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27 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

Maybe Trump should have gotten in a boat in the Gulf and told the hurricane to turn around.  This “outraged about anything and everything” act really is wearing thin.

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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

They are more than idiots. They are groupies. And that is far scarier. 


The Hysterical Middle School Girl Posse's opinions are noted.

I mean, things are really shitty in the country right now if you ignore the general prosperity. Not much to be pleased with at all.

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4 hours ago, concha said:


The Hysterical Middle School Girl Posse's opinions are noted.

I mean, things are really shitty in the country right now if you ignore the general prosperity. Not much to be pleased with at all.

One of the best leading indicators of future prosperity and decline just sent a loud, clear message for those that choose to heed it yesterday. But of course you are not listening. For you choose, instead to follow your Pied Piper ... I hope he leads you to heaven, I truly do; however, I don't think your leader could find heaven if the signs were as big as the neon lights in Vegas. 

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3 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

One of the best leading indicators of future prosperity and decline just sent a loud, clear message for those that choose to heed it yesterday. But of course you are not listening. For you choose, instead to follow your Pied Piper ... I hope he leads you to heaven, I truly do; however, I don't think your leader could find heaven if the signs were as big as the neon lights in Vegas. 

Heaven is not going to meet crying concha's or trump's standards. Too many poor souls of all the tribes/nations

That's why crying concha sold his pitiful soul to the trump crime family..

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1 minute ago, RedZone said:

Heaven is not going to meet crying concha's or trump's standards. Too many poor souls of all the tribes/nations

That's why crying concha sold his pitiful soul to the trump crime family..

I actually don't get Concha at all. He is not an idiot. He should know better, should see Trump for what he is, but he chooses to be blind. It is probably just a human failing. But from the outside looking in, it is incomprehensible to me. 

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3 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

I actually don't get Concha at all. He is not an idiot. He should know better, should see Trump for what he is, but he chooses to be blind. It is probably just a human failing. But from the outside looking in, it is incomprehensible to me. 

I get him perfectly.

He's an idiot. He has reached a point in his sad life where political wins at any cost are the only things that matter. It happens to most of his tribe.



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...at least david lee (aka zulu, concha's first mate) made a post or two in the Hurricane Michael thread.

Things like that and other catastrophic events have absolutely NO effect on crying concha.. 

Say something "negative" about trump though and watch crying concha go mad like a rabid dog. Go figure!

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58 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

I actually don't get Concha at all. He is not an idiot. He should know better, should see Trump for what he is, but he chooses to be blind. It is probably just a human failing. But from the outside looking in, it is incomprehensible to me. 

I see Trump as a guy who is delivering prosperity to the country, importantly including minorities, who are actually gaining ground.

I see him as a guy who is improving our standing in the world in terms of international trade.

I see him as a guy who's vision is to NOT grow the power of Washington DC, which has already grown well outside the bounds of our constitutional construct.

I see him as a man who is appointing well-qualified justices to the Supreme Court. Men who are likely to interpret the constitution as written and intended rather than as a leftist creative writing project.

I see him as a man who is challenging dead-beat "allies" to pull their own weight in our mutual defense agreements.


I hope this helps.


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10 hours ago, RedZone said:

trump was part of the  “outraged about anything and everything” act in 2012......you were a younger version of the same dumbass then.


So you agree with the lifelong Democrat in principle...….

….until he becomes a politician..

....too funny 🤣 

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Just now, RedZone said:

huh? is this yet another of your posts I'm suppose to guess what you are talking about?

I guess so......🤣

as your posts reveal, it's much easier to lather criticism when your not the one doing the job....

even Trump does/did it too....🤔

Allow me to assist....

In order for anything you posted in this entire thread to make any sense or reason,  You would necessarily need to agree with your hero Donald Trump in his 'accurate' assessment of Your prized Obama (along with JZ and crew) of being......you know..... TOTAL DICKS.....

but if you wine loud enough, people may not even notice.....👍



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1 minute ago, Troll said:


In order for anything you posted in this entire thread to make any sense or reason,  You would necessarily need to agree with your hero Donald Trump in his 'accurate' assessment of Your prized Obama (along with JZ and crew) of being......you know..... TOTAL DICKS.....




I think "most" people understood I was talking about a hypocritical POS and about those defending him who have NO idea what the babbling fool trump has raged on and how often.

You are NOT "most people" though.

I've seen the GOP Hurricane Train up close and personal for that matter.

So they can ALL kiss my ass.


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1 minute ago, RedZone said:

I think "most" people understood I was talking about a hypocritical POS and about those defending him who have NO idea what the babbling fool trump has raged on and how often.

So everyone is to take this as a DEFINITIVE YES then?

You agree that Obama and JZ are hypocritical POS's and that those defending them have NO idea what they say? 🤣

4 minutes ago, RedZone said:

You are NOT "most people" though.

Well at least you got something right in this thread...👍

6 minutes ago, RedZone said:

I've seen the GOP Hurricane Train up close and personal for that matter.

So they can ALL kiss my ass.

Good for you....I guess everyone else can just....as you say.... 'guess what you are talking about'  😜  


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