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DFB is bussing to Jersey


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2 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

They stopped along the way. Spent the day at Wake Forest and Rutgers. They checked in to their local hotel at 11 this morning. 'll be at their walk-thru at 2pm. All good. 

when did they actually leave then...if they are here in NJ now....did they leave Wednesday night?

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Just now, GardenStateBaller said:

Just another example of how difficult these OOS games can be logistically for the southern publics vs the national privates. Talent helps wins games though. Im sure DFBs 10 starred players won't be adversely effected between 1-3pm tomorrow afternoon. 

It sure wont be the weather affecting them. 68 degrees and cloudy at kickoff

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3 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Bag.....bad..  Listen to this....Mainland HS took a bus from Daytona Beach to Lakewood,Ohio and go crushed by St Eds.... Thay bus  trip sucked...How many of you have ever just driven from Ramsey to West Palm Beach without stopping....

never. worse trip i did was bergen county to nashville Tn

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2 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Bag.....bad..  Listen to this....Mainland HS took a bus from Daytona Beach to Lakewood,Ohio and go crushed by St Eds.... Thay bus  trip sucked...How many of you have ever just driven from Ramsey to West Palm Beach without stopping....

I drove from Cincinnati to Key West with some friends after high school. That was pretty fun. Long, but a good time. The drive back home sucked.

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5 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:
9 minutes ago, Fred said:

Wait a minute!  We have been excoriated and drug threw the mud for planning a bus trip of half that distance.  Where are all those people now?  :ph34r:

DFB  never declined an all expense paid airfare trip  for the players that will be  actually playing in the game  

And that has exactly ZERO to do with this.  And you know it.  The big to do has been over us taking the bus to Shreveport.  You've had more than a little to say about that.  Where is the comparable indignation about this trip?  Your earlier statements are mild to say the least compared to what you had to say about us.

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27 minutes ago, Fred said:

Wait a minute!  We have been excoriated and drug threw the mud for planning a bus trip of half that distance.  Where are all those people now?  :ph34r:

I give DFB props for nutting up and taking the long bus ride to make their OOS game happen.  Florida mos def is the premiere OOS playing state as they will play anybody anytime anywhere at whatever must be done to make the game happen.  Guessing plane tickets was not in their budget so they don't complain or point fingers they just man up and get on a bus for 18 hours.  Mad props to them and will now be pulling for them to win. 

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16 minutes ago, Fred said:

And that has exactly ZERO to do with this.  And you know it.  The big to do has been over us taking the bus to Shreveport.  You've had more than a little to say about that.  Where is the comparable indignation about this trip?  Your earlier statements are mild to say the least compared to what you had to say about us.

 Declining the plane ride to Texas  was the exact reason people  were criticizing the bus trip 

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