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10 minutes ago, Slotback Right said:

Jonathan Pie's video after Trump's win was waaaay more entertaining than this week's video. It's hilarious! But his message is the same. Hurl insults and you lose the elections. You'll love this one.


This is why I have been so interested in what happened with Brexit.  The British and US electorates are in sync right now.  The same political realignments are occurring in the 2 countries, based on similar issues.

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Any of this sound familiar?

This is by a leftist, btw... A union activist.



...But the woke liberals and Toytown revolutionaries who now dominate the party didn’t listen to us. They truly thought that ‘one more heave’ would bring victory. They believed that constantly hammering on about economic inequality would be enough to get Labour over the line. In doing so, they made a major miscalculation: they failed to grasp that working-class voters desire something more than just economic security; they want cultural security too.

They want politicians to respect their way of life, and their sense of place and belonging; to elevate real-world concepts such as work, family and community over nebulous constructs like ‘diversity’, ‘equality’ and ‘inclusivity’. By immersing itself in the destructive creed of identity politics and championing policies such as open borders, Labour placed itself on a completely different wavelength to millions across provincial Britain without whose support it simply could not win power. In the end, Labour was losing a cultural war that it didn’t even realise it was fighting.

...Labour must stop treating the traditional working-class as though they were some kind of embarrassing elderly relative. It must learn to respect those who, for example, voted for Brexit, oppose large-scale immigration, want to see a tough and effective justice system, feel proud to be British, support the reassertion of the role of the family at the centre of society, prefer a welfare system to be based around reciprocity – something for something – rather than universal entitlement, believe in the nation state, and do not obsess about multiculturalism or trans rights.

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by Selwyn Duke:


Thus would I say to any somewhat traditional liberal voter — what I call an “ethnic Democrat/Labourite” (born into, not chosen) — the following to inspire thought:

“I commend you. Not everyone could reject all his grandparents’ values in deference to party.”

“What do you mean?” the person may ask.

“Well,” I’ll respond, “the party in days gone by never supported putting boys in girls’ bathrooms, prenatal infanticide on demand, hate-speech laws, open-borders cultural genocide, multiculturalism, attacks on Christianity, and identity politics. But it does today. Yet you stick with them, and not everyone could do that.”

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For weeks after Johnson became PM, the coalition of rebel Tories, Labour and Lib Dems frustrated Johnson’s every attempt to resolve Brexit - voting him down time and time again.  They laughed at him, called him a terrible PM, high-fived with the media and Twitter.  They thought they were being so smart.  And the British people watched and waited.  Then they had their say, and bitch-slapped the elites to kingdom come.

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12 hours ago, Bormio said:

For weeks after Johnson became PM, the coalition of rebel Tories, Labour and Lib Dems frustrated Johnson’s every attempt to resolve Brexit - voting him down time and time again.  They laughed at him, called him a terrible PM, high-fived with the media and Twitter.  They thought they were being so smart.  And the British people watched and waited.  Then they had their say, and bitch-slapped the elites to kingdom come.

Exactly what seems to be in store for the Dems in November.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/14/2019 at 8:45 AM, Bormio said:

Scotland is part of the United Kingdom.  The US did not let the South walk.  The Scots had a referendum in 2014 - independence lost 55-45.  The Brits are not going to grant a referendum every time the Scots get their panties in a wad.  I suspect they may get another one - in about a generation.

Speaking of North Ireland and terrrists....did you happen to notice Kilry just accepted a 'ceremonial' University position there (with some time spent on soil strings) 🤔

Pretty odd thing to do....if you were trying to stay in American politics...

Pretty smart thing to do...if you are counting on the extradition exceptions, for political defendants there....


PS. My understanding is that only upon Brexit would these (older English, not EU) extradition exceptions come into play....so that seems a very interesting twist



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1 minute ago, Hardcore Troubador said:

Meghan Markle is a spicy little number, I’ll admit.  But these two are delusional.  “Financially independent?”  Please.  🤣

Harry and Meghan remind me of two people who were born on third base and think they hit a triple...

Megan doesnt want to be subservient in the royal family.

Shes an american woman who wants him to work for big money

Shes hated by the royal family 

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9 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

Megan doesnt want to be subservient in the royal family.

Shes an american woman who wants him to work for big money

Shes hated by the royal family 

🤣   You’re funny.  If she didn’t want to be subservient she shouldn’t have married one of them and them tried to cash in on his fame.  She was a B-list actress before.  Now even if they go full Edward & Wallis she’ll always be “Princess Meghan”.  And you think he’s gonna get a 9-5 like the rear of us stiffs?  They’ll always be living off of, and cashing off of, his family legacy.  She’ll always be living in the shadow of the Royal Family.

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1 minute ago, Hardcore Troubador said:

🤣   You’re funny.  If she didn’t want to be subservient she shouldn’t have married one of them and them tried to cash in on his fame.  She was a B-list actress before.  Now even if they go full Edward & Wallis she’ll always be “Princess Meghan”.  And you think he’s gonna get a 9-5 like the rear of us stiffs?  They’ll always be living off of, and cashing off of, his family legacy.  She’ll always be living in the shadow of the Royal Family.

According to the article I just read that's not what she wants 

She doesn't want the royal money

She wants independent money. She wants more money than what hell make thru the royal family. 

I cant make this shit up. I only post what I read

Idk why this shit is even talked about in america. 

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