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OT: Trump Shafting Americans with Budget


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8 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Hence the reason I say the Dems need to just STFU. They along with the media are looking pathetic at this point. They wont keep those seats by attacking President Trump. They better hope his policies fail.

Right now, in the 2018 Senate elections the Republicans have 43 not up for election and 7 safe seats. They are basically starting at 50 seats.

There appear to be ~12 seats that are up-for-grabs.

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5 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Hence the reason I say the Dems need to just STFU. They along with the media are looking pathetic at this point. They wont keep those seats by attacking President Trump. They better hope his policies fail.

please explain

I doubt you are suggesting that ANYONE overlook the tweets at dawn, as the leader of the free world. So just what is it you want the DEm's to stop attacking?

Policy? It's their job.

Trump's immaturity? It's everyone's job. 

I honestly think I am missing what it is you are referring to...??? that the dems are attacking (that they should not be) 

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1 minute ago, noonereal said:

agree but I think the word stronger may be misused. 

I think it will make HIS supporters more resolute. But I also think that it's not just me that was open to Trump and is now horrified. 

Getting the truth out is imperative for this group. my group. 

Several good posts in a row I have read from you. 

It kinda shows that people can talk and agree but still walk toward a different door. 

People just want different things.

This is why I was and still am ready to accept the policy move to the right. I have a respect for the system and I lost. You won. I respect you. 

Just stop the stupid. It's dangerous and divisive. 


I don't have a strong party affiliation. I actually lean more left. I just hated the Clintons with a passion. My fear then and still is now is who ends up sitting in the Supreme Court with President Trump. I am ok with Gorsuch, his next pick scares the hell out of me.

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4 minutes ago, noonereal said:

please explain

I doubt you are suggesting that ANYONE overlook the tweets at dawn, as the leader of the free world. So just what is it you want the DEm's to stop attacking?

Policy? It's their job.

Trump's immaturity? It's everyone's job. 

I honestly think I am missing what it is you are referring to...??? that the dems are attacking (that they should not be) 

Impeachment talks, his mental stability, all the personnel crap. The attacks on Ivanka and his youngest son.


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1 minute ago, thc6795 said:

I don't have a strong party affiliation. I actually lean more left. I just hated the Clintons with a passion. My fear then and still is now is who ends up sitting in the Supreme Court with President Trump. I am ok with Gorsuch, his next pick scares the hell out of me.

who didn't?

I am proud to say I never voted for Bill. 

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9 minutes ago, noonereal said:

These things are not coming from politicians, they are coming from the far left groups. (at least as far as I have heard) 

This will always happen, from both sides of the aisle. 

You have had Pelosi, Waters, Castro, Ellison and the clown all call for impeachment. Again they just need to STFU.

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3 hours ago, BigDrop said:


"In rural Appalachia, people are so poor that there is a federal program dedicated to lifting them out of poverty. Through the Appalachian Regional Commission, the government pitches in on projects that these rural communities badly need but can’t quite afford — everything from fixing roads, to building computer labs, to training workers, to opening health clinics.

These efforts have become so widely admired that in recent years Congress launched, with bipartisan backing, sister agencies to help other rural regions stuck in generational cycles of poverty. Together the programs spend about $175 million each year bringing jobs and opportunities to places that long have felt left behind.

President Trump, who won rousing victories in these same parts of rural America, would eliminate that funding."

The report continues in the link above.

This is just really sad.  These people just don't know what hit them yet, until its too late.  The part that got me was how in the article it said the amount of money trump allocated in increased military spending would fund these programs for 300 years.  So he preaches infrastructure rebuilding thru all his campaign stops and then does opposite of that and cuts programs that were helping with that. I can't even lol at this one.  Like one of the commenters said, those that voted for him wanted a business man in office and they got just that.  I guess they dont know that business decisions are not made to help the employees.  But to fatten the pockets of investors and the executives.  In this case all his billionaire homies.   

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1 hour ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

I wouldn't... shit would have to be really bad to turn this crop of idiots away from their messiah


and the general masses would need to see clear and detailed devastation before they're propelled to vote


The bar is set awfully low for Trump. He does not have to cut unemployment in half like Obama, neither does he have to triple the stock market. All he has to do is not fuck things up quickly.


Sadly Trump's clear devastation won't become that evident until the end of his second  term..... just like W

Not everyone that voted for him is what I call the 'idiot base" many were staunch anti-Hillary voters that voted Trump as the best, worst candidate.   If he continues down this self destructive path IMO they will have voters remorse and vote accordingly.  Hillary's candidacy really doomed the election.  A more balanced candidate will restore voter faith.

trump's latest approval rating is not much different than his popular vote...around 47%.  IMO, this will go down if his policies have the effect I believe they will have.



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1 hour ago, SOCIntellectualProperty said:

I wouldn't... shit would have to be really bad to turn this crop of idiots away from their messiah


and the general masses would need to see clear and detailed devastation before they're propelled to vote


The bar is set awfully low for Trump. He does not have to cut unemployment in half like Obama, neither does he have to triple the stock market. All he has to do is not fuck things up quickly.


Sadly Trump's clear devastation won't become that evident until the end of his second  term..... just like W

I'm with you on this one.  The more and more I think about it all the suckers/marks that are his followers will continue to fall for his scam.  All he has to say is hey my fellow trumpeters I know things have not gone the way I promised these last 4 years but thats because it takes 8 years to see through what I promised.  But how my lord?  Just trust me.  Believe me I know everything.  I know this country was a disaster these last 4 years.  But give me 4 more years and now you will see the real change I promised  Ok my lord you got my vote. Or something like that. Lol

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53 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

You have had Pelosi, Waters, Castro, Ellison and the clown all call for impeachment. Again they just need to STFU.

