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Ohio professor reprimanded by Dean for refusing to use student's preferred pronouns

Belly Bob

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He was told that he could be fired or suspended without pay for violating the campus's nondiscrimination policy. The professor sued and a federal appeals court, in a 3-0 decision, agreed that the University may well have infringed his 1A right, by compelling his speech on a contested issue.

Here's the news story.


Here's the professor's take on it.


Interesting case.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:


Good for the professor.

He offered a reasonable solution (to call the student by name).

To try to force him to ignore science/biology and renounce proper English is outrageous.




Thank god I’m not in school anymore, no way I’d be able to sit in class and learn about some made up pronouns

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5 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Thank god I’m not in school anymore, no way I’d be able to sit in class and learn about some made up pronouns


I feel for these folks who genuinely suffer from these issues.  But this movement to have a tiny tail with psychological issues wag an enormous dog (aka human society, science/biology and the English language) is silly.

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This social experiment only caught on once leaders in charge started praising people for their mental illness instead of getting them help. It’s not a coincidence that once society accepted the fact that mental illness wasn’t a cause to help, we have taken a turn for the worst. 

People who think they are the opposite gender or no gender at all are fucking looney tunes. And no one close to them is helping them to get the help they desperately need. Transgender is not a thing. It is a pretend imagination in make believe land. And we shouldn’t have to adjust our lives to cater to it. 

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I have heard that people are “gender fluid” and can slide in and out of any gender they choose at any time. All 68 of them. So if you call someone a girl, and say her, she could change into a dude by lunch and when “it” gets back you can misgender it without even knowing. But the only thing that will not change is your bigoted attitude you fucking nazi!!!

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10 hours ago, Belly Bob said:

He was told that he could be fired or suspended without pay for violating the campus's nondiscrimination policy. The professor sued and a federal appeals court, in a 3-0 decision, agreed that the University may well have infringed his 1A right, by compelling his speech on a contested issue.

Here's the news story.


Here's the professor's take on it.


Interesting case.

Interesting indeed.

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11 hours ago, concha said:

I feel for these folks who genuinely suffer from these issues.  But this movement to have a tiny tail with psychological issues wag an enormous dog (aka human society, science/biology and the English language) is silly.

I remember reading an article about a person whom the author kept referring to as "they" and "their," and it was difficult to read, and I thought, "How did this person get a writing job?" 

Then I realized that the subject of the article, though a single person, prefers plural pronouns. 

"Belly Bob read an article they thought was interesting, but they was (were?) confused by its use of pronouns, which violated their understanding of English grammar."

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

I remember reading an article about a person whom the author kept referring to as "they" and "their," and it was difficult to read, and I thought, "How did this person get a writing job?" 

Then I realized that the subject of the article, though a single person, prefers plural pronouns. 

"Belly Bob read an article that they thought was interesting, but they was (were?) confused by its use of pronouns."



I speak English.

Apparently you do also.


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19 minutes ago, concha said:



I speak English.

Apparently you do also.


I'm not as dismissive of all these argument as some of you seem to be.

I remember when the convention was to use "he" when the gender of the antecedent was not clear.

"A person should complete the calculus cycle if he wants to pursue a career in the applied sciences."

Feminists argued, not implausibly, that this practice was sexist. It wasn't always a popular argument. Now we alternate between "he" and "she" as a matter of course, and no one bats an eye.

But the one argument isn't any of the others, and I'm not sure how English is supposed to work if we multiply pronouns indefinitely or use plural pronouns to refer to single persons etc. 

And all that is a separate issue from whether we want to make contentious pronoun use a condition of employment.

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12 hours ago, Belly Bob said:

He was told that he could be fired or suspended without pay for violating the campus's nondiscrimination policy. The professor sued and a federal appeals court, in a 3-0 decision, agreed that the University may well have infringed his 1A right, by compelling his speech on a contested issue.

Here's the news story.


Here's the professor's take on it.


Interesting case.

No skin off my nose either way.

BUT....When the Alliance for Defending Freedom gang is involved you know it's more than just about a pronoun..

Anyways, I'm pretty sure these right wing religious fanatics hate everything that has to do with the LGBT community and everything else. The Far Right’s radicalization of religion is complete bullshit.

Parler, really?


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12 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

I'm not as dismissive of all these argument as some of you seem to be.

I remember when the convention was to use "he" when the gender of the antecedent was not clear.

"A person should complete the calculus cycle if he wants to pursue a career in the applied sciences."

Feminists argued, not implausibly, that this practice was sexist. It wasn't always a popular argument. Now we alternate between "he" and "she" as a matter of course, and no one bats an eye.

But the one argument isn't any of the others, and I'm not sure how English is supposed to work if we multiply pronouns indefinitely or use plural pronouns to refer to single persons etc. 

