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Door to door recruitment of racist

Wildcat Will

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Good afternoon,” one of the two men replies, “We are white nationalists and we’re going around hoping to talk to people about some things.” The audio drops in and out for a few seconds, but it sounds as if he says something about white people in the United States.

“We’re hoping to have a few minutes to talk to you about that,” he concludes.

“Did you say you’re a white nationalist?” the home’s male-sounding occupant replies.

“We’re not interested,” a female-sounding voice also coming from inside the house says seconds later.

This is real. A true occurence from this month. It happened to the uncle and aunt of a former Miss America, Mallory Hytes Hogan, in Cusseta, Alabama. 

The men left a brochure that read " End Systemic Racism, Be Pro White". The interior includes greviences such as being discriminated against, whites being falsely accused of being racist and schools teaching anti-white critical race theory. The flier urges an end to "white descrimination" and put a stop to the "great replacement". 

Does any of that sound familiar?

If I am not mistaken, the Klan did the same thing way back when. I reflect and see yesterday today.

Not a good look. 

Today is not yesterday.


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14 minutes ago, Wildcat Will said:

Good afternoon,” one of the two men replies, “We are white nationalists and we’re going around hoping to talk to people about some things.” The audio drops in and out for a few seconds, but it sounds as if he says something about white people in the United States.

“We’re hoping to have a few minutes to talk to you about that,” he concludes.

“Did you say you’re a white nationalist?” the home’s male-sounding occupant replies.

“We’re not interested,” a female-sounding voice also coming from inside the house says seconds later.

This is real. A true occurence from this month. It happened to the uncle and aunt of a former Miss America, Mallory Hytes Hogan, in Cusseta, Alabama. 

The men left a brochure that read " End Systemic Racism, Be Pro White". The interior includes greviences such as being discriminated against, whites being falsely accused of being racist and schools teaching anti-white critical race theory. The flier urges an end to "white descrimination" and put a stop to the "great replacement". 

Does any of that sound familiar?

If I am not mistaken, the Klan did the same thing way back when. I reflect and see yesterday today.

Not a good look. 

Today is not yesterday.


So if it was pro black messaging would you be just as outraged? Have you seen these lately? Does it shake you to the core like some made up story you just told? 





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In a free (-ish, for now anyway) society of over 330 million inhabitants, you'll get asshats like this. Fortunately there are a lot less of them now than there used to be.  The Klan, for example, used to have literally millions of followers.  They had huge marches in Washington DC.

Nowadays, these jackasses (Klan, nazis etc) number in the thousands and a big gathering tends to be in the low hundreds (and always outnumbered by opponents). And let's not forget the likes of the more militant followers of BLM and Antifa (death to cops, some hate whitey nuts, riots).  

Unfortunately, the movement to come closer together has been hijacked to varying degrees by folks who benefit in power and influence and wealth by stoking division.  Integration has given way to segregation again. Minority-only graduations, dorms and study halls... MLK and JFK would weep. 


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58 minutes ago, concha said:


In a free (-ish, for now anyway) society of over 330 million inhabitants, you'll get asshats like this. Fortunately there are a lot less of them now than there used to be.  The Klan, for example, used to have literally millions of followers.  They had huge marches in Washington DC.

Nowadays, these jackasses (Klan, nazis etc) number in the thousands and a big gathering tends to be in the low hundreds (and always outnumbered by opponents). And let's not forget the likes of the more militant followers of BLM and Antifa (death to cops, some hate whitey nuts, riots).  

Unfortunately, the movement to come closer together has been hijacked to varying degrees by folks who benefit in power and influence and wealth by stoking division.  Integration has given way to segregation again. Minority-only graduations, dorms and study halls... MLK and JFK would weep. 


LOL....."more militant"?....who's "more militant" than the righty neo-con insurrectionists? "HANG MIKE PENCE"...and the clowns marching with torches starting riots in Va.?..no one is more militant...your boys come in first place on the FBI watch list of terrorists....😪

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27 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

LOL....."more militant"?....who's "more militant" than the righty neo-con insurrectionists? "HANG MIKE PENCE"...and the clowns marching with torches starting riots in Va.?..no one is more militant...your boys come in first place on the FBI watch list of terrorists....😪


Who were few in number and have been arrested.

There are no right-wing groups that come remotely close to the violence and destruction unleashed by Antifa and BLM. Billions in destruction. Many deaths. And even assaults on police precincts and federal buildings.

Oh, and I spoke out against BOTH sides.


