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OT: CNN is ISIS... hilarious


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23 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Toal stopped communicating with Darren Cooper after he wrote fake news about Jabrill and DBP. Same shit. Both leaders had/have the right to communicate with outside detractors how, when and where they choose. It's not hard to figure out. Results (POTUS) will always trump insults (MSM). 



he's an elected official who works for all of us...he can't choose to not engage with the media...he owes it to all of us to answers question we as Americans have...it's how America works and has always worked up until this Pres. had his feelings hurt and now chooses to ignore the media??...this isn't Russia...he's not the king of America...he's scared of the media and the questions they have....bigly....

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33 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Toal stopped communicating with Darren Cooper after he wrote fake news about Jabrill and DBP. Same shit. Both leaders had/have the right to communicate with outside detractors how, when and where they choose. It's not hard to figure out. Results (POTUS) will always trump insults (MSM). 



georgie is simply too dumb to figure this out. Conservative talk radio has long ago exposed the phony media. Now at least Trump has the balls to take them on. But yet georgie can't figure this out?

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9 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

georgie is simply too dumb to figure this out. Conservative talk radio has long ago exposed the phony media. Now at least Trump has the balls to take them on. But yet georgie can't figure this out?

...how does he "take them on" when he doesn't talk with them???...he doesn't "take them on" at all....he hides..and makes nasty tweets about them like a teenage girl...but he's a tough guy right?...just like you....lol...

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14 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

At this point the majority of the media's questions are partisan, irrelevant and nonsensical. IMO its more productive to tweet actual facts, updates, feelings and results as he has been. The disrespectful media has made those WH briefings circus-like atmospheres. They don't benefit anyone, especially the American people. Just my opinion. I know you won't agree ;) 

who says the media's questions are "partisan,irrelevant and nonsensical"....the 35% who support him??....you say he "tweets actual facts"..WOW...not IMO and most Americans...he spews B.S. most of the time and makes unfounded accusations...some that get him in big trouble...


again this is America...he owes it to us to answers those "irrelevant" questions...no matter how "irrelevant" they are....


.today"s Meet the Press talked about this and the roll of media as being a watchdog...check it out...it's what America wants and NEEDS....

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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

when was his last press conference??...hummm...he hasn't had one since he's been President??...wonder why?...cancelled media coverage of the daily news briefing because????....because he's tired of being made to look like a fool by the media....he's scared stiff of questions he can't  or doesn't want to answer so he HIDES behind his dopey tweets that people like you can't get enough of....

..tough guy Donny can't handle the press...he plays the twitter game...and that works for you righties....


Weren't you all just bitching a week ago because he had a press briefing in which cameras were prohibited?

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54 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

he's an elected official who works for all of us...he can't choose to not engage with the media...he owes it to all of us to answers question we as Americans have...it's how America works and has always worked up until this Pres. had his feelings hurt and now chooses to ignore the media??...this isn't Russia...he's not the king of America...he's scared of the media and the questions they have....bigly....

What the hell is their a constitutional law that the president has to talk to the media? He owes the media nothing especially the way they treat him. You are getting more and more delusional with each post.

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18 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

who says the media's questions are "partisan,irrelevant and nonsensical"....the 35% who support him??....you say he "tweets actual facts"..WOW...not IMO and most Americans...he spews B.S. most of the time and makes unfounded accusations...some that get him in big trouble...


again this is America...he owes it to us to answers those "irrelevant" questions...no matter how "irrelevant" they are....


.today"s Meet the Press talked about this and the roll of media as being a watchdog...check it out...it's what America wants and NEEDS....

I'm sure America also needs media (CNN) who colludes with the DNC to influence election results.

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Perhaps Georgie will enjoy this little tidbit of information (probably not though bc it is factual).

The American Presidency Project, an archive of presidential documents, conducted by UCSB has researched this very concern that Georgie has with the Don.

What did they find? Donald Trump at the current rate will hold an average of 2.5 press conferences monthly. The loony left rage monkeys seem to think this is not sufficient though despite this being on par with other president preceeding Trump.

But wait, there's more... President Barack Obama, who many think to be transparent and having an amenable relationship with the media, actually held press conferences at a lower rate than Trump.

What the fucking fuck Georgie boy? That is mind blowing right?

Do you ever get tired of looking like a moron?

Turn off CNN and do some research on your own. We know CNN does not fact check and their sources are questionable. You can't rely on them, or you will say stupid shit like you do daily.

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23 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:


What the fucking fuck Georgie boy? That is mind blowing right? [No mind to blow]

Do you ever get tired of looking like a moron? [Years of conclusive evidence clearly indicate that he does not. Hell, he's Chip's special pal. What does that tell us?]



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1 hour ago, aZjimbo said:

What the hell is their a constitutional law that the president has to talk to the media? He owes the media nothing especially the way they treat him. You are getting more and more delusional with each post.

he needs to talk to the American people via the media...not via twitter on his terms....make sense to you??? an American Conservative...

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1 hour ago, CCBlackhatter said:

Perhaps Georgie will enjoy this little tidbit of information (probably not though bc it is factual).

The American Presidency Project, an archive of presidential documents, conducted by UCSB has researched this very concern that Georgie has with the Don.

