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No more kissing Putin's ass for the United States...


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Thanks to a Pres. who knows Putin isn't our friend.....

Biden strikes tough tone on Russia in diplomatic push

Fri, February 5, 2021, 12:41 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden says the days of the U.S. “rolling over” to Russian President Vladimir Putin are gone as he called for the immediate release of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

During his first visit to the State Department as president on Thursday, Biden issued his strongest condemnation of Putin as large protests have broken out throughout Russia following the jailing of Navalny. Thousands of protesters have been arrested.

The new American president was also seeking to make clear to the world that he's making a dramatic turn away from Putin following the presidency of Republican Donald Trump, who avoided direct confrontation and often sought to downplay the Russian leader's malign actions.

Navalny, an anti-corruption campaigner and Putin’s most determined political foe, was arrested Jan. 17 upon returning from a five-month convalescence in Germany from a nerve agent poisoning, which he has blamed on the Kremlin.

“I made it clear to President Putin, in a manner very different from my predecessor, that the days of the United States rolling over in the face of Russia’s aggressive actions — interfering with our election, cyber attacks, poisoning its citizens— are over,” said Biden, who last week spoke to Putin in what White House officials called a tense first exchange. “We will not hesitate to raise the cost on Russia and defend our vital interests and our people.”

Biden's comments on Russia came as he asserted a broad reset of American foreign policy, including reversing Trump's order to withdraw U.S. troops stationed in Germany, ending support for Saudi Arabia's military offensive in Yemen and promising to support LBGTQ rights as a cornerstone of diplomacy.

Using the visit to outline how his foreign policy would differ from that of his predecessor, Biden called for a return to the "grounding wire of our global power.” He sought to buck up the diplomatic corps, many of whom were discouraged by Trump's policies and tone.

“America is back. Diplomacy is back,” Biden told State Department staff before delivering his foreign policy speech. "You are the center of all that I intend to do. You are the heart of it. We’re going to rebuild our alliances”

With Biden's most public diplomatic effort of his young presidency, White House officials said he was hoping to send an unambiguous signal to the world that the United States is ready to resume its role as a global leader after four years in which Trump pressed an “America First” agenda.

He offered a list of issues where he said he would reverse Trump's policies or forge different priorities, including scrapping the former president's plan to withdraw about 9,500 of the roughly 34,500 U.S. troops stationed in Germany. The European nation hosts key American military facilities like the Ramstein Air Base and the headquarters for U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command.

Trump announced the pullback after repeatedly accusing Germany of not paying enough for its own defense, calling the longtime NATO ally “delinquent" for failing to spend 2% of its GDP on defense, the alliance benchmark.

No reductions or changes have been made to U.S. troop levels since Trump's announcement. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin hinted at a likely reconsideration of the order in a conversation with his German counterpart last week, chief Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.

Biden also signed a presidential memorandum Thursday that addresses protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals worldwide. The memorandum, which builds off guidance the Obama administration issued in 2011, directs State Department officials and other federal officials working abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomatic and foreign assistance efforts promote and protect LGBTQ rights.

Biden also announced plans to increase the cap on the number of refugees allowed into the United States to more than eight times the level at which the Trump administration left it. Trump drastically reduced the cap to only 15,000.

Biden’s plan would raise it to 125,000, surpassing the ceiling set by President Barack Obama before he left office by 15,000. Biden, through executive order, also called for rescinding Trump-era rules that resulted in excessive vetting of applicants, expanding capacity for adjudicating applications for refugee applications, and other steps.

Mark Hetfield, president of the Maryland-based refugee resettlement agency HIAS, said the announcement won't lead to overnight changes but applauded Biden's order as a “head to bottom review of the program so that America can once again lead by example on protecting refugees."

Biden, by contrast, chose longtime confidant Antony Blinken to be his secretary of state, aiming to reinvigorate an American diplomatic corps that had been depleted and demoralized under four years of the Trump administration.

He was greeted by employees eager to hear that diplomacy has returned to the top of the presidential agenda and that the expertise of long-serving foreign service officers will be valued.

“I promise I will have your back,” Biden told the department staff. “And I expect you to have the back of the American people."

Although Biden’s first nominations and appointments to senior positions at State have trended heavily toward political appointees, the president and Blinken have pledged to promote career staffers.

To that end, the Biden announced he was appointing a longtime U.S. diplomat for the Middle East, Tim Lenderking, as his special envoy in Yemen. The move comes as Biden is searching for a diplomatic end to the Saudi Arabia-led military campaign that has deepened humanitarian suffering in the Arabian peninsula’s poorest country.