I just googled "Pelosi impeachment."

She did the opposite! http://www.salon.com/2017/02/06/nancy-pelosi-cools-trump-impeachment-fever-when-and-if-he-breaks-the-law-that-is-when-something-like-that-will-come-up/

I see Waters was a muttonhead... I am not gonna bother looking up Ellison or Castro. It's just too trite, if they did. 

I watch and read news every day and it's just not as you portray. 

Maybe it should be although we need to wait till a law is broken. Unfortunately call the parks department, CIA, FBI... liars is not a crime. Nor is making false accusations against a former president. Even lying about England's role in the non existent wire tapping of his home is legal. 

Even calling the media anti American is OK legally. 



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On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 7:33 PM, BigDrop said:


Decades and decades ago I drove a cab through college in Bethesda, Maryland.  The company had a contract with NIH to transport outpatients to and from the "clinical center" from the greater D. C. metro area.  Over the years I had a lot of people in my backseat who owed their lives to the research that was done at NIH.  I cannot tell you how upset I am to read that Trump is eliminating $6 billion from NIH's budget.  (Significant percentage that will dramatically hurt it) Whatever a wall costs there are countless lives that will be saved because of NIH.

I was going to list another ten issues but I can't get past this.  The Post has a good overview... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/03/16/if-youre-a-poor-person-in-america-trumps-budget-is-not-for-you/?hpid=hp_rhp-top-table-main_wb-poor-12p%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.45e7ad7b0bd7


Trump wouldn't be having to make these tough decisions, if your boy Barry hadn't pissed away EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS on NOTHING!!!

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9 hours ago, noonereal said:

I just googled "Pelosi impeachment."

She did the opposite! http://www.salon.com/2017/02/06/nancy-pelosi-cools-trump-impeachment-fever-when-and-if-he-breaks-the-law-that-is-when-something-like-that-will-come-up/

I see Waters was a muttonhead... I am not gonna bother looking up Ellison or Castro. It's just too trite, if they did. 

I watch and read news every day and it's just not as you portray. 

Maybe it should be although we need to wait till a law is broken. Unfortunately call the parks department, CIA, FBI... liars is not a crime. Nor is making false accusations against a former president. Even lying about England's role in the non existent wire tapping of his home is legal. 

Even calling the media anti American is OK legally. 



But it was OKEEDOKEE for Barry to give THREE BILLION dollars of FEDERAL tax dollars, to his special interest groups, to further his agenda moving forward! And how about his giving untold billions to Iran, to further their nuclear program? OH, I almost forgot that Barry, upon being rather rudely treated by certain news media. Set out to ruin those entities through IRS harassment, and wire taps on them, as well as Angela Merkell!

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11 hours ago, concha said:

Right now, in the 2018 Senate elections the Republicans have 43 not up for election and 7 safe seats. They are basically starting at 50 seats.

There appear to be ~12 seats that are up-for-grabs.

And they'll lose those seats unless they start getting legislation through the Congress, which is going to be blocked 100% by the CLOWN ASS DEMS!!! Mitch McConnell MUST be a DUMB ASS, not to initiate the Nuclear Option that provides for a simple 51 vote majority in the Senate!

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How can you blame anyone other than Trump for his budget?  He is dramatically investing in military armaments.  The $50 billion for this is coming from programs like the ones listed above.  The billions that NIH will not get are directly going to adding new weapons.

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24 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

How can you blame anyone other than Trump for his budget?  He is dramatically investing in military armaments.  The $50 billion for this is coming from programs like the ones listed above.  The billions that NIH will not get are directly going to adding new weapons.

just crazy ....

and his goal is not defense, it's to buy a giant block of voters for 2020.



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15 hours ago, taojoe said:

Same as it ever was.  The good news is that, even though we may not see it in our lifetimes, progressive thought always wins out in the long run.

true, good observation

the problem is that  the setbacks we have suffered from the live in the past crowd generally result in great genocide and stifling science. 

Generations can be negatively impacted.

Who wants their grand kids living worse than they did?

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1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

How can you blame anyone other than Trump for his budget?  He is dramatically investing in military armaments.  The $50 billion for this is coming from programs like the ones listed above.  The billions that NIH will not get are directly going to adding new weapons.

Actually, much of the need for the funding if for maintenance and repair.  


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20 hours ago, noonereal said:

These things are not coming from politicians, they are coming from the far left groups. (at least as far as I have heard) 

This will always happen, from both sides of the aisle. 

When and if he stops being a useful idiot for them, it's the GOP that will start the impeachment process.  They'd rather have Pence as Prez any day.

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On 3/17/2017 at 7:24 AM, Horsefly said:

You claiming that his voters will stay strong is irrelevant to me as they don't have the voting numbers in their favor as reflected by the popular vote.  I didn't state that as if he stole the election. 

He's more popular today than when he was elected

migjt factor that in your prognosis

plus, I hope the Dems can roll out someone no more than half the age of that cadaver they rolled out to respond to his address to congress -- that ex Gov of KY was a sacrificial lamb to A popular President

the anti-Trump crowd is becoming increasingly marginalized and ridiculed.  Have never seen so few people think they were so many people

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