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1 hour ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Wasn't me but easy to do.

But why not drop the whole thing that you and @Sportsnutย and @Gardensateballerย and @NorCalRussย etc have going on?ย 

My wife gives me shit for how much time I spend on here, which irritates me a littleย because I halfย agree with her. But the thing that you guys have going on is a different kettle of fish entirely. And it goes on and on, day after day.

I think the OT forum would be a better, more interesting placeย if it wasn't so overcrowded by endless reduplications of the same threads andย posts. You guys mightย consider exercisingย some more self-control. Me too.ย 

How far do you think your stuff is removed from this?


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1 hour ago, Sportsnut said:

I totally understand where you are coming from. I am complicit to the max as I defend my stance. I can but if they don't, I won't.

I am as much to blame as them but the bulk comes at me not from me, until they got me going and I have never been one to back down, especially from what or whom I deem an enemy. I bring topics they do not want to address and instead of doing just that, it is degrading comments that require fighting fire with fire. No matter the topic, I am singled out by them all and that makes me go even harder.ย  I hope you can understand where I am coming from as I wish to be a good participant here but the idiocy of these others that have an ax to grind, makes me fight back. I know I have no obligation to answer to you but you came with common sense and I for one believe that a more civil atmosphere is called for.

I respect the word of those that post with a sense of decorum and would like nothing more than to have conversation with real dialogue and a reasonable expectation of detraction, given everyone has an opinion. If one takes the time to read what is posted and reply within reason, this would never be. Instead, it is filled with the nastiness that posters like yourself dislike. As the mod said, ""this is not a football site"". Neither is it a place where some can say what they will and not have the sentiment returned.

So on goes the war between the lines.


P.S. Thanks.

So you're unable to bring yourself to be the bigger man.


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4 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

I totally understand where you are coming from. I am complicit to the max as I defend my stance. I can but if they don't, I won't.

I am as much to blame as them but the bulk comes at me not from me, until they got me going and I have never been one to back down, especially from what or whom I deem an enemy. I bring topics they do not want to address and instead of doing just that, it is degrading comments that require fighting fire with fire. No matter the topic, I am singled out by them all and that makes me go even harder.ย  I hope you can understand where I am coming from as I wish to be a good participant here but the idiocy of these others that have an ax to grind, makes me fight back. I know I have no obligation to answer to you but you came with common sense and I for one believe that a more civil atmosphere is called for.

I respect the word of those that post with a sense of decorum and would like nothing more than to have conversation with real dialogue and a reasonable expectation of detraction, given everyone has an opinion. If one takes the time to read what is posted and reply within reason, this would never be. Instead, it is filled with the nastiness that posters like yourself dislike. As the mod said, ""this is not a football site"". Neither is it a place where some can say what they will and not have the sentiment returned.

So on goes the war between the lines.


P.S. Thanks.

Bro at one time today you the last 22 posts on 22 different threads.. u have a little Baby fit then Hyjack every thread because people donโ€™t have the same ideology of uย 

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1 minute ago, Sportsnut said:

I don't give a damn about you counting how many times I post. Why don't you just go on with your life? Why are you worried? Are you afraid something is being taken from You? That is one of the traits mentioned over and over again in the description of the typical Trump voter.ย 

You are allowing a public opinion board to get under your skin. Take a few deep breaths and then hold it some more.

For some odd reason, you think you have the right to tell me what yo do and how to do it. I am going g to do what I want, when I wnt, how I want.

Your little weak ass want to talk shit and expect it to just be heard and not returned. You can kiss my ass from side to side.

Just comply thatโ€™s all we ask

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