Lenderking, a career foreign service member, has served in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries in the Middle East and elsewhere.

The State Department visit comes after Biden moved on Wednesday to extend the last remaining treaty limiting Russian and American stockpiles of nuclear weapons, acting just two days before the pact was set to expire. It also follows days after a coup in Myanmar that has emerged as an early proving ground of Biden's approach to multilateralism.

A Moscow court on Tuesday ordered Navalny to prison for more than two and a half years, finding that he violated the terms of his probation while recuperating in Germany. Biden again called for Navalny's release.

“Mr. Navalny, like all Russian citizens, is entitled to his rights under the Russian constitution,” Biden said. “He’s been targeted, targeted for exposing corruption. He should be released immediately and without condition.”

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  • DBP66 changed the title to No more kissing Putin's ass for the United States...


When did all this ass kissing occur?


When Trump pushed for NATO to increase defense spending?

When we provided actual weapons to the Ukraine instead of blankets?

When he pushed Western Europe to not by gas from Russia, which the entire Russian economy depends on?

The various times sanctions were imposed?

Expulsions of Russian diplomats?


I'm sure this was all at the behest of PUTIN!!!



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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

Thanks to a Pres. who knows Putin isn't our friend.....

Biden strikes tough tone on Russia in diplomatic push


a declaration and demand Biden followed by admitting that “We’re pretty sanctioned out” as it applies to Russia, so he’s basically left impotent and isn’t able to do anything other than to start a nuclear war—sees Biden having been placed in this position because President Donald Trump slammed Russia with more sanctions than other US leaders—but astonishingly still sees the leftist media continuing their hysterical lies in such insane articles like the just published “How To Stop Russia From Recruiting The Next Trump”.

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2 hours ago, Troll said:


a declaration and demand Biden followed by admitting that “We’re pretty sanctioned out” as it applies to Russia, so he’s basically left impotent and isn’t able to do anything other than to start a nuclear war—sees Biden having been placed in this position because President Donald Trump slammed Russia with more sanctions than other US leaders—but astonishingly still sees the leftist media continuing their hysterical lies in such insane articles like the just published “How To Stop Russia From Recruiting The Next Trump”.

yea..he slammed them when he told the world in Helsinki he believed Russia/ Putin vs. our Intell. agencies...and then turned a blind eye when Putin put bounties on our troops heads!!...🤡

and we all know Putin helped get Trump elected...😉

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2 hours ago, concha said:


When did all this ass kissing occur?


When Trump pushed for NATO to increase defense spending?

When we provided actual weapons to the Ukraine instead of blankets?

When he pushed Western Europe to not by gas from Russia, which the entire Russian economy depends on?

The various times sanctions were imposed?

Expulsions of Russian diplomats?


I'm sure this was all at the behest of PUTIN!!!



when Trump sold our country out and told the world he baalieved Putin and not our own country?!...or turned a blind eye when Putin put bounties on our troop's heads?!...or said nothing when Putin tried to kill his political opponent...that ass kissing....🤡

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3 hours ago, concha said:


When did all this ass kissing occur?


When Trump pushed for NATO to increase defense spending?

When we provided actual weapons to the Ukraine instead of blankets?

When he pushed Western Europe to not by gas from Russia, which the entire Russian economy depends on?

The various times sanctions were imposed?

Expulsions of Russian diplomats?


I'm sure this was all at the behest of PUTIN!!!



Trumpy was a Russian asset for the last 40 years....

Pull your head outta your ass and breathe Conchita. 


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5 hours ago, concha said:

When did all this ass kissing occur?

This is only through 2018.

The many different ways Trump has described Putin and Russian election interference

June 8, 2013: “Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow — if so, will he become my new best friend?” Trump, then the co-owner of the pageant, wrote on Twitter.

May 27, 2014: “I spoke indirectly and directly with President Putin who could not have been nicer,” Trump said in a speech at the National Press Club.

Oct. 14, 2014: Trump comes to Putin’s defense over accusations that Russian actors were responsible for the Malaysia Airlines crash.

“It’s disgusting and disgraceful, but Putin and Russia say they didn’t do it, the other side said they did, no one really knows who did it, probably Putin knows who did it,” Trump said. “Possibly it was Russia but they are totally denying it. … But they’re saying it wasn’t them. The other side says it is them. And we’re going to go through that arguing for probably for 50 years and nobody is ever going to know. Probably was Russia.”

