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Prime Time lands another for JSU


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28 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

My thoughts exactly.

How would he be a sellout? Y’all are idiots. If he gets a better job making more money that isn’t selling out, that’s taking advantage of an opportunity. 

I guess neither of you would take a better job making more money if given the opportunity. Lest you be called a sellout. 

Just dumb. 

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Just now, Sweetlarry said:

How would he be a sellout? Y’all are idiots. If he gets a better job making more money that isn’t selling out, that’s taking advantage of an opportunity. 

I guess neither of you would take a better job making more money if given the opportunity. Lest you be called a sellout. 

Just dumb. 

it’s obvious you have no idea what he has said about being at a HBCU and the importance of developing the black athletes there.  He has specifically called out what he saw as a bias towards drafting HBCU players and he is dedicated to correcting that.  when you conveniently sacrifice those principles for money you are a sellout. 

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15 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

it’s obvious you have no idea what he has said about being at a HBCU and the importance of developing the black athletes there.  He has specifically called out what he saw as a bias towards drafting HBCU players and he is dedicated to correcting that.  when you conveniently sacrifice those principles for money you are a sellout. 

Those who know the least tend to be the loudest. Funny how we both understood what you were talking about. 

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33 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

it’s obvious you have no idea what he has said about being at a HBCU and the importance of developing the black athletes there.  He has specifically called out what he saw as a bias towards drafting HBCU players and he is dedicated to correcting that.  when you conveniently sacrifice those principles for money you are a sellout. 

Lord. So if you say you love your job and everything about it and somebody offers you ten times your salary do you stay on your laurels or leave? And if he leaves he’s not a sellout. He can believe one and go make his money as well. They don’t have to be exclusive. 

Bettering your financial situation at the risk of being called a sellout…….Easy for you two to pop off about, but id bet of the opportunity arose for either of you we know what the answer would be.

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32 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

Lord. So if you say you love your job and everything about it and somebody offers you ten times your salary do you stay on your laurels or leave? And if he leaves he’s not a sellout. He can believe one and go make his money as well. They don’t have to be exclusive. 

Bettering your financial situation at the risk of being called a sellout…….Easy for you two to pop off about, but id bet of the opportunity arose for either of you we know what the answer would be.

Listen to his reasons why he’s at a HBCU  It’s not just about winning swac titles, etc.  based on what he’s said it’s a calling, not another job.  (In the blk community when a person says they’re called to do something, it’s meaningful, not about just monetary opportunities) 


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12 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Listen to his reasons why he’s at a HBCU  It’s not just about winning swac titles, etc.  based on what he’s said it’s a calling, not another job.  (In the blk community when a person says they’re called to do something, it’s meaningful, not about just monetary opportunities) 


I get that. I understand it. I’m Mexican with one Mexican brother and three black brothers. I’m a minority. But I am not calling somebody a sell out for bettering their situation. Nor do I believe if he left the statement still couldn’t be true. His name has given HBCUs more run than they’ve had in decades. If he left right now, this wouldn’t change. However, he can’t be the only one to do it. 

The black community loves to talk about what needs to be done. Sadly, most just talk and do nothing to help move it forward, save the self serving people looking for their come up. They’ll help so long as there is something in it for them. Once that ship has sailed, it’s back to telling everybody what should be done, but won’t be by them because **insert excuses here**.


So I do think you’re wrong in calling Deion a sellout. Especially when he’s done more for the HBCUs than anybody here by light years. 

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19 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

I get that. I understand it. I’m Mexican with one Mexican brother and three black brothers. I’m a minority. But I am not calling somebody a sell out for bettering their situation. Nor do I believe if he left the statement still couldn’t be true. His name has given HBCUs more run than they’ve had in decades. If he left right now, this wouldn’t change. However, he can’t be the only one to do it. 

The black community loves to talk about what needs to be done. Sadly, most just talk and do nothing to help move it forward, save the self serving people looking for their come up. They’ll help so long as there is something in it for them. Once that ship has sailed, it’s back to telling everybody what should be done, but won’t be by them because **insert excuses here**.


So I do think you’re wrong in calling Deion a sellout. Especially when he’s done more for the HBCUs than anybody here by light years. 

What does selling out mean to you? 

saying that you are called to do something is meaningful in the black community, what does “being called” mean to you Larry? 

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9 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

What is a sellout Larry? 

No such thing. Who is he selling out? Again, he’s done more in his short affiliation than most will in their lifetime, yet they scream sellout. Especially coming from people sitting on the sidelines. I’d be interested to see your resume in helping HBCUs. What have YOU done to tell him he’d be a sellout? 

To sell out, whatever that means, you have to buy in. What’s your buy in? What about you @Ga96? What’s your buy in? “Training” kids to turn around spread rumors about their home schools while recruiting them? 😂 



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19 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

No such thing. Who is he selling out? Again, he’s done more in his short affiliation than most will in their lifetime, yet they scream sellout. Especially coming from people sitting on the sidelines. I’d be interested to see your resume in helping HBCUs. What have YOU done to tell him he’d be a sellout? 

To sell out, whatever that means, you have to buy in. What’s your buy in? What about you @Ga96? What’s your buy in? “Training” kids to turn around spread rumors about their home schools while recruiting them? 😂 



Yes it’s an urban term. It has an impactful meaning.   