You truly love to flaunt your stupidity on here.


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6 minutes ago, concha said:


Who were few in number and have been arrested.

There are no right-wing groups that come remotely close to the violence and destruction unleashed by Antifa and BLM. Billions in destruction. Many deaths. And even assaults on police precincts and federal buildings.

Oh, and I spoke out against BOTH sides.


You truly love to flaunt your stupidity on here.


you did speak of both sides...and somehow the left was "more militant"??...LOL....did they try and hang the V.P.?....or assault hundreds of Police officers??...no..they for the most part just looted stores...they weren't blood thirsty like your boys...trying to intimidate and take over by the use of force...😪

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45 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

you did speak of both sides...and somehow the left was "more militant"??...LOL....did they try and hang the V.P.?....or assault hundreds of Police officers??...no..they for the most part just looted stores...they weren't blood thirsty like your boys...trying to intimidate and take over by the use of force...😪


Nobody tried to hang the VP. I'd say "Don't be stupid" but that ship has sailed.

BLM and Antifa were involved in literally hundreds of riots across the country. There were 220 violent demonstrations reported just by September of 2020. Damages due to looting, violence and arson were in the billions. Many dead bodies. Hundreds injured. 

The body count does not even compare and scores if not hundreds of cops were injured due to leftist demonstrations. The deaths resulting from violence at the Capitol were protestors.  One person died in Charlottesville and the asshat who did it was caught. I've seen the number 20 used for deaths at BLM "protests".  I'm not sure if that includes the cops slaughtered in Dallas.

You are not even remotely in touch with reality.



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3 hours ago, concha said:


Nobody tried to hang the VP. I'd say "Don't be stupid" but that ship has sailed.

BLM and Antifa were involved in literally hundreds of riots across the country. There were 220 violent demonstrations reported just by September of 2020. Damages due to looting, violence and arson were in the billions. Many dead bodies. Hundreds injured. 

The body count does not even compare and scores if not hundreds of cops were injured due to leftist demonstrations. The deaths resulting from violence at the Capitol were protestors.  One person died in Charlottesville and the asshat who did it was caught. I've seen the number 20 used for deaths at BLM "protests".  I'm not sure if that includes the cops slaughtered in Dallas.

You are not even remotely in touch with reality.



no one wanted to "HANG MIKE PENCE" huh??...they were just joking?...they didn't build a hang-man stand for our V.P.??.....talk about being "stupid"...🤡

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4 hours ago, concha said:


Nobody tried to hang the VP. I'd say "Don't be stupid" but that ship has sailed.

BLM and Antifa were involved in literally hundreds of riots across the country. There were 220 violent demonstrations reported just by September of 2020. Damages due to looting, violence and arson were in the billions. Many dead bodies. Hundreds injured. 

The body count does not even compare and scores if not hundreds of cops were injured due to leftist demonstrations. The deaths resulting from violence at the Capitol were protestors.  One person died in Charlottesville and the asshat who did it was caught. I've seen the number 20 used for deaths at BLM "protests".  I'm not sure if that includes the cops slaughtered in Dallas.

You are not even remotely in touch with reality.



LOL..."many dead bodies" huh??...sure..if you and Fox news say so....🤡

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4 hours ago, concha said:


Nobody tried to hang the VP. I'd say "Don't be stupid" but that ship has sailed.

BLM and Antifa were involved in literally hundreds of riots across the country. There were 220 violent demonstrations reported just by September of 2020. Damages due to looting, violence and arson were in the billions. Many dead bodies. Hundreds injured. 

The body count does not even compare and scores if not hundreds of cops were injured due to leftist demonstrations. The deaths resulting from violence at the Capitol were protestors.  One person died in Charlottesville and the asshat who did it was caught. I've seen the number 20 used for deaths at BLM "protests".  I'm not sure if that includes the cops slaughtered in Dallas.

You are not even remotely in touch with reality.



did you see the number 20 used on Tucker Carlson's show...or in Mad Magazine?....🙄

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5 hours ago, DBP66 said:

LOL....."more militant"?....who's "more militant" than the righty neo-con insurrectionists? "HANG MIKE PENCE"...and the clowns marching with torches starting riots in Va.?..no one is more militant...your boys come in first place on the FBI watch list of terrorists....😪

He had me for a minute. Had gained a little respect for at the beginning and lost it by the end of his opinion piece. 

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5 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

As usual, you miss the point.......or more accurately, you don't care for the message and the truth contained therein. 

