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Climate Change!


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28 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Few rain clouds but gorgeous weather 

You're talking about weather.  Caj is talking about climate.  

It's not a great look to not know the difference.  

Damn politics are making people choose between ignorance and being in a cult or joining the rest of the world in believing in science and math.  

There are many exits off the ignorance highway.  I suggest you take one.  

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4 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

You're talking about weather.  Caj is talking about climate.  

It's not a great look to not know the difference.  

Damn politics are making people choose between ignorance and being in a cult or joining the rest of the world in believing in science and math.  

There are many exits off the ignorance highway.  I suggest you take one.  

Out of my pay grade on that one, why waste my life on something I can’t change



im a ♻️ recycler , I sleep Easy  at night Knowing I’m not at fault,


so when it’s my time to go the Lord will thank.  me and give me that penthouse in the pearly gates 

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42 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Damn politics are making people choose between ignorance and being in a cult or joining the rest of the world in believing in science and math.  

There are many exits off the ignorance highway.  I suggest you take one.  

Hey quick question....

ever figure out what happened to Al Gorey ???

Made a mint selling his company off to those oil barons 👍

go figure...



BTW: did you ever get a valid answer from 'science' why we shouldn't go with their first suggestion?  They actually never disproved any of it 🤷‍♂️

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51 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

It's not a great look to not know the difference.  

damn politics


PS...You sound like you don't know the difference between 'science' and 'scientists'....

here's a clue....

science on climate is guesswork...

'scientists' do the guessing


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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

 Every time a left-wing lunatic gets too much CNN where they have to come on here and start typing away about climate change I love to post this video every time.  Please just watch the four minute video and you will see how climate change is a hoax 


Lol.  Carlin might know even less than you do about this subject and that is saying a lot.  A person does not learn anything about the climate from CNN you dolt.  And a person definitely does not learn anything about it from Breitbart or Qanon or whatever source you use to dumb yourself down.  

You obviously have nothing to add to the topic so why even bother.  Go back to sticking your head up your ass while being angry and scared of everything.  You know, your comfort zone.  

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2 hours ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Out of my pay grade on that one, why waste my life on something I can’t change



im a ♻️ recycler , I sleep Easy  at night Knowing I’m not at fault,


so when it’s my time to go the Lord will thank.  me and give me that penthouse in the pearly gates 

Why waste your life on something you can't change?  Why reply to the OP to begin with? 

Btw, you now have ANOTHER opportunity to learn something so that next time you can actually contribute to these types of conversations.  First thing to know is that it is NOT POLITICAL.  Second thing is that 97% of the worlds scientist are in 100% agreement that it is real and that we are a major contributor.  The other 3% have an agenda and are either directly or indirectly working for those who want to continue with what we are doing and ignore the problem.  The only thing that is uncertain is how much damage and how soon the damage comes and how quickly humans can adapt and change behaviors.  

We will pay the price for sticking our heads in the sand.  Maybe not today or tomorrow or even in our lifetimes but the bill will be paid eventually.  Imo, it will be sooner rather that later and I think you will see it getting much worse before you are dead.  I probably wont see it and I don't have any kids to worry about so I'm not losing too much sleep about it.  It is just stupid seeing something neutral to politics become so political.  Just like wearing a mask has become political.  Stupid.  

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The only thing you can do about climate change is board a plane to China and India and demand they stop the free-for-all pollution they are guilty of.  Hopefully they don’t kill you. 

 America and every other first world countries are doing their part to curb earth pollution.  That’s the real issue not some fake climate change hoax.  That is a made up term to seize power from a political subject. 

We are doing our part. Everyone in society is generally mindful of recycling and not polluting. Businesses have been guilty of negligence and should be held accountable. 

But climate change is a left wing talking point that will kill jobs and of course give Dems the power they seek. 

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38 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The only thing you can do about climate change is board a plane to China and India and demand they stop the free-for-all pollution they are guilty of.  Hopefully they don’t kill you. 