Dec. 17, 2015: Trump and Putin exchanged praise.

“He is a very flamboyant man, very talented, no doubt about that,” Putin said. “But it’s not our business to judge his merits, it’s up to the voters of the United States.”

“He is an absolute leader of the presidential race, as we see it today. He says that he wants to move to another level [of] relations, a deeper level of relations with Russia,” Putin added. “How can we not welcome that? Of course, we welcome it.”

(Whether Putin used “flamboyant” or another word became a point of debate; translation experts say Putin used a Russian word for “bright,” but some outlets reported he used the word “brilliant,” a debate that continued for several months).

“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” Trump said in his own statement. “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect.”

Feb. 17, 2016: Trump defended himself against those calling for him to push back on praise from Putin. “What, he calls me a genius and I’m going to disavow it? Are you crazy? … I’m not going to disavow [it]” Trump said during a South Carolina campaign event.

June 17, 2016: “I only said that he was a ‘bright person.’ Isn’t he bright? He is. I did not say anything else about him,” Putin told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

Nov. 11, 2017: Trump told reporters traveling from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation that he asked Putin privately whether Russia had interfered in the 2016 elections. Putin denied it, Trump said.

“He said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did,” Trump told reporters.

July 16, 2018: When asked at a news conference whether he believed Putin or U.S. intelligence agencies, Trump said “I don’t see any reason why” Russia would interfere in the 2016 election.

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Donald Trump’s gushing praise of Vladimir Putin under fresh scrutiny after Michael Cohen allegations

In October, he told Larry King Mr Putin had done “a really great job outsmarting our country” and told David Letterman that he himself had done “a lot of business with the Russians” and that Mr Putin was “a tough guy”.


More dramatically, he tweeted on 21 March: “I believe Putin will continue to re-build the Russian Empire. He has zero respect for Obama or the U.S.!”


He returned to Fox on 24 March to repeat his praise of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s foresight about the threat Russia represented before completely reversing his position on 12 April, saying how “nice” Mr Putin had been at the pageant and praising the annexation of Crimea: “He’s done an amazing job of taking the mantle.”


Donald Trump gives an interview to The Daily Mail in the UK in March in which he addressed his “great” relationship with the Russian premier, revealing the latter gave him “a gift – an award and a beautiful letter” in Moscow.


Interviewed by O’Reilly again on 29 September, he speculated on what grade he would give Vladimir Putin if political leadership were assessed like school homework: ”I will tell you that I think in terms of leadership, he is getting an ‘A’ and our president is not doing so well. They did not look good together.”


Donald Trump again appeared on Ms Bartiromo’s Fox Business show and this time answered questions about state involvement in the 2006 murder of ex-secret service agent Alexander Litvinenko in London.

“Have they found [Vladimir Putin] guilty? I don’t think they’ve found him guilty. If he did it, fine. But I don’t know that he did it. You know, people are saying they think it was him, it might have been him, it could have been him. But Maria, in all fairness to Putin—I don’t know. You know, and I’m not saying this because he says, ‘Trump is brilliant and leading everybody’ —the fact is that, you know, he hasn’t been convicted of anything.”


“I said, I don’t admire him. I said he was a strong leader, which he is. I mean, he might be bad, he might be good. But he’s a strong leader.”


Bill O’Reilly wondered whether he considered President Putin “a killer” on 16 February 2017, provoking the surprising answer: “There are a lot of killers. Do you think our country is so innocent? Do you think our country is so innocent?”


They met again in person at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting in Da Nang, Vietnam, on 11 November and Mr Trump addressed the election meddling accusations by saying: “Every time he sees me he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country.”

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So Andy posts a bunch of verbal, substance-less crapola which amounted to materially zilcho that benefitted Russia or Putin.

And he completely ignores:

When Trump pushed for NATO to increase defense spending?

When we provided actual weapons to the Ukraine instead of blankets?

When he pushed Western Europe to not by gas from Russia, which the entire Russian economy depends on?

The various times sanctions were imposed?

Expulsions of Russian diplomats?


But Andy has a quote where Trump said Putin was a nice guy several years ago. And another with a reference to a nice letter!  🤡  🤣


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On 2/6/2021 at 6:39 AM, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Big whoop, Trumpy the master of smoke and mirrors coupled with media, social media manipulation. 
The only president with two impeachment’s and the lowest approval rating ever. 
But Conchita is having a posting go at THAT windmill. 
Can’t make this shit up. 


Talk about weak sauce 🤣

Is that supposed to be your excuse for that lefty congress....

you know.... the only congress to ever try to impeach a potus twice and....




