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MSNBC Anchor Gets Owned Like Nobody's Business


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It’s grossly offensive. To insinuate that he is getting paid because he dares to think for himself. Instead, he could have asked him what is the backstory on him changing opinions and views. Like a normal “journalist” would do. 

The irony is the activist for MSDNC is paid to spout left wing views with calculation and premeditation. Pathetic  

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Liberals honestly get bewildered and angry when blacks and other minorities think for themselves. They are shocked that they dare stray from the dem plantation. Remember if you don’t vote for Biden “you ain’t black” 

@AztecPadre said Hispanics hate themselves if they lean right of center. So if a Latino man said he disagrees with abortion, open borders, and repealing the 1st and 2nd amendment this clown thinks this man hates himself. 


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It's unfortunate that in some of these communities if you endeavor to do things like speak standard English and do well in school, you told you are "acting white". Yet being able to speak proper English and knowing how to read and write at a certain level are essential if you want to prosper.

When you combine these kinds of attitudes with the garbage schools provided by the Dems and their teachers' union partners, it's a disaster.  Look at this example in Baltimore:

"Project Baltimore analyzed 2017 state test scores released this fall. We paged through 16,000 lines of data and uncovered this: Of Baltimore City’s 39 High Schools, 13 had zero students proficient in math.

Digging further, we found another six high schools where one percent tested proficient. Add it up – in half the high schools in Baltimore City, 3804 students took the state test, 14 were proficient in math."

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12 minutes ago, concha said:


It's unfortunate that in some of these communities if you endeavor to do things like speak standard English and do well in school, you told you are "acting white". Yet being able to speak proper English and knowing how to read and write at a certain level are essential if you want to prosper.

When you combine these kinds of attitudes with the garbage schools provided by the Dems and their teachers' union partners, it's a disaster.  Look at this example in Baltimore:

"Project Baltimore analyzed 2017 state test scores released this fall. We paged through 16,000 lines of data and uncovered this: Of Baltimore City’s 39 High Schools, 13 had zero students proficient in math.

Digging further, we found another six high schools where one percent tested proficient. Add it up – in half the high schools in Baltimore City, 3804 students took the state test, 14 were proficient in math."

And Baltimore is one of the highest cost per student in the country...hmmmm where is the money going?😕

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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

It’s grossly offensive. To insinuate that he is getting paid because he dares to think for himself. Instead, he could have asked him what is the backstory on him changing opinions and views. Like a normal “journalist” would do. 

The irony is the activist for MSDNC is paid to spout left wing views with calculation and premeditation. Pathetic  

THIS^^^^. Well said. Coulda been a journalist, which he probably knows nothing about-so we have to cut him slack🤣, but instead he chose to remain in character as the racist, dumbass, leftist, village idiot that he is .Too funny...at the end, he knew he was owned and in complete embarrassing defeat, gathered up his papers simply thanked him for coming on the show. 

....this needs to plastered everywhere.

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4 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Liberals honestly get bewildered and angry when blacks and other minorities think for themselves. They are shocked that they dare stray from the dem plantation. Remember if you don’t vote for Biden “you ain’t black” 

@AztecPadre said Hispanics hate themselves if they lean right of center. So if a Latino man said he disagrees with abortion, open borders, and repealing the 1st and 2nd amendment this clown thinks this man hates himself. 


They are initially shocked and then become vindictive and full of vitriol towards said plantation leaver. I am a perfect example of that. Look how the local clown show treats me as a former democrat-voting, black man that dared to break those chains. One can only imagine what it must be like for a man of Jones' stature must have to endure by the unhinged, intolerant, lunatics of politics, "movements", and media. They have no interest in knowing why. You are now simply the enemy. 

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7 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

Liberals honestly get bewildered and angry when blacks and other minorities think for themselves. They are shocked that they dare stray from the dem plantation. Remember if you don’t vote for Biden “you ain’t black” 

@AztecPadre said Hispanics hate themselves if they lean right of center. So if a Latino man said he disagrees with abortion, open borders, and repealing the 1st and 2nd amendment this clown thinks this man hates himself. 


STFU.  The real story here is how dare a minority dare speak up and go against what the white masters think and say.  How dare any of them have a great life and be happy if I don't have either of those.  You wish minorities would shut up and do as they told.  Ha.  Good luck with that.  Payaso.

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54 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

STFU.  The real story here is how dare a minority dare speak up and go against what the white masters think and say.  How dare any of them have a great life and be happy if I don't have either of those.  You wish minorities would shut up and do as they told.  Ha.  Good luck with that.  Payaso.

FU-CK-iNG WRONG .PERiOD. As a black man, personally am offended by this statement. You must think WE are all fucking illiterate, undereducated retards.. This is America. Much to your chagrin, their are many of us (minus harbored illegals) are educated, aware, and involved. WE understand what was sacrificed to give us what WE have today...from ALL races and religions. WE understand the assets and limitations of this country (and humanity in general). WE understand, accept, and appreciate those parameters. Law and order parameters based upon God’s vision of THIS country. If you don’t like it go to Mexico or wherever and fight THAT fight there. Oh wait...Mexico would just assume murder you rather than let you have a voice. You know what I’m talking about. GTFOH. I love ya, but you kill me man. Your hypocrisy and self-seeking values disappoint me....and millions of the Americans that you apparently despise. 