And all that is a separate issue from whether we want to make contentious pronoun use a condition of employment.


The way English functions would require picking he or she or repeating "person".  Perhaps he is/was traditionally used due to historical male domination of Western societies.  

I have no issue with she replacing he or using "he or she" etc...  It's still English. It still uses English vocabulary. And it doesn't ask anyone to adopt made up words or address individuals as plurals. 

This movement will soon require ID badges in place of common sense.

There is even this use of "assigned" gender.  "The baby was born with a dick, so they "assigned" male gender without asking" kind of shit.  Really?



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I asked "Doc" late last night about all this hoopla over pronouns and after about half a snifter of aged LSE...he calmly said..."Rufus, I don't give a rat's ass whether a person wants to be called a "he"...a "she" or an "it".   If they piss me off...I'll call "them" a "shit"...just to cover all the bases."

Basic Lime Sink logic.....




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11 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

I asked "Doc" late last night about all this hoopla over pronouns and after about half a snifter of aged LSE...he calmly said..."Rufus, I don't give a rat's ass whether a person wants to be called a "he"...a "she" or an "it".   If they piss me off...I'll call "them" a "shit"...just to cover all the bases."

Basic Lime Sink logic.....




"John Bursch, a lawyer at the conservative nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom who represented Meriwether, praised the decision.

"Nobody should be forced to contradict their core beliefs just to keep their job," he said.


Yet, don trump and his family/crew are going after the people who he thinks betrayed him for voting with their hearts and core beliefs during the last impeachment..

All these NUTs can kiss my ass worrying about a "Pronoun".

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2 hours ago, RedZone said:

No skin off my nose either way.

BUT....When the Alliance for Defending Freedom gang is involved you know it's more than just about a pronoun..

We knew that from the very beginning.

It's not just about a pronoun but about the 1A, which is at the very heart of our nation, which is why it's the first amendment and not the second or third. 

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8 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

We knew that from the very beginning.

It's not just about a pronoun but about the 1A, which is at the very heart of our nation, which is why it's the first amendment and not the second or third. 

I'm well aware of that.....so basically a professor can call you whatever he/she likes as long as he/she supports it. It's cool!

Other professor's don't seem to have this guy's 1A issues.

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This case NEVER had a chance anyways.......

So be it.


The resulting appeals court opinion, Meriwether v. Hartop, was written by Judge Amul Thapar, a Donald Trump appointee and Federalist Society contributor.  Senior Judge David McKeague, a George W. Bush appointee, and Judge Joan Larsen, another Trump appointee, were the other two judges on the three-judge panel.

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4 minutes ago, RedZone said:

I'm well aware of that.....so basically a professor can call you whatever he/she likes as long as he/she supports it. It's cool!

Other professor's don't seem to have this guy's 1A issues.

No, that's not basically it.

It's irrelevant whether other professors have an issue.

But as a matter of fact, other professors do have an issue with it. Jordan Peterson became a public figure when he spoke out against a piece of legislation which, he argued, would make gendered pronouns compelled speech.

Maybe you don't really understand the issue.

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12 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

No, that's not basically it.

It's irrelevant whether other professors have an issue.

But as a matter of fact, other professors do have an issue with it. Jordan Peterson became a public figure when he spoke out against a piece of legislation which, he argued, would make gendered pronouns compelled speech.

Maybe you don't really understand the issue.


ChipTard the WonderRacist is one of the dumbest human beings on the planet.

Enjoy wasting your time.



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17 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

No, that's not basically it.


Maybe you don't really understand the issue.

Maybe you should explain it to me.

This was the issue and still is.....Christian Faith!

Like anything else though after it's twisted into a knot, it becomes a 1A issue.

The donald/bush Court agreed with this guy's religious beliefs and that's it.

" he refused her request, saying his Christian faith prevented him from talking about gender in a way he believed to be false. He instead proposed calling her only by her last name."

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11 minutes ago, RedZone said:

Maybe you should explain it to me.

This was the issue and still is.....Christian Faith!

Like anything else though after it's twisted into a knot, it becomes a 1A issue.

The donald/bush Court agreed with this guy's religious beliefs and that's it.

" he refused her request, saying his Christian faith prevented him from talking about gender in a way he believed to be false. He instead proposed calling her only by her last name."

You're about a dozen posts in and you're still not in the game.

If I need to explain to you the relationship between religious convictions and 1A issues, maybe you should sit this one out. 

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12 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

You're about a dozen posts in and you're still not in the game.

If I need to explain to you the relationship between religious convictions and 1A issues, maybe you should sit this one out. 


He's so fucking dumb that he doesn't even realize the religious belief that is referenced is lying.  The guy would not lie.



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