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Game changer in the George Floyd case


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7 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

So the fentanyl alone killed him? Definitely not the officer putting his knee on his neck and preventing airflow (coupled with said fentanyl for those who would believe that)?

Kneeling mad probably a factor not the main reason,, I’ve lost count how many  necks I knelt on and been knelt on , that’s how you take hold of a situation,, you never been in a fight where you been knelt on and pinned down, cmon don’t be two faced 



and that amount of fentanyl he had but take out a family of full grown elephants 



all it takes is the size of the nose on a penny  of fentanyl to kill someone 

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Just now, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Kneeling mad probably a factor not the main reason,, I’ve lost count how many  necks I knelt on and been knelt on , that’s how you take hold of a situation,, you never been in a fight where you been knelt on and pinned down, cmon don’t be two faced 



and that amount of fentanyl he had but take out a family of full grown elephants 



all it takes is the size of the nose on a penny  of fentanyl to kill someone 

He swallowed the whole packet of fentanyl cause he didn’t want to goto prison 




@ngdawg you don’t think swallowing a bag of fenti would kill someone?

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2 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

So you're saying that he purposefully took fentanyl and he was attempting to kill himself over being arrested?

Are you shitting me of course he took it purposefully wat kind of dog shit question was that



%110 that’s what happened, he got nervous about going to jail, had more than 1 use full of drugs on him so in a panic he swallowed all his drugs,, you can’t be this ignorant 

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3 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Are you shitting me of course he took it purposefully wat kind of dog shit question was that



%110 that’s what happened, he got nervous about going to jail, had more than 1 use full of drugs on him so in a panic he swallowed all his drugs,, you can’t be this ignorant 

Right...so it's completely coincidental that he died after 8 minutes of an officer placing his knee on his neck. Totally planned. Officer had absolutely nothing to do with this. It's just a giant coincidence.



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4 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

Right...so it's completely coincidental that he died after 8 minutes of an officer placing his knee on his neck. Totally planned. Officer had absolutely nothing to do with this. It's just a giant coincidence.




Probably would have been dead in 15 minutes anyway once the plastic bag he swallowed pops

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1 hour ago, ngdawg said:

Right...so it's completely coincidental that he died after 8 minutes of an officer placing his knee on his neck. Totally planned. Officer had absolutely nothing to do with this. It's just a giant coincidence.



Good for you for not knowing about drugs, but if you give 10 people that amount of fentanyl at once 9/10 are dieing 


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4 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Sure , main cause absolutely not

I still don't know about that second part. Especially since the officer put his knee on Floyd's neck even after Floyd said he couldn't breathe. Unless the fentanyl affects the windpipe directly, the main cause could have been the officer placing the knee on his neck for over 8 minutes.

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2 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

I still don't know about that second part. Especially since the officer put his knee on Floyd's neck even after Floyd said he couldn't breathe. Unless the fentanyl affects the windpipe directly, the main cause could have been the officer placing the knee on his neck for over 8 minutes.

I’ll repeat again, have you ever were rough housing with a friend and it got serious so either you or friend pinned the other down and knelt on him,,, cmon I know everyone has once

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Just now, imaGoodBoyNow said:

I’ll repeat again, have you ever were rough housing with a friend and it got serious so either you or friend pinned the other down and knelt on him,,, cmon I know everyone has once

No, I've never done that. I have slapped a kid across the face with a shoe once though.

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5 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

I still don't know about that second part. Especially since the officer put his knee on Floyd's neck even after Floyd said he couldn't breathe. Unless the fentanyl affects the windpipe directly, the main cause could have been the officer placing the knee on his neck for over 8 minutes.

Fentanyl could cause a sensation of not being able to breathe.  That said, what juror will vote not guilty - you would have to enter the Witness Protection Program.

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1 minute ago, Bormio said:

Fentanyl could cause a sensation of not being able to breathe.  That said, what juror will vote not guilty - you would have to enter the Witness Protection Program.

I don't see any way that you could say "not guilty". The officer did "expedite" the process of death, and this is assuming the fentanyl's effects were setting in. But we don't know that. The officer is at fault.

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George Floyd told police he was claustrophobic and struggling to breathe even before he ended up face down on the Minneapolis pavement, with an officer's knee planted on his neck, prosecutors said Friday.

...Floyd did not want to get into a squad car, as he "stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic," the complaint said, as Minneapolis police officer Tou Thoa and Chauvin arrived in their car.

"While standing outside the car, Mr. Floyd began saying and repeating that he could not breathe," the document said.



And can someone please explain how Floyd was too claustophobic to get in the police car (despite officers promising to open the windows), and yet was in a car when the officers first approached him.???

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3 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

I don't see any way that you could say "not guilty". The officer did "expedite" the process of death, and this is assuming the fentanyl's effects were setting in. But we don't know that. The officer is at fault.

All it takes is reasonable doubt.  Probable, likely, even nearly certain don’t cut it for a conviction.  Still, the jury is going to be under tremendous scrutiny.

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4 hours ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

If this is what you have, I strongly suggest you close your brokerage accounts and never trade another stock again for the rest of your life. People detached from reality should avoid financial markets like the plague. Why? You will lose all your money. So, leave markets alone or go to Edward Jones @Cat_Scratchcan vouch for them, and let them do your investing for you. 

I mean that 100%!

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9 hours ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

I’ll repeat again, have you ever were rough housing with a friend and it got serious so either you or friend pinned the other down and knelt on him,,, cmon I know everyone has once

So what you're telling me is you've done stupid shit like kneeling on each other's necks? 

When I was Rough housing as a kid hell even as a teen we never choked each other and we didn't hit each other below the waist... Those where cardinal rules... 

Needless to say kneeling on each other's necks wasn't allowed nor did we even think of or fathom doing that... 

We grew up wrestling, playing with BB guns,paintball,etc, Fighting/rough housing and tackling each other... It's a rite of passage down here I promise if you ask Hawg,Blackhatter, Football Guy any other Georgia native  they'll tell you they probably grew up doing similar or the same stuff... 

But we never and I mean never knelt on somebody's neck... Because that's stupidly dangerous... 

You know how bulky I am... If I knelt on your neck right now I promise you 99% chance you wouldn't be able to breathe... You probably wouldn't be talking mad shit either... 

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38 minutes ago, TheMaximumHornetSting said:

So what you're telling me is you've done stupid shit like kneeling on each other's necks? 

When I was Rough housing as a kid hell even as a teen we never choked each other and we didn't hit each other below the waist... Those where cardinal rules... 

Needless to say kneeling on each other's necks wasn't allowed nor did we even think of or fathom doing that... 

We grew up wrestling, playing with BB guns,paintball,etc, Fighting/rough housing and tackling each other... It's a rite of passage down here I promise if you ask Hawg,Blackhatter, Football Guy any other Georgia native  they'll tell you they probably grew up doing similar or the same stuff... 

But we never and I mean never knelt on somebody's neck... Because that's stupidly dangerous... 

You know how bulky I am... If I knelt on your neck right now I promise you 99% chance you wouldn't be able to breathe... You probably wouldn't be talking mad shit either... 

You never RKo someone? Never put someone in a rear naked choke hold? Why u Lieing?

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