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Another mass shooting.....


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3 hours ago, RedZone said:




These are the most dangerous times in the USA since at least the 1960s. We are on the brink of something very bad IMHO. 

If the collective madness does not stop, the days ahead are going to be historic. 

Perhaps the financial markets have finally recognized this and are reflecting it in the recent selloff. 

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29 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

These are the most dangerous times in the USA since at lest the 1960s. We are on brink of something very bad IMHO. 

If the collective madness does not stop, the days ahead are going to be historic. 

Perhaps the financial markets have finally recognized this and are reflecting it in the recent selloff. 

We need a leader now more than ever.

Not someone that distances himself from all tragedies on his watch.



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MY money is on Bubba and of course Mental Illness.  Now I will await the Stats and that he was a Liberal.  Did I not say every 90 days and November was fast approaching.    Standby for January.  Bubba strikes every 90 days with mass shootings.  And of course he is arrested without getting shot by a Cop.  Did he get the customary Burger King stop as well.  AKA Dillon Roof. 

Concha which one of the 8K was this one.  Of course  POC and Jews should not worry about.?

Biggest terrorist in America.  I will await labeling him Hispanic or something or another 🤣


Image result for robert bowers

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2 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

MY money is on Bubba and of course Mental Illness.  Now I will await the Stats and that he was a Liberal.  Did not say every 90 days and November was fast approaching.    Standby for January.  Bubba strikes every 90 days with mass shootings. 

When someone commits a heinous crime like this and many others, it matters little whether they were crazy or not (unless they were crazy to the point of being a totally babbling madman).

You could always argue that anyone that goes out and commits unspeakable wicked crimes is mentally deranged. And, in a narrow sense this is true, but to the victims it doesn't matter one damn bit. 

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Just now, DarterBlue said:

When someone commits a heinous crime like this and many others, it matters little whether they were crazy or not (unless they were crazy to the point of being a totally babbling madman).

You could always argue that anyone that goes out and commits unspeakable wicked crimes is mentally deranged. And, in a narrow sense this is true, but to the victims it doesn't matter one damn bit. 

Exactly that's why giving this particular Terrorist types an out instead of holding their asses and their Culture responsible. No one else gets this out.  And I point this out repeatedly to show just how it's not random and this is a problem.  

May Elaha bless those Hebrews.  These people been killing Jews for Centuries.  Yet will tell you Muslims are the mortal enemies of Jews.  Strange indeed and Tragic. 


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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

These are the most dangerous times in the USA since at least the 1960s. We are on the brink of something very bad IMHO. 

If the collective madness does not stop, the days ahead are going to be historic. 

Perhaps the financial markets have finally recognized this and are reflecting it in the recent selloff. 

DB. Just tell your leftist friends to chill the efff out! I don’t see repubs out there acting crazy. And before you say that both parties have crazies(which they do), the fringe of the left is a much steeper line in the bell curve. Does the left even have any centrists anymore? Sarcastic but serious question. Life is great right now. This president isn’t doing to make anyone’s life miserable despite the left hating him with fervor never seen before. 

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3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

DB. Just tell your leftist friends to chill the efff out! I don’t see repubs out there acting crazy. And before you say that both parties have crazies(which they do), the fringe of the left is a much steeper line in the bell curve. Does the left even have any centrists anymore? Sarcastic but serious question. Life is great right now. This president isn’t doing to make anyone’s life miserable despite the left hating him with fervor never seen before. 

Blueliner, with all due respect, you and I don't see the world with the same pair of eyes. So, having any kind of discussion with you is a waste of our collective time. I harbor no ill will against you for I don't, and, indeed cannot, walk in your shoes. 


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Just now, GardenStateBaller said:


White Supremacist.  Alive in well in 2018.  That's the tragedy.  You hate and kill people over racism

Just Fukkkn  Sick and I don't give a damn what Party each has White Supremacist in them and always have.  That's why it strikes me odd for a Minority to argue about Democrats vs. Republicans.  They are the same and just switch ideology but not regional switching. 

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2 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

Blueliner, with all due respect, you and I don't see the world with the same pair of eyes. So, having any kind of discussion with you is a waste of our collective time. I harbor no ill will against you for I don't, and, indeed cannot, walk in you shoes. 


Killed them on the Sacred Sabbath.  A damn Demon.  

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6 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

White Supremacist.  Alive in well in 2018.  That's the tragedy.  You hate and kill people over racism

Just Fukkkn  Sick and I don't give a damn what Party each has White Supremacist in them and always have.  That's why it strikes me odd for a Minority to argue about Democrats vs. Republicans.  They are the same and just switch ideology but not regional switching. 

 I care for one simple reason: 1. While there are racists in the Democratic Party, it is not their official platform. In the age of Trump, it is getting damn near to being the Republican platform. As a man of color, I can see what's coming over the next several years, and it does not look good. 

The funny thing is, while not all of the Trump supporters on this board would condone him having old DB deep sixed, I am pretty sure not a damn one of them would do anything to stop it. Even worse, though I have posted on this board for sixteen months and counting, they would pretend that old DarterBlue never existed or was just a troll/bot.

This is the world we currently live in. 

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2 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

This wacko was a Globalist who hated Trump and thought he was controlled by Jews..It's not the official platform of Trump either...Maxine,that's a hater.....Those that beat Republicans voting, those that went after Sarah Sanders,Antifa, Rules For Radicals playbook calls 


One of those globalists who's also a nationalist who railed against "invaders". 

My God. This fucking off-topic forum. It does not disappoint. 

I'd think we'd beat anyone, anywhere in a contest of stupidity. 

I don't care if there's a forum somewhere dedicated to noodling or mudding or crawdad fishing. We'd win hands down. 

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17 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

I know damn well I don't have to offer my opinion. 

When in hell are the rest of you going to get it.??????

I agree. 

We need to get rid of the Jews who control the banks and the media and who hate America and who are behind the scenes supporting the illegal invaders. 

I've got the links and the memes to support it all, since that's what's really important, right?

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5 hours ago, RedZone said:

Pretty sad all the way around....simply put> .too much hate in this Nation.....

This started under obama who divided this country by every classification under the sun  .... 

men vs women 

Straight vs Gay 

black and white 

rich and poor 

law enforcement vs non 

name the religions he divided .... too many to count. 

He was a POS laughing all the way to the bank. 

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44 minutes ago, Mjd33 said:

This started under obama who divided this country by every classification under the sun  .... 

men vs women 

Straight vs Gay 

black and white 

rich and poor 

law enforcement vs non 

name the religions he divided .... too many to count. 

He was a POS laughing all the way to the bank. 


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