 To sellout is to compromise ones integrity, morality authenticity or principles in exchange for personal gain , such as money. 

the principles are the God directed ones he mentioned in his video. To abandon those now for money would be selling out as defined above.  

you were confused (emoji) when I posted he said he was “called” to an HBCU.  To make that type of claim is very meaningful, it means that a person is doing a particular  job or task as directed by God with a Godly purpose, not defined by man-made goals such as career advancement or money. 



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11 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Yes it’s an urban term. It has an impactful meaning.   

 To sellout is to compromise ones integrity, morality authenticity or principles in exchange for personal gain , such as money. 

the principles are the God directed ones he mentioned in his video. To abandon those now for money would be selling out as defined above.  



So basically anybody who betters their financial situation in lieu of not helping the greater good is a sell out. Got it. 

So what have you folks calling him a sell out (if him leaving for a better gig comes to fruition) done for the cause? I mean, where I come from people get called out for not backing their shit up. I want you and @Ga96 to back your shit up and tell me what you have done to better the situation. 

Honestly, if you haven’t done anything for the betterment while calling everybody else out, you really ain’t shit and have nothing to say. 

You wanna look up the urban term for that?

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23 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

So basically anybody who betters their financial situation in lieu of not helping the greater good is a sell out. Got it. 

So what have you folks calling him a sell out (if him leaving for a better gig comes to fruition) done for the cause? I mean, where I come from people get called out for not backing their shit up. I want you and @Ga96 to back your shit up and tell me what you have done to better the situation. 

Honestly, if you haven’t done anything for the betterment while calling everybody else out, you really ain’t shit and have nothing to say. 

You wanna look up the urban term for that?

No Larry that’s not what that means if they never state they are doing a job or task beyond the simple job description. 

What I do for my people/community is not done so I can chest thump, build my resume or validate my self to you,  and it is irrelevant in regard to my opinions on this topic.  But I am fully 100% behind Deion and what he states he’s doing and why.  I hope he doesn’t abandon those principles (and frankly none of what Deion says he’s doing for HBCUs and black athletes from there have a damn thing to do with some random dude named Larry on this site) 



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12 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

No Larry that’s not what that means if they never state they are doing a job or task beyond the simple job description. 

What I do for my people/community is not done so I can chest thump, build my resume or validate my self to you,  and it is irrelevant in regard to my opinions on this topic.  But I am fully 100% behind Deion and what he states he’s doing and why.  I hope he doesn’t abandon those principles 



So talking loud and saying nothing. Gotcha. 

Like I said where I come from you don’t get to talk hang and not back it up. That’s not urban (though my area was predominantly minority), that’s life. 

I hope Deion does whatever he feels is best for him. Again, he’s done more than people saying they hope he doesn’t sell out have and will. Judging his coaching his one thing, attacking his character is something else. 

We can agree to disagree, but it’s easy to sit on your ass and call somebody else a sell out when you ain’t doing shit. 

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32 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

So talking loud and saying nothing. Gotcha. 

Like I said where I come from you don’t get to talk hang and not back it up. That’s not urban (though my area was predominantly minority), that’s life. 

I hope Deion does whatever he feels is best for him. Again, he’s done more than people saying they hope he doesn’t sell out have and will. Judging his coaching his one thing, attacking his character is something else. 

We can agree to disagree, but it’s easy to sit on your ass and call somebody else a sell out when you ain’t doing shit. 

Larry you’re the troglodyte that couldn’t define “sell out” nor what “being called” to a job meant. But yet you talk a lot. Typical.  I’m glad I had this quick convo because you reinforced thoughts I already have about some ppl on issues like this.  Thanks 

now back to my convo with @Ga96 On this topic.  

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35 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Larry you’re the troglodyte that couldn’t define “sell out” nor what “being called” to a job meant. But yet you talk a lot. Typical.  I’m glad I had this quick convo because you reinforced thoughts I already have about some ppl on issues like this.  Thanks 

now back to my convo with @Ga96 On this topic.  

Funny. The “urban” guy is the expert on everything about this thread. Also the guy who does nothing but talk loud and say nothing as well. Fitting. 

I enjoy reading posts like this. Reminds me how lazy and ignorant some people are in their expectations of everybody else to do the shit they complain about as opposed to jumping in and doing it themselves. I’d avoid the resume talk as well, as we both know you don’t so shit like the conspicuously absent @Ga96 color me shocked. 

No need to respond, though we both know you can’t help yourself and will. 

Keep fighting the good fight. Or watching others do it for you. 


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28 minutes ago, 181pl said:

He’ll leave within 2 years. And these ” blue chip recruits will follow him right through the transfer portal. Lol.

If you didn’t call this and see this happening with HBCUs and recruits, which you didn’t,  then you don’t know what the hell is going on. Just babbling and being butthurt, like others,  b/c these kids turned down PWIs.  😂 


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Horsefly, was Sanders truly embraced by high school football fans in TX?  I’m curious of what your opinion is of his reputation back then. I know he was private school, but I tried to follow his success/progress there, and it seemed like only a few articles were written about him when he first started coaching, and not much hype after a while. 

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