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Fake/Sketchy Schools Top 5 and Discussion Thread


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Top 5

1. Clearwater Academy International- is an actual school. Glory to the brave fighters against evil overlord Zenu!!!

2. Life Christian Academy- is an actual school that exists. That alone will get you to #2 on this list. Most of the football kids reclass and only take online class though. Are actually pretty ok despite not having a winning record in 2 seasons of football and having a HC who never coached at a level higher than youth football. 

3. Bishop Sycamore/Youthbuild- not really a school but they beat the other not really a school Royalty so they go to #3.

4. Royalty Institute- the school started by a football coach who proudly declares that he's not qualified to be an administrator on the school's website. Started in an indoor soccer arena and downgraded to a community center. Students have to bring their own mobile hotspots to do classwork. Education is online only through a home school academy. Kids spend a couple days a week as slave lab... I mean experiential learners in the community. Don't have graduations but do have coming of age ceremonies. Had 18 kids last year.

5. USAA- exists only on Twitter, Dusty and GSB's wet dreams and deep in the Atlanta subway system.


Riverside (Canada) coming in at #6.

Please let me know if I missed any.

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5 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

You forgot #7:

McDonogh School- uber elite private school where the male teachers ass rape it’s students. Now we know how EagleINSIDER chose his handle. Wonder if he stills walks bow-legged? 

Damn man you go to the teachers and students things wherever you can. Makes me think you're hiding something. One of those nice Jersey priests take you back for some "private" confessional time?

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3.) Lone Star Christian: -

They want St. John Bosco, Mater Dei and De La Salle, the same night.

2.) St. Texana Prep:

They want IMG Academy and St. Thomas Aquinas; teams combined and up 14 to start.

1.) R.T. Alamo Academy:

They want the Kansas City Chiefs; in Kansas City. With snow ❄️, fog 🌫 and tropical storm winds ⛈ .

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1 hour ago, SeaShells21 said:


3.) Lone Star Christian: -

They want St. John Bosco, Mater Dei and De La Salle, the same night.

2.) St. Texana Prep:

They want IMG Academy and St. Thomas Aquinas; teams combined and up 14 to start.

1.) R.T. Alamo Academy:

They want the Kansas City Chiefs; in Kansas City. With snow ❄️, fog 🌫 and tropical storm winds ⛈ .

And Columbia Fl. bringing up the rear professing their dominance but quickly digressing into lap dog mode when discussing anything Valdosta or Colquitt. Bottom line here is Lowndes would beat the brakes off of their ass.

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3 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:


The truth hurts. The six schools listed above are helping its students in the greatest of ways. On the other hand, your alma mater abused its students in ways only you can remember. 

You might be the most pathetic person I've ever encountered. You complain and whine to the mods (I feel bad for @HawgGoneIt) whenever anyone posts anything disparaging about you or your butt-buddies and then spam a bunch of disgusting stuff that's totally irrelevant to the conversation. You are a coward but I would expect nothing less than that from a fake Jersey tough guy. Stick to twitter big man, all the shysters you suck off 24/7 love you there.

All the schools I listed are actively hurting kids in some way whether it's exposing them to a cult or scams charging them money for fake schooling and non-approved instruction. If that's the "greatest of ways" then you are beyond help. Being an asshole who brings up irrelevant stuff won't shut me up.

What kind of grown men uses allegations like that to attack schools/people he doesn't like because they don't suck up to his fake schools run by con men? Even that asshole Biff wouldn't stoop that low, and that's saying something. People who can't build up tear down, and you've exposed what kind of person you are. I've never said anything but the truth about your precious schools and you have no counter arguments. I don't know if there just aren't counter arguments or if you aren't well-educated enough to pull them off.

I don't know if I'll be here when this all comes crashing down as I plan on moving back to Europe when things get back to normal, which is an opportunity afforded to me by my McDonogh education. I don't care enough about HSFB to use a VPN to access this site but you can rest assured that I'll be laughing my ass off from afar.