 America and every other first world countries are doing their part to curb earth pollution.  That’s the real issue not some fake climate change hoax.  That is a made up term to seize power from a political subject. 

We are doing our part. Everyone in society is generally mindful of recycling and not polluting. Businesses have been guilty of negligence and should be held accountable. 

But climate change is a left wing talking point that will kill jobs and of course give Dems the power they seek. 

That made up 'term' has been around since the 70's so that makes your assertion of seizing power sound kind of stupid.  How does climate change give power to Democrats?  That must mean that nearly every country and nearly every scientist since the 70's has been playing the long game of waiting until 2020 so the Democrats could have power.  That sounds reasonable to you?  

You do know that Republicans are the only idiots on the planet who don't think it is real.  The only people on this planet.  Everyone else doesn't listen to our idiot in chief about such matters and I'm thankful for that.  

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1 hour ago, World Citizen said:

Why waste your life on something you can't change?  Why reply to the OP to begin with? 

Btw, you now have ANOTHER opportunity to learn something so that next time you can actually contribute to these types of conversations.  First thing to know is that it is NOT POLITICAL.  Second thing is that 97% of the worlds scientist are in 100% agreement that it is real and that we are a major contributor.  The other 3% have an agenda and are either directly or indirectly working for those who want to continue with what we are doing and ignore the problem.  The only thing that is uncertain is how much damage and how soon the damage comes and how quickly humans can adapt and change behaviors.  

We will pay the price for sticking our heads in the sand.  Maybe not today or tomorrow or even in our lifetimes but the bill will be paid eventually.  Imo, it will be sooner rather that later and I think you will see it getting much worse before you are dead.  I probably wont see it and I don't have any kids to worry about so I'm not losing too much sleep about it.  It is just stupid seeing something neutral to politics become so political.  Just like wearing a mask has become political.  Stupid.  

the problem is pollution....

at least we can agree on that 👍


the climate "cycle" is in a warming trend, you should be able to agree there...

CO2 is a naturally occurring plant food....you say it's environmental poison,  I say it's not....

You say "scientists" blame CO2 for the "critical warming" you think is occurring...

I say "scientists" don't blame CO2 for any "critical warming", as they recognize other more powerful factors in a global environment...

so what "scientist" or study do you think has your back, or proves your case?

go ahead and prove your theory Einstein  🙄


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7 minutes ago, RedZone said:

People better wake up!

ghost 'heat' pops in the new madrid fault the last couple days...land based...

Latest data on Magnetic reversal is interesting LOL

There's a front going to get pushed right up the middle there by Zeta

and With a nice little solar pop last night...

there's Good conditions for maybe a little earth rumble along the new madrid... 👌 (with some seriously high lightning strike data along the front... leading the 'charge' 💡


PS: with those recent quake flurries on the west coast that plate has move a smudge to the left...

BTW: YES......wake up 👍  

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5 hours ago, Slotback Right said:

What's the big deal? If it gets too hot for you in say, Virginia, move somewhere warmer. The Yukon ought to be just right by then.

And by the time this planet is finally shot, some million years from now, we'll have heavily populated other planets and moons in various solar systems. 

Lighten up, you Chicken Littles.


Canadians love the Idea 😝

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16 hours ago, RedZone said:

Only the biggest fools on the planet dismiss Climate Change....believe in that...

only bigger fools who believe in catastrophic global warming....


would scoff at the idea of say.....








purchasing Greenland....🤔





.....and RZ right now is like.....




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9 hours ago, Slotback Right said:

What's the big deal? If it gets too hot for you in say, Virginia, move somewhere warmer. The Yukon ought to be just right by then.

And by the time this planet is finally shot, some million years from now, we'll have heavily populated other planets and moons in various solar systems. 

Lighten up, you Chicken Littles.

You never made the Dean's List.....that's for sure. 


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