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The lying low lives at Fox "news"


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7 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

and how much coverage is Fox news giving the boy who died in the U.S.Border Patrol custody...

You fell for it DBP66. 

don't let him suck you in like that. Now YOU have effectively said that media is either right or left when in truth main stream media is very fair and balanced. Only Fox is not and it is by design. 

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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

and how much coverage is Fox news giving the boy who died in the U.S.Border Patrol custody...

Are you referring to the tragic death of the boy who was taken the dangerous journey to this country to increase his father's chance of gaining entry (per an interview with his mother via Reuters)? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-border-death/bereaved-guatemalan-mother-recalls-hopes-son-would-ease-u-s-entry-idUSKCN1OQ1HN

Is this the boy who was given free medical treatment including antibiotics by our government?

Perhaps you could google "fox news Guatemalan boy died". It's easy.  And will, of course, not provide the results your ignorant heart desires.


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45 minutes ago, concha said:

What was the propaganda?


it's the B.S. you spew everyday in defense of Donny you learn from Fox news....you're one of the better Fox news parrots on this board!

...you and your fellow clowns deny and blame the MSM and everything is o.k. your simple world...what's today's unemployment figures?..🤡

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14 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

you Trumpers are too smart for the rest of us...are you still proud Donny was laughed at by the U.N.??....speaking of idiots....🤡

The UN is comprised mainly of poor, dysfunctional and corrupt shitholes.  Kind of like your intellect (or complete lack thereof).

It is of little surprise you would look to the UN for guidance.

You are truly one of the most stupid people I've ever encountered.

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12 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

it's the B.S. you spew everyday in defense of Donny you learn from Fox news....you're one of the better Fox news parrots on this board!

...you and your fellow clowns deny and blame the MSM and everything is o.k. your simple world...what's today's unemployment figures?..🤡

I don't watch much Fox News.

And the unemployment numbers are very, very good under Trump.

Why do you hate that America is prospering?  Oh, I forgot. You're an America-loathing leftist. And an imbecile.

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15 minutes ago, ohio said:

So, is it against the law for Trump to sign the MAGA hats for the military warriors or not?  And if so, which military law was broken?

Sincere question.

I think it has to do with the military remaining apolitical.

But then, these asshats didn't say a thing when troops wanted Obama to sign photos etc...

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21 minutes ago, concha said:

The UN is comprised mainly of poor, dysfunctional and corrupt shitholes.  Kind of like your intellect (or complete lack thereof).

It is of little surprise you would look to the UN for guidance.

You are truly one of the most stupid people I've ever encountered.

..you nutty Trumpers can't grasp the concept of the U.N...way over your head...not surprising...🤡

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