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They found some bad stuff on Trump this time.


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They are idiots. 

The truth is that they are acting like Trump's financial situation a generation ago is some deep, dark secret. It provides cover for treating it like actual news. 

These dimwits are scared shitless. None of them believe Trump will lose an election with the economy like it is and after the Mueller Report exoneration. 

They have little to nothing real to run on and Trump's approvals are up including amongst minorities. 

If they do win it will be due to domination of major media and the liberal social media giants current campaigns to silence conservatives voices. 

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36 minutes ago, concha said:

They are idiots. 

The truth is that they are acting like Trump's financial situation a generation ago is some deep, dark secret. It provides cover for treating it like actual news. 

These dimwits are scared shitless. None of them believe Trump will lose an election with the economy like it is and after the Mueller Report exoneration. 

They have little to nothing real to run on and Trump's approvals are up including amongst minorities. 

If they do win it will be due to domination of major media and the liberal social media giants current campaigns to silence conservatives voices. 

You’re absolutely correct. They know the only way that they can win is to obstruct, lie, cheat, steal, silence (as you’ve said), defame, investigate(translation: dig for dirt)....etc. No policies to run in whatsoever for the shit show party while Trump is kicking ass. They’re done unless they can uncover that Trump killed somebody...lol. There’s no way....no way....Trump would have to have done something really really really really bad....no way I will ever vote democrat. And at least 50% of the country (likely much higher)now shares my sentiment. ‘20 is going to be a worse ass kicking than ‘16. I don’t think that even the social media silencing of conservative voices will change that. The battle lines have already been drawn in the sand. Thanks dems. 👍

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36 minutes ago, concha said:

They are idiots. 

The truth is that they are acting like Trump's financial situation a generation ago is some deep, dark secret. It provides cover for treating it like actual news. 

These dimwits are scared shitless. None of them believe Trump will lose an election with the economy like it is and after the Mueller Report exoneration. 

They have little to nothing real to run on and Trump's approvals are up including amongst minorities. 

If they do win it will be due to domination of major media and the liberal social media giants current campaigns to silence conservatives voices. 

Or if Texas flips. If not this election, future elections are in jeopardy with Texas turning blue. There’s also a shitload of young people turning voting age that been deemed this liberal rat bs for 15 years.... 

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7 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

You’re absolutely correct. They know the only way that they can win is to obstruct, lie, cheat, steal, silence (as you’ve said), defame, investigate(translation: dig for dirt)....etc. No policies to run in whatsoever for the shit show party while Trump is kicking ass. They’re done unless they can uncover that Trump killed somebody...lol. There’s no way....no way....Trump would have to have done something really really really really bad....no way I will ever vote democrat. And at least 50% of the country (likely much higher)now shares my sentiment. ‘20 is going to be worse today than ‘16. I don’t think that even the social media silencing of conservative voices will change that. I’m eating lines have already been drawn in the sand. Thanks dems. 👍

I wouldn’t be surprised if Dems win in 2020. There’s a lot of stupid mfers out there that vote with the rats and it’s only getting worse. We should see the BLM and dreamer movement hit main stream media any time now with election in 18 months. We all know they don’t give a shit about either until election time to rat their votes  

Bigly-Hugly amount of Minorities vote Democrat and their numbers are growing in key states. 



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6 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if Dems win in 2020. There’s a lot of stupid mfers out there that vote with the rats and it’s only getting worse. We should see the BLM and dreamer movement hit main stream media any time now with election in 18 months. We all know they don’t give a shit about either until election time to rat their votes  

Bigly-Hugly amount of Minorities vote Democrat and their numbers are growing in key states. 



God. I hope you’re wrong, Russ🙁. I honestly think that Trump is good this time around though. Texas will stay red this time. But in the future, as you said, that could be an issue. As with other key states. It’ll be a dark day for this country if/when the dems regain power. 

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1 minute ago, Blueliner said:

God. I hope you’re wrong, Russ🙁. I honestly think that Trump is good this time around though. Texas will stay red this time. But in the future, as you said, that could be an issue. As with other key states. It’ll be a dark day for this country if/when the dems regain power. 

When and if Texas turns blue it’s over! Lights out...The whole country will turn into California without the beaches, mountains , lakes.... I’ll take my capsule when that happens. 

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3 hours ago, concha said:


If they do win it will be due to domination of major media and the liberal social media giants current campaigns to silence conservatives voices. 

Shut up clown....another unsubstantiated conspiracy theory drummed up by a witless hack. No way he could lose the popular vote again and a few states flip to blue ?  Not saying it will happen, but unlike your tight ass, I can comprehend the possibilities without making shit up....

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2 hours ago, Blueliner said:

You’re absolutely correct. They know the only way that they can win is to obstruct, lie, cheat, steal, silence (as you’ve said), defame, investigate(translation: dig for dirt)....etc. No policies to run in whatsoever for the shit show party while Trump is kicking ass. They’re done unless they can uncover that Trump killed somebody...lol. There’s no way....no way....Trump would have to have done something really really really really bad....no way I will ever vote democrat. And at least 50% of the country (likely much higher)now shares my sentiment. ‘20 is going to be a worse ass kicking than ‘16. I don’t think that even the social media silencing of conservative voices will change that. The battle lines have already been drawn in the sand. Thanks dems. 👍

"F"  you too, Clown2.  Read above post^^^^^.......and learn something

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2 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

Shut up clown....another unsubstantiated conspiracy theory drummed up by a witless hack. No way he could lose the popular vote again and a few states flip to blue ?  Not saying it will happen, but unlike your tight ass, I can comprehend the possibilities without making shit up....

That little man is truly something, huh?

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7 minutes ago, dan in daytona said:

Shut up clown....another unsubstantiated conspiracy theory drummed up by a witless hack. No way he could lose the popular vote again and a few states flip to blue ?  Not saying it will happen, but unlike your tight ass, I can comprehend the possibilities without making shit up....

Danny feelin' salty today!

But that's cause Danny is awesome.

Go educate yourself, Danny. Generally you've shown the class that you can't comprehend shit. 🤣👍


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