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General Flynn's son....


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As reported yesterday is a target of Muller......now we see why the general is willing "to tell his story" for immunity.......he doesn't want Jr. going down like Donny Jr. is...Muller is no joke and everyday the reports are getting more and more specific as to what his focus is and Donny is going down BIGLY when all is said and done...we're just finding out one the reasons he was going out of his way to compliment Putin the last 2 years was because he was trying to get a Trump Tower built in Moscow!!....it all makes sense now....it's all about Donny getting richer at the expense of the American public...like how he promotes his golf courses/hotels 24-7......

GSB....I hope you're saving for that dinner you're going to owe me....;)

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yea...66 is a crazy liberal who doesn't know shit.....BTW did either of you hear the reports last night?? that Paulie Maniford has been told by Muller that he is going to be indiated????....the house of cards is starting to crumble BIGLY.......Jared?...his days are numbered too...his "backdoor" communications he was trying to establish with Moscow? all the things he "forgot" to tell the gov't about his meetings with Russians??...and it's been reported Jared is the one who talked Donny into firing Comey...brilliant!

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Obama didn't wire tap anyone...the FBI and CIA were wiretapping him since 2014 due to his involvement with Ukraine and him laundering $$...he's as  dirty as they get...how else could the FBI get a no-knock warrant to raid his house?...they had to prove to a judge that they thought he would destroy evidence...he's going down big time...

Hillary's book tour?...will have nothing to do with the 2020 election..

Dreamer's turning on Pelosi?..LOL...how about all the Trumpers burning their MAGA hats after Donny made a deal about the Dreamers with Chuck and Nancy....he's got played like a fiddle by Chuck and Nancy.....

and now there is no $$ for the famous wall that Mexico was going to pay for...his biggest campaign promise is gone after 8 only months on the job?!...who's going to build a wall??...who's going to pay for the wall??...all the parrots at his rallies knew the answers....:$

NK keeps poking him in the eye and he has no response other than to blame China?...


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3 hours ago, DBP66 said:

Obama didn't wire tap anyone...the FBI and CIA were wiretapping him since 2014 due to his involvement with Ukraine and him laundering $$...he's as  dirty as they get...how else could the FBI get a no-knock warrant to raid his house?...they had to prove to a judge that they thought he would destroy evidence...he's going down big time...

Hillary's book tour?...will have nothing to do with the 2020 election..

Dreamer's turning on Pelosi?..LOL...how about all the Trumpers burning their MAGA hats after Donny made a deal about the Dreamers with Chuck and Nancy....he's got played like a fiddle by Chuck and Nancy.....

and now there is no $$ for the famous wall that Mexico was going to pay for...his biggest campaign promise is gone after 8 only months on the job?!...who's going to build a wall??...who's going to pay for the wall??...all the parrots at his rallies knew the answers....:$

NK keeps poking him in the eye and he has no response other than to blame China?...


seriously do you have to prove what a dumb fuck you are every day? Try and crawl back the ass from which you came. If that don't work hold your frigging breath until you pass out. If you awake try again continue until you don't. You're wasting oxygen. 

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yea... the ^ 33% of the population that still support Donny.....the other 2/3, 66% of the US population don't support him....you Trumpers are the top of that ice berg...the 1/3 of the ice berg-population....O.o

don't forget he LOST the popular vote by 2.9 million votes....stop trying to kid yourself with these cute memes.....

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On 9/14/2017 at 7:19 AM, DBP66 said:

As reported yesterday is a target of Muller......now we see why the general is willing "to tell his story" for immunity.......he doesn't want Jr. going down like Donny Jr. is...Muller is no joke and everyday the reports are getting more and more specific as to what his focus is and Donny is going down BIGLY when all is said and done...we're just finding out one the reasons he was going out of his way to compliment Putin the last 2 years was because he was trying to get a Trump Tower built in Moscow!!....it all makes sense now....it's all about Donny getting richer at the expense of the American public...like how he promotes his golf courses/hotels 24-7......

GSB....I hope you're saving for that dinner you're going to owe me....;)

What EXACTLY, is Donny Jr. going down FOR? The SAME thing 10,000 OTHER citizens have done, in past elections?

Jist fer shits and giggles though! Unless the DEEP STATE really IS controlling our gubment! Looks as though Lynch, Comey, Clapper, Clinton, Jarrett, and MAAAAAYBE Barry et al., will be indicted in the coming months, for various maladies in the cluster fuck, that was the Obana administration!

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On 9/19/2017 at 6:32 AM, DBP66 said:

yea...66 is a crazy liberal who doesn't know shit.....BTW did either of you hear the reports last night?? that Paulie Maniford has been told by Muller that he is going to be indiated????....the house of cards is starting to crumble BIGLY.......Jared?...his days are numbered too...his "backdoor" communications he was trying to establish with Moscow? all the things he "forgot" to tell the gov't about his meetings with Russians??...and it's been reported Jared is the one who talked Donny into firing Comey...brilliant!

If the Libtards haven't posted this previously! There apparently WAS WIRETAPPING in TRUMP TOWER, BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the election that saved the USA! And GUESS WHO ordered it?xD

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There's so many dense people in this country. No wonder we get a silly reality t.v. star as president.



Per Trump's own Justice Department.


Justice Department confirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump ...

Sep 2, 2017 - Justice Department confirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump Tower .... that former President Obama 'wiretapped' him at Trump Tower," the group said. ... DOJ noted in the motion that FBI and the DOJ can't "confirm or deny the ... Shut up and play: The NFL and ESPN need to get politics out of sports ...

Trump's Claim That Obama Wiretapped His Campaign is False: U.S. ...


Sep 2, 2017 - In a stunning late night filing, the Department of Justice stated that ... the FBI nor its National Security Division wiretapped Trump Tower, ... Clapper said that he would have known “about a court order on ... is potentially catastrophic because Trump cannot pardon state crimes. ... One has to listen to the proof.





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10 hours ago, DBP66 said:

^  you think there were over 6 million "tainted" votes in California??........LOL.....time for a reality check...but reality and Trumpers don't get along....O.o

Half of Ass backwards California's population care more about the country below us than our own. Their votes shouldn't count anyway. Let them become their own country or sell them back to Mexico. Moon beam seems to think he's running his own country as it is and he's running it like a 3rd world country. 

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