What did they find? Donald Trump at the current rate will hold an average of 2.5 press conferences monthly. The loony left rage monkeys seem to think this is not sufficient though despite this being on par with other president preceeding Trump.

But wait, there's more... President Barack Obama, who many think to be transparent and having an amenable relationship with the media, actually held press conferences at a lower rate than Trump.

What the fucking fuck Georgie boy? That is mind blowing right?

Do you ever get tired of looking like a moron?

Turn off CNN and do some research on your own. We know CNN does not fact check and their sources are questionable. You can't rely on them, or you will say stupid shit like you do daily.

what rate?...2.5 a month?....he hasn't held a press conference yet since being Pres...he takes a off the cuff question here and there and stops when he wants...I guess the UCSB considers that a press conference??......he's hiding out...behind his twitter account in case you haven't noticed....moron..O.o

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12 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

what rate?...2.5 a month?....he hasn't held a press conference yet since being Pres...he takes a off the cuff question here and there and stops when he wants...I guess the UCSB considers that a press conference??......he's hiding out...behind his twitter account in case you haven't noticed....moron..O.o

Actually they excluded the events not labeled an official press conference.

Things excluded were his televised address to Congress, his televised announcement of Gorsuch's nomination, etc.

Why do you insist on Trump addressing the people and the media more than the other presidents before him? Other than your strong hate for him, of course. When I say a rate of 2.5, that means a press conference 2 or 3 times per month. With all of the butt hurt and shit slinging from the loony left media, I would be surprised if these events decrease in prevalence.

What are your feelings on Obama holding press conferences at a lower rate than Trump? Was your blood boiling the previous 8 years? Of course it wasn't.

Look, I realize there is no help for you (even in light of facts), but I'll still be here for guidance. ☺

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Just now, CCBlackhatter said:

Actually they excluded that was not officially a press conference.

Things excluded were his televised address to Congress, his televised announcement of Gorsuch's nomination, etc.

Why do you insist on Trump addressing the people and the media more than the other presidents before him? Other than your strong hate for him, of course.

What are your feelings on Obama holding press conferences at a lower rate than Trump? Was your blood boiling the previous 8 years? Of course it wasn't.

Look, I realize there is no help for you (even in light of facts), but I'll still be here for guidance. ☺

Dude he doesn't even read your posts. He doesn't care about anything but President Trump failing. The last thing he cares about is America.

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5 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

Says who georgie boy? You? Trump owes the looney left and the corrupt media absolutely nothing.

gee..I don't know....you're a great American patriot...you think it's ok if the Pres. goes into hiding and ignore the American public if he chooses?? (and making tweets isn't communicating with the American people)..we need and DESERVE a dialogue from our President and to question our President...even if he doesn't have a clue...IMAGINE if Obama tried going into hiding???

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2 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

gee..I don't know....you're a great American patriot...you think it's ok if the Pres. goes into hiding and ignore the American public if he chooses?? (and making tweets isn't communicating with the American people)..we need and DESERVE a dialogue from our President and to question our President...even if he doesn't have a clue...IMAGINE if Obama tried going into hiding???

It is most certainly a form of communication, as is all social media. To say otherwise means your just making shit up to create a false reality, which is the norm for you.

Obama addressed the media and public at a lower rate than Trump currently, and you didn't cry about it daily, nor did anyone else.

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4 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:

Actually they excluded the events not labeled an official press conference.

Things excluded were his televised address to Congress, his televised announcement of Gorsuch's nomination, etc.

Why do you insist on Trump addressing the people and the media more than the other presidents before him? Other than your strong hate for him, of course.

What are your feelings on Obama holding press conferences at a lower rate than Trump? Was your blood boiling the previous 8 years? Of course it wasn't.

Look, I realize there is no help for you (even in light of facts), but I'll still be here for guidance. ☺

I'm not insisting he address the people and media more the other Presidents...he just needs to do it period...and not via twitter..I can't seem to remember his last press conference?? Can you???

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Just now, CCBlackhatter said:

It is most certainly a form of communication, as is all social media. To say otherwise means your just making shit up to create a false reality, which is the norm for you.

sure...on his terms with no dialogue?!?!....that's not communication...it's a crazy old man tweeting his crazy thoughts like a teenager...

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5 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

I'm not insisting he address the people and media more the other Presidents...he just needs to do it period...and not via twitter..I can't seem to remember his last press conference?? Can you???

The last "official" press conference (by your standards of a press conference) was April 27th I believe. However, he has addressed the media in a question and answer setting as recently 1-2 weeks ago? Do you not remember the uproar from him not allowing video recorders?

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1 minute ago, CCBlackhatter said:

The last "official" press conference (by your standards of a press conference) was April 27th I believe. However, he has addressed the media in a question and answer setting as recently 1-2 weeks ago? Do you not remember the uproar from him not allowing video recorders?

...and prior to April?......he takes a question or two off the cuff when he feels like it...usually on the run...we deserve better...not allowing the press to cover his daily briefing is a joke..and all Americans should be pissed off this W.H can't even handle a press conference...even the flag waving righies should be pissed off.....if their heads weren't in the sand

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