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8 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:


The above actions would never happen at the 5-6 programs that are eluded to in this thread title. In addition to growing the great game of hsfb, these upstart programs are each offering once in a lifetime opptys for boys from all over the globe to play the game they love. And to play the game they love vs the best competition the world of hsfb has to offer such as GC, SJC, DMC, SFA, IMG, SJP, Elder, Trinity*, Milton, LS, AH, Moe, etc. The aforementioned venerable hsfb brands don't schedule fake or sketchy schools. 

The leaders of these on-the-rise programs, many of which I personally know, would never ever abuse and ruin the lives of their students like the evil, heinous McDonogh rapists did. 

Fuck off loser

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16 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:


The above actions would never happen at the 5-6 programs that are eluded to in this thread title. In addition to growing the great game of hsfb, these upstart programs are each offering once in a lifetime opptys for boys from all over the globe to play the game they love. And to play the game they love vs the best competition the world of hsfb has to offer such as GC, SJC, DMC, SFA, IMG, SJP, Elder, Trinity*, Milton, LS, AH, Moe, etc. The aforementioned venerable hsfb brands don't schedule fake or sketchy schools. 

The leaders of these on-the-rise programs, many of which I personally know, would never ever abuse and ruin the lives of their students like the evil, heinous McDonogh rapists did. 

What were you saying about SFA? Since you like to drag up shit from the past? This one's a lot more recent than the 70s.


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16 minutes ago, CODBEARD said:

What about while under the Bag's watch one player smashed another player over the head with a helmet and cracked his skull open and was arrested.. Kid remained in the school and on the team even with his ankle bracelet.. Thank God The Bag had The Sun on the payroll or that would have been a great story..From what I heard the kid who got smashed got nice little payoff as well...gotta keep the train rolling... MNC or bust...We should pass 6 million invested this year.  If 6 mil can't buy a mythical ring I don't know what can LMAO

As much as I hate Biff it has been sad seeing him essentially light his kids' inheritance on fire for the past decade or so. He's like the horse with the carrot dangling just out of reach. Just a little bit more money, just a little bit more bribery and surely you'll get that carrot!

It's always been smoke and mirrors with Biff and only the stupid can't see it and the corrupt who take his money won't see it. There hasn't been a positive SFA article in the Sun since they fired his propaganda commissar Kathy Dunn.

They are irrelevant in most of Maryland. No one cares about them. They don't play any local teams and they aren't in a league.

$6 million invested in the lives of poor, innocent homeless boys from Baltimore (the Greater Baltimore area stretches from Maine to Miami) who just happened to already have multiple FBS offers before coming to SFA.

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1 hour ago, GardenStateBaller said:


The above actions would never happen at the 5-6 programs that are eluded to in this thread title. In addition to growing the great game of hsfb, these upstart programs are each offering once in a lifetime opptys for boys from all over the globe to play the game they love. And to play the game they love vs the best competition the world of hsfb has to offer such as GC, SJC, DMC, SFA, IMG, SJP, Elder, Trinity*, Milton, LS, AH, Moe, etc. The aforementioned venerable hsfb brands don't schedule fake or sketchy schools. 

The leaders of these on-the-rise programs, many of which I personally know, would never ever abuse and ruin the lives of their students like the evil, heinous McDonogh rapists did. 

Alluded, chief.

Where did you get your edumacayshun, Initial Polytech?

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1 hour ago, CODBEARD said:


How funny would it be if he gets his "precious" in a Corona shortened season and it would require an...

*The Lord Of The Rings GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Rest assured he'd still lord it over everyone like he did with those MIAA championships he won when SFA had more transfers then the rest of the league combined.

Luckily I think if it was going to happen for old Biff it would have happened last year. I mean look at the talent on that team. All that talent and they couldn't overcome the fact that Biff is an awful offensive coach and can't gameplan his way out of a paper bag.

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