongly disprove of Donny...highest number ever for a Pres...#failure

please, understand, it does not matter

the only number that matters is how many will not vote for him in a two party race in 3 years and 46% is good enough for a Republican to win







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Just now, aZjimbo said:

Because people are fed up with lying politicians. Very obvious.

Yep.....People want transparency in the government and that is exactly what they are getting. Some people do like to be shielded and lied too and told they live in a utopia where everything is great which isnt the truth

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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

Yep.....People want transparency in the government and that is exactly what they are getting. Some people do like to be shielded and lied too and told they live in a utopia where everything is great which isnt the truth

Wait until this latest scandal gets released. People will distrust government even more. 

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Just now, TheBlockIsHot said:

Nothing but a train wreck. Voter turnout will be an all time high next time. The republiCONS are doomed.

Yea just like the left wing commies that said the GOP would never win another election for 40 years after barry hussein was elected. Hello McFly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just now, aZjimbo said:

Yea just like the left wing commies that said the GOP would never win another election for 40 years after barry hussein was elected. Hello McFly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It took taking a beating and losing by more than 2 million votes to get one of you clowns in. It will never happen again. RepubliCONS haven't won a popular vote since Vietnam LOL!

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