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Marietta QB


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8 hours ago, Ga96 said:

No recruited all star team this year. They'll be back in toilet bowl where they belong.

Still mad Bro? Boyfriend not let you service him lately? Good Heavens it’s been five months. Let it go.

You and mtp are a sad duo. Take your whining to the vent where only metro can be called cheaters and goober and gomer can relive the glory days of recruiting and 20 year old seniors. 



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2 hours ago, Sweetlarry said:

Still mad Bro? Boyfriend not let you service him lately? Good Heavens it’s been five months. Let it go.

You and mtp are a sad duo. Take your whining to the vent where only metro can be called cheaters and goober and gomer can relive the glory days of recruiting and 20 year old seniors. 



So what’s the story on Tyler Hughs there Sweetboy? You just meet him. Let’s talk some football. What year is he in? What’s he got to throw to and is his OL in a state of flux like Lowndes or what?

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19 minutes ago, MTP28 said:

So what’s the story on Tyler Hughs there Sweetboy? You just meet him. Let’s talk some football. What year is he in? What’s he got to throw to and is his OL in a state of flux like Lowndes or what?

Tyler Hughes is a good kid. Homegrown, as you whiners like to call them. He is shorter than Harrison, but more mobile. Good arm. Yadi yada. Honestly not sure how he’ll do until he does it. He has skills but you never know how a kid will react until he’s in there. He looked decent against the Washington team in the geico bowl, but I’ll withhold judgement for now. 

Our WRs will be smaller but faster. RB will he sampled but faster as well. Offensively I imagine the philosophy will stay the same. Balls to the walls and make teams stop you. If they do, tip your cap. If not, good luck. 

So all all in All this year I expect a faster/quicker/smaller Marietta team that may be more aggressive out of necessity. Not seeing spring ball leaves a lot more questions than normal this time of year, but that’s the same for all teams. 

Hope this helped satiate your curiosity. 

One question. How are you gonna react when your coach starts recruiting kids? You gonna meltdown and disown the program? Lie and say “not us”? Or just live with it? 

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And to be honest ALL kids that come into Marietta are family, not just the locals. Not everybody is welcoming. Seems you Mayberry/murdersville folks aren’t anymore. Or at least not like you were when you and dosta recruited and retarded kids to win football games. 

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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1 hour ago, Sweetlarry said:

And to be honest ALL kids that come into Marietta are family, not just the locals. Not everybody is welcoming. Seems you Mayberry/murdersville folks aren’t anymore. Or at least not like you were when you and dosta recruited and retarded kids to win football games. 

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Murdersville. Lol just read an article about one of you local businessmen that raped a woman, set her hair on fire. Then he ran from the law and wrecked his car after going a hundred miles an hour. Then they discovered a large amount of drugs and discovered he was a sex trade worker ( you might be a client). Yes sir there buddy such a wonderful family environment. So please by all means stay your little bitch ass up there.

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22 minutes ago, MTP28 said:

Murdersville. Lol just read an article about one of you local businessmen that raped a woman, set her hair on fire. Then he ran from the law and wrecked his car after going a hundred miles an hour. Then they discovered a large amount of drugs and discovered he was a sex trade worker ( you might be a client). Yes sir there buddy such a wonderful family environment. So please by all means stay your little bitch ass up there.

You mad you Bro? Ain’t my fault y’all are killin’ it down there. 

You never answered the guys question. Neither did your life partner. Wonder why? Why has Marietta’s beating lowends made both of you (and more) lose your fucking minds? 

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43 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

You mad you Bro? Ain’t my fault y’all are killin’ it down there. 

You never answered the guys question. Neither did your life partner. Wonder why? Why has Marietta’s beating lowends made both of you (and more) lose your fucking minds? 

Defer, Defer, Defer. Admit it ATL is a shithole. Were you the one that got your hair set on fire? Now once again what’s to know about y’all’s QB? Just a question?

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21 minutes ago, MTP28 said:

Defer, Defer, Defer. Admit it ATL is a shithole. Were you the one that got your hair set on fire? Now once again what’s to know about y’all’s QB? Just a question?

Seriously. Are you fucking stupid, or illiterate? 

I know you hang on my every post and Marietta’s every day, but I responded to your dumbass earlier. 

That fear of being murdered daily must have you worse off than normal. Seek help. 

Speaking of defer defer defer, why won’t you answer dudes question? Not that we all don’t know, most just wanna see another melt. 

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1 hour ago, MTP28 said:

It was just a question about football guy take a breath. Of course if there’s nothing to talk about I guess I would understand this responce

I've noticed how y'all would always complain about Marietta winning 7A. Finally got around to asking why it bothers y'all so much. I could be wrong, but I would think a question like the one you asked means that you're a little worried about Marietta...worried that they might end Lowndes' season on a bad note again. 

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2 minutes ago, FootballGuy said:

I've noticed how y'all would always complain about Marietta winning 7A. Finally got around to asking why it bothers y'all so much. I could be wrong, but I would think a question like the one you asked means that you're a little worried about Marietta...worried that they might end Lowndes' season on a bad note again. 

He is special, so excuse his inability to answer a simple question or respond with words that actually make any sense. 

It was an odd question though, right? I mean, why IS he so concerned with our QB? 

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6 minutes ago, Sweetlarry said:

He is special, so excuse his inability to answer a simple question or respond with words that actually make any sense. 

It was an odd question though, right? I mean, why IS he so concerned with our QB? 

That loss to marietta still not sitting too well with him I see.... 

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8 minutes ago, Ga96 said:

Shitshow? You dig up old articles to what? Prove a point that our ADs secretary checked the wrong box for two kids? 

That’s what you call champions? What do you call runners up? 😂 


How did all of the parents of you cheating fucks for decades feel about lowends recruiting? What about begging parents to hold their kids back so they could be older HS kids? Lowends and valdosta are the center of the universe for charting in hsfb. 

Bow down to Daddy, loser! 

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6 hours ago, Sweetlarry said:

Tyler Hughes is a good kid. Homegrown, as you whiners like to call them. He is shorter than Harrison, but more mobile. Good arm. Yadi yada. Honestly not sure how he’ll do until he does it. He has skills but you never know how a kid will react until he’s in there. He looked decent against the Washington team in the geico bowl, but I’ll withhold judgement for now. 

Our WRs will be smaller but faster. RB will he sampled but faster as well. Offensively I imagine the philosophy will stay the same. Balls to the walls and make teams stop you. If they do, tip your cap. If not, good luck. 

So all all in All this year I expect a faster/quicker/smaller Marietta team that may be more aggressive out of necessity. Not seeing spring ball leaves a lot more questions than normal this time of year, but that’s the same for all teams. 

Hope this helped satiate your curiosity. 

One question. How are you gonna react when your coach starts recruiting kids? You gonna meltdown and disown the program? Lie and say “not us”? Or just live with it? 

Not real sure what to expect from him. Things like this normally flush their way out in the end. Hear he likes to move on but time will tell. Both our last two coaches stayed 10 Plus years. Looking for good things as we have three coaches that have won SC. Not sure how long your guy will be around either their Pedro


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1 hour ago, MTP28 said:

Not real sure what to expect from him. Things like this normally flush their way out in the end. Hear he likes to move on but time will tell. Both our last two coaches stayed 10 Plus years. Looking for good things as we have three coaches that have won SC. Not sure how long your guy will be around either their Pedro


It’s Lencho.



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