PS. even when they knew they didn't have the ability, votes, or time to waste...so who was attacking windmills here ? 🤔


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8 hours ago, concha said:



So Andy posts a bunch of verbal, substance-less crapola which amounted to materially zilcho that benefitted Russia or Putin.

And he completely ignores:

When Trump pushed for NATO to increase defense spending?

When we provided actual weapons to the Ukraine instead of blankets?

When he pushed Western Europe to not by gas from Russia, which the entire Russian economy depends on?

The various times sanctions were imposed?

Expulsions of Russian diplomats?


But Andy has a quote where Trump said Putin was a nice guy several years ago. And another with a reference to a nice letter!  🤡  🤣


LOL...he wanted certain NATO counties to "pay their fair share"....it had nothing to do with mother Russia...why didn't Trump baalieve his own Intell agencies and baaalieve Putin??...or ignore the bounties he put on our troops heads??...or not say a word when he tried to poison his political rival??..because Putin owns Trump...Trump is his lap dog...the world knows it...it's just you silly Trumpers who are in denial...🤡

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39 minutes ago, Troll said:

Talk about weak sauce 🤣

Is that supposed your excuse for that lefty congress....

you know.... the only congress to ever try to impeach a potus twice and....




PS. even when they knew they didn't have the ability, votes, or time to waste...so who was attacking windmills here ? 🤔


not only did your boy get impeached twice he also lost the popular vote twice!..LOL...a total loser!...like his clown posse....🤡

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1 hour ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Big whoop, Trumpy the master of smoke and mirrors coupled with media, social media manipulation. 
The only president with two impeachment’s and the lowest approval rating ever. 
But Conchita is having a posting go at THAT windmill. 
Can’t make this shit up. 


and lost 2 popular votes...#LOSER.....😉

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7 hours ago, concha said:



So Andy posts a bunch of verbal, substance-less crapola which amounted to materially zilcho that benefitted Russia or Putin.

And he completely ignores:

When Trump pushed for NATO to increase defense spending?

When we provided actual weapons to the Ukraine instead of blankets?

When he pushed Western Europe to not by gas from Russia, which the entire Russian economy depends on?

The various times sanctions were imposed?

Expulsions of Russian diplomats?


But Andy has a quote where Trump said Putin was a nice guy several years ago. And another with a reference to a nice letter!  🤡  🤣


and didn't Trump ask for his mother Russia to be put back in the G8 summit group??...YES...🤡

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8 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

LOL...he wanted certain NATO counties to "pay their fair share"....it had nothing to do with mother Russia...why didn't Trump baalieve his own Intell agencies and baaalieve Putin??...or ignore the bounties he put on our troops heads??...or not say a word when he tried to poison his political rival??..because Putin owns Trump...Trump is his lap dog...the world knows it,,,it's just you silly Trumpers who are in denial...🤡

Correction.... Russia owned Trumpy for the last 40 years hahahaha. 

Conchita has gone beyond the pale on the proverbial deep end. 



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17 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

not only did your boy get impeached twice he also lost the popular vote twice!..LOL...a total loser!...like his clown posse....🤡

you can not talk about "popular"

when your boy can't even get 4k total people to even watch or listen when he speaks...

getting ratio'd on all platforms is nothing to brag about....

But being political theater'd by those that failed in their attempts is cute

and has about as much meaning as your posts

go figure. 

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Just now, Troll said:

you can not talk about "popular"

when your boy can't even get 4k total people to even watch or listen when he speaks...

getting ratio'd on all platforms is nothing to brag about....

But being political theater'd by those that failed in their attempts is cute

but has about as much meaning as your posts

go figure. 

my boy got 7 million more votes than the 2x loser you voted for.....🤡

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2 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

 than the 2x loser you voted for.....🤡

Actually it was you

who voted for a two time loser....

as anyone who voted for T this time, voted for someone who had never lost an election, and in fact already won a presidential election 👌

and anyone who voted for Joey, are the ones who ACTUALLY voted for a two time loser...🤣


Hope this helps 👍


PS: your 🤡 signature is well representative of your  posts tho 🤣


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6 minutes ago, Troll said:

Actually it was you

who voted for a two time loser....

as anyone who voted for T this time, voted for someone who had never lost an election, and in fact already won a presidential election 👌

and anyone who voted for Joey, are the ones who ACTUALLY voted for a two time loser...🤣


Hope this helps 👍


PS: your 🤡 signature is well representative of your  posts tho 🤣



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