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4 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Myles Rowser 🐪 🐫 🐫


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2 minutes ago, Wooderson said:

Impact of the transfer portal; I can go to a smaller school, transition from high school to a higher level of competition, get my school paid for, and still transfer to an FBS school for the almighty "exposure". It's no longer necessary to find the right fit for the next four years of your life.

Do u think this is just a transition temp school or u think they trying to make this school a hotbed destination like fellow Jackson state

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1 hour ago, FreeBird said:

Do u think this is just a transition temp school or u think they trying to make this school a hotbed destination like fellow Jackson state

hotbed destination?.. Campell is in the middle of freaking nowhere.. The school is the town..lol  but I think playing right away and playing on both sides of the ball for a year or two would be appealing.. and you get to be BMOC like in high school for a couple more years. Not sure where the NIL will come from but you never know what got richie graduated from these schools and wants to get involved..or more like connections Sanders or Minter may have

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31 minutes ago, FreeBird said:

Do u think this is just a transition temp school or u think they trying to make this school a hotbed destination like fellow Jackson state

If I'm Minter and am selling this to a recruit I'm speaking to the availability of immediate playing time, my experience as a pro, and bet on the culture I'm building is going to be persuasive enough to keep the program from being a stepping stone. I think you're rolling the dice that the potential uptick in talent level and notoriety is going to be canceled out by a big name kid using your school as a turnstile to somewhere bigger, but these schools might see that risk worth it in the big picture.


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1 minute ago, OldTerrapin said:

Verbal committal to M Jan 2020 then decommitted April 2020 . Then verbal to Arkansas March 2021 then decom and flip to Campbell Feb 2022.. 

I read something just now that he was involved in a Car theft ring in Detroit that’s why he’s unsignable, but again the only place that I can find that accusation was on a football forum and on Redit 😂 

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hmmm.. What the fuck is with the car jacking these days? It's a crazy problem in Philly also..


from a Mod on the Arkansas forum.. seems like legit insider info


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MODModerator Achievement·7 days ago·Stickied comment

Since hes no longer a Hog.

Myles is facing charges of felony car jacking. Hes being charged in a connection to a car jacking ring in Detroit. Its unknown whether he is actually a part of the ring or not. The staff was hoping that his legal situation would be resolved one way or another by now but it was not and theyre not willing to risk losing the scholarship again like they did with Catrell Wallace in Pittman's first class.






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3 minutes ago, FreeBird said:

Ahhh makes since now why he choose Campbell,, but again this guys source is Reddit, could be an obsessed Arkansas fan trying to deface him,  so Fucj knows

I am sure his name is connected in the investigation in some way and more often then not where there is smoke there is fire.. been my experience anyway. I 100% believe Ark pulled the offer though

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