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NEW: Louisiana is reporting the lowest number of coronavirus-related hospitalizations in nearly one year. That number is now less than 500.


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13 minutes ago, RedZone said:

Really encouraging!


Those are filled with errors ....Facts......Worst healthcare in America... Population 4.6 million people to which Medicare acceptance rate I'd 54.3%.........which is third worst in America....... and many  have Covid, but don't know it and have not been diagnosed....Louisiana stinks...

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28 minutes ago, RedZone said:

Really encouraging!


Mayor Cantrell has been super tough regarding Covid since she took the hit for the Mardi Gras spike (which was really unfair)-that was back when donald was preaching "everything is cool".....under control!

Anyways.......75% basically.

Modified Phase Three IN EFFECT MARCH 12, 2021


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1 hour ago, RedZone said:

There's NO telling how many people donald killed with his ignorance...

You can however get a ballpark figure just by him acting sooner and/or not denying it even exist, and it is a pretty high number.  Much higher than any other reasons for deaths but being the leader of the nation at the time it shouldn't surprise anybody not in a cult.  




The man screwed up everything he touched and even glanced at.

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1 hour ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Not as many as Cuomo killed

Unless you know or knew somebody who died you obviously just don't care how many or why.

Trump calls it a hoax and you are fine with it.  Biden doesn't call it a hoax and tries to deal with it and you are not fine with it.  That is not reasonable and definitely not somebody who cares about the number of dead nor who has died nor why.  

However, the OP is about how good LA is doing and not about how Trump spent zero effort (other than saying 'hurry with the vaccine') or had anything to do with getting the vaccine done in record time.  You really think the scientist who got this done would have just sat around and taking their time working on it if Trump did not say a word?  The companies have a huge financial incentive to work 24/7 and it has nothing to do with Trump.  Not hating on the idiot but be serious, he didn't spend 1 second doing anything except hating on somebody or something.  

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3 hours ago, World Citizen said:

Unless you know or knew somebody who died you obviously just don't care how many or why.

Trump calls it a hoax and you are fine with it.  Biden doesn't call it a hoax and tries to deal with it and you are not fine with it.  That is not reasonable and definitely not somebody who cares about the number of dead nor who has died nor why.  

However, the OP is about how good LA is doing and not about how Trump spent zero effort (other than saying 'hurry with the vaccine') or had anything to do with getting the vaccine done in record time.  You really think the scientist who got this done would have just sat around and taking their time working on it if Trump did not say a word?  The companies have a huge financial incentive to work 24/7 and it has nothing to do with Trump.  Not hating on the idiot but be serious, he didn't spend 1 second doing anything except hating on somebody or something.  

Oh bahumbug we know trumps a Pos but the guy is up front about it,

y’all praised Cuomo and pelosi this whole year when dude was the one grabbing chicks by the pussy and telling people don’t worry about the virus to keep going to Chinese restaurants and to celebrate the new year,


while Pelosi talks a good game but was busy chowing down on ice cream, dropping millions on Tesla options like it’s a casino, shockingly days before Biden announces USA will go with electric vehicles,  getting haircuts mask less dead in the middle of a pandemic, but hey let’s blame Trump 4 everything  

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On 3/12/2021 at 4:33 PM, Nolebull813 said:

Two of the most partisans and overall scumbags still mustered up enough to praise Trump for his leadership


Cuomo and Newsom, a sprinkle on confirmation bias here, there, everywhere!!!


Dumbass. Oath Keeper/Proud Boys ball sack licker and no.... it’s not for sport or leisure; you’re devoted to being stupid. 


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