I gave up on nolegirl. Too much ignorance, racism, and stupidity mixed into 1 person. He can't remember the last time he said something that wasn't copied and pasted from someone else on twitter.

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4 hours ago, concha said:


Nobody tried to hang the VP. I'd say "Don't be stupid" but that ship has sailed.

BLM and Antifa were involved in literally hundreds of riots across the country. There were 220 violent demonstrations reported just by September of 2020. Damages due to looting, violence and arson were in the billions. Many dead bodies. Hundreds injured. 

The body count does not even compare and scores if not hundreds of cops were injured due to leftist demonstrations. The deaths resulting from violence at the Capitol were protestors.  One person died in Charlottesville and the asshat who did it was caught. I've seen the number 20 used for deaths at BLM "protests".  I'm not sure if that includes the cops slaughtered in Dallas.

You are not even remotely in touch with reality.



and what were BLM and Antifa protesting about??....how blacks are being treated in America...we watched a kid jogging get killed by 3 red-necks and a red neck cop kill a guy with his knee...any American with a brain and heart felt sick about this and protests were in order...

what was Charlotte and the Insurrectionists acts all about?...white power and taking the country over...your comparing apples and oranges. One group had a just cause the other had no cause other than taking the "their" country back...SAD!

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10 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

He had me for a minute. Had gained a little respect for at the beginning and lost it by the end of his opinion piece. 


And we know why.

The minute the (extensive and deadly) violence of your side is pointed out, you have a seizure and froth at the mouth. "That which cannot be named".

You are pathetic.


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Nothing says "real attempt to hang the VP" like throwing together a rickety gallows in a few minutes for all to see, be unarmed, and then going to where he and his heavily armed Secret Service detachment were not even located.

You people revel in advertising your disingenuity and stupidity.


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9 minutes ago, concha said:


Nothing says "real attempt to hang the VP" like throwing together a rickety gallows in a few minutes for all to see, be unarmed, and then going to where he and his heavily armed Secret Service detachment were not even located.

You people revel in advertising your disingenuity and stupidity.


so it was just for show?...and laughs I guess?....they weren't really on a mission sent by Trump?...because Pence didn't do what Trump wanted him to do??...stop playing dumb...I know it comes naturally but try and fight it...let your common sense take over...they would have beaten Pence to death...he wouldn't have made it to the gallows!...🤡

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16 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

so it was just for show?...and laughs I guess?....they weren't really on a mission sent by Trump?...because Pence didn't do what Trump wanted him to do??...stop playing dumb...I know it comes naturally but try and fight it...let your common sense take over...they would have beaten Pence to death...he wouldn't have made it to the gallows!...🤡


I rest my case.


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22 hours ago, Wildcat Will said:

As usual, you miss the point.......or more accurately, you don't care for the message and the truth contained therein. 

you score a grade F for your messaging...


On 1/26/2022 at 9:07 AM, Wildcat Will said:

Not a good look. 

Today is not yesterday.

glad you figured that one out,

but spreading your hatred online

instead of going door to door

does not improve your look at all.



PS: Hope this helps 👍

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7 minutes ago, Troll said:

you score a grade F for your messaging...


glad you figured that one out,

but spreading your hatred online

instead of going door to door

does not improve your look at all.



PS: Hope this helps 👍

Painful past?

Your human rights violations haunting you?

Really miss the good old days huh?

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On 1/26/2022 at 7:07 AM, Wildcat Will said:

Good afternoon,” one of the two men replies, “We are white nationalists and we’re going around hoping to talk to people about some things.” The audio drops in and out for a few seconds, but it sounds as if he says something about white people in the United States.

“We’re hoping to have a few minutes to talk to you about that,” he concludes.

“Did you say you’re a white nationalist?” the home’s male-sounding occupant replies.

“We’re not interested,” a female-sounding voice also coming from inside the house says seconds later.

This is real. A true occurence from this month. It happened to the uncle and aunt of a former Miss America, Mallory Hytes Hogan, in Cusseta, Alabama. 

The men left a brochure that read " End Systemic Racism, Be Pro White". The interior includes greviences such as being discriminated against, whites being falsely accused of being racist and schools teaching anti-white critical race theory. The flier urges an end to "white descrimination" and put a stop to the "great replacement". 

Does any of that sound familiar?

If I am not mistaken, the Klan did the same thing way back when. I reflect and see yesterday today.

Not a good look. 

Today is not yesterday.


This great speech could have been directed at you, Ga96, and others on this board:


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