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Dan Crenshaw rant


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33 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Give this a few minutes of your time. Do you agree or disagree and why? The biggest problem with this side of the board is no one likes to engage in the questions and headlines. Everyone just likes to name calling and insults and the topic gets lost in the shuffle. 



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The simplest response to this celebrity Congressman's "rant" is that its not true.

It only took about two weeks to debunk his ridiculous claim: Pelosi got the bill passed while Trump was President and it was sent for his signature. What did he do? He held up COVID relief for 4 days, called the bill a disgrace and threatened to veto it. 

Then he signed it anyway.

So the dictionary definition of political theater to the benefit of absolutely nobody.

Celebrity Dan Crenshaw has nothing to say about it. But he sure TORCHED Nancy Pelosi, huh! By being an obvious political hack.

Dan Crenshaw is a lightweight who you never would've heard of it he didn't have an eye patch.

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He's correct on every point...But, who's is worse, this creature,or the creatures that elect her....The low information crowd is the reason America will fold...Pelosi is close to being a billionaire and if he you check her history you will find a disjointed selfish Marxist....In a word, an EVIL CREATURE.....She has been little more than an obstructionist for years whose selfish,dangerous and Marxist protocols are nothing more than a betrayal of the Constitution, which she has no respect for....She, along with others, are Sol Alinskys  whores....

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49 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The simplest response to this celebrity Congressman's "rant" is that its not true.

It only took about two weeks to debunk his ridiculous claim: Pelosi got the bill passed while Trump was President and it was sent for his signature. What did he do? He held up COVID relief for 4 days, called the bill a disgrace and threatened to veto it. 

Then he signed it anyway.

So the dictionary definition of political theater to the benefit of absolutely nobody.

Celebrity Dan Crenshaw has nothing to say about it. But he sure TORCHED Nancy Pelosi, huh! By being an obvious political hack.

Dan Crenshaw is a lightweight who you never would've heard of it he didn't have an eye patch.

Man U bitch if he doesn’t sign it , and you bitch when he signs it, 😂 there’s no winning with u


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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Extended unemployment benefits ended on Saturday.

So his delay will cause many people to miss a week of benefits. But knowing that requires some actual brain activity or common sense.

It also caused many people to actually see 👀. Where your  money 💰 goes 🏃‍♀️

But apparently you missed that along with everything else 👍


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Just now, Newbie said:

It also caused many people to actually see 👀. Where your  money 💰 goes 🏃‍♀️


People can always see where their money goes. It didn't require a pointless stunt that could cause people to be without benefits for another week.

But I'm expecting too much when I think that you'll ever be honest or make any sense.

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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

People can always see where their money goes. It didn't require a pointless stunt that could cause people to be without benefits for another week.

But I'm expecting too much when I think that you'll ever be honest or make any sense.

Try having the legislature seeing it BEFORE you sign it 👍. And try Making some sense sometime 👌

hope this helps 


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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

So compassionate for the needs of the people that you were arguing needed help before November 3rd.

All of the sudden they're just moochers who need to get a job.


I give a fuck about unemployment benefits, why should people who are actually working get paid less than people who are getting a ridiculous amount to stay home on the couch, fuck that, all I care about is the stimulus check

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Crenshaw just stated a fact that is irrefutable. Pelosi admitted she held out on purpose to hurt Trump. 

instead of being hyper partisan and having the balls to call out your leaders, it’s par of the course to Watch the radicals try and spin it. 

The Democrats put a bunch of poison pills in the bill and then try to blame Republicans for holding it up when they needed to negotiate that garbage out of it. basically blaming Republicans for not accepting all of the globalism and socialism wish lists


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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

So compassionate for the needs of the people that you were arguing needed help before November 3rd.

All of the sudden they're just moochers who need to get a job.


Goodgirl talks and doesn't have a job himself that clown sells weed illegally and is talking down on people who choose not to break the law. Don't forget he sided with the nashville idiot.

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

They negotiated it. They knew what was in it, tough guy.


Wimpy strikes out again 👋

Flying Blind: Congress Votes on 11th-Hour, 5,600-Page Spending Bill Unread

 December 21, 2020

A terrible 2020 is coming to a close, and the American people are about to get handed a massive bill.

After months of delays and waiting, a federal stopgap spending package, combined with $900 billion in COVID-19 relief, is finally being released to the public.

The bill, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, is nearly 5,600 pages long. Only now are most members of Congress seeing it in its entirety.

A House vote on the legislation, which rivals the length of the Code of Justinian and has more words than the Bible, was scheduled to take place just hours after the text was released. Ultimately, both the House and the Senate voted on the legislation, which passed, the same day the text was released.


PS: Time for you to put on your constipated look now 👍


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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

Crenshaw just stated a fact that is irrefutable. Pelosi admitted she held out on purpose to hurt Trump. 

No, she didn't. That's just the beginning of Crenshaw's dishonesty.

Her statement was completely innocuous and had to do with politics and not spite. And she was proven right by Trump's actions.

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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

instead of being hyper partisan and having the balls to call out your leaders, it’s par of the course to Watch the radicals try and spin it. 

What a laugh.

You say this while praising a partisan hack who is merely carrying out an attack on the opposition leader.

Crenshaw displays no balls by calling out the Speaker from the other party. He would show balls if he did the same thing to Trump which he will not do under any circumstance.

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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

The Democrats put a bunch of poison pills in the bill and then try to blame Republicans for holding it up when they needed to negotiate that garbage out of it. basically blaming Republicans for not accepting all of the globalism and socialism wish lists

This was an omnibus bill that included funding to keep the government opened after today.

You only thought they were poison pills because you're an idiot who doesn't know anything and gets all of his information from Charlie Kirk's Twitter account.

And what's more is that they didn't negotiate any of that stuff out  of it.

The "socialism wish list" that you mention was all a part of Trump's budget recommendations.

You are a useful idiot for Republican lies.

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