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Welcome to the Klan Rally folks, racism hidden in talking points generated by Ben Shapiro. 
But heyyyyyy let’s not forget the BLM dude that owned that foxy Fox anchor. 
Back and forth, good God I’m not neighbors with this shit show. 
Nole you kiss my ass, you racist POS, you got busted because you’re stupid then you turn it into “black arresting officer, black judge, black probation officer then a black girlfriend who obviously made a big fucking mistake “ into how you’re not what you portray yourself and every fucking decision with someone turns into “ skin hating”... maybe that train on your narrow ass in lockup rerouted some fucking wiring for the worse. 

Fucking clown, and I’m really like WTF with some of you guys enabling this fucking clown and Nole if you insist that I’m a beta, well boy, I have a history of my own that outranks anything you could ever claim for yourself. 

Stupid mutha fucker. 

bgw, Larry the Woke

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1 minute ago, Blueliner said:

FU-CK-iNG WRONG .PERiOD. As a black man, personally am offended by this statement. You must think WE are all fucking illiterate, undereducated retards.. This is America. Much to your chagrin, their are many of us (minus harbored illegals) are educated, aware, and involved. WE understand what was sacrificed to give us what WE have today...from ALL races and religions. WE understand the assets and limitations of this country (and humanity in general). WE understand, accept, and appreciate those parameters. Law and order parameters based upon God’s vision of THIS country. If you don’t like it go to Mexico or wherever and fight THAT fight there. Oh wait...Mexico would just assume murder you rather than let you have a voice. You know what I’m talking about. GTFOH. I love ya, but you kill me man. Your hypocrisy and self-seeking values disappoint me....and millions of the Americans that you apparently despise. 

Blue, I love you man I really do.... but you’re off base by a mile. 
Now living in the present is grand but take a person of your caliber... you didn’t come from shit parents and ancestors. 
And yes you pulled up and did shit, but you’re  perspective is on the narrow. 
TBall the same place as you and I respect that BUT think of what could’ve been. 
The Maoris/ Jews were made right. Americans Indians to a point... something to think about with cooler heads. 
Fuck that shit about going back to Mexico, you know better. 


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3 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Welcome to the Klan Rally folks, racism hidden in talking points generated by Ben Shapiro. 
But heyyyyyy let’s not forget the BLM dude that owned that foxy Fox anchor. 
Back and forth, good God I’m not neighbors with this shit show. 
Nole you kiss my ass, you racist POS, you got busted because you’re stupid then you turn it into “black arresting officer, black judge, black probation officer then a black girlfriend who obviously made a big fucking mistake “ into how you’re not what you portray yourself and every fucking decision with someone turns into “ skin hating”... maybe that train on your narrow ass in lockup rerouted some fucking wiring for the worse. 

Fucking clown, and I’m really like WTF with some of you guys enabling this fucking clown and Nole if you insist that I’m a beta, well boy, I have a history of my own that outranks anything you could ever claim for yourself. 

Stupid mutha fucker. 

bgw, Larry the Woke

Whatever, man.i guess this is what being woke....I mean ”independent “ gets ya. 🤣

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43 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

FU-CK-iNG WRONG .PERiOD. As a black man, personally am offended by this statement. You must think WE are all fucking illiterate, undereducated retards.. This is America. Much to your chagrin, their are many of us (minus harbored illegals) are educated, aware, and involved. WE understand what was sacrificed to give us what WE have today...from ALL races and religions. WE understand the assets and limitations of this country (and humanity in general). WE understand, accept, and appreciate those parameters. Law and order parameters based upon God’s vision of THIS country. If you don’t like it go to Mexico or wherever and fight THAT fight there. Oh wait...Mexico would just assume murder you rather than let you have a voice. You know what I’m talking about. GTFOH. I love ya, but you kill me man. Your hypocrisy and self-seeking values disappoint me....and millions of the Americans that you apparently despise. 

Go the fuck back to where you came from since you constantly bitch and complain about this country.  Where the fuck did I say any of your ASSumptions.  Please point to where I said blacks are uneducated or illiterate?  I will wait for your dumbass to point that.  Your rage which has only grown day by day is eating you up from the inside.  Do yourself a favor and move to another county where it's exactly the way you want it to be and I bet you will live many more years.  And as for your go back to Mexico comment, I am 4th generation Cali and that side of the family goes all the way back to the 1700's.  But let's play along anyways.  Who is going to force me out?  You?  LOL!!!!!!!!!   

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49 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Welcome to the Klan Rally folks, racism hidden in talking points generated by Ben Shapiro. 
But heyyyyyy let’s not forget the BLM dude that owned that foxy Fox anchor. 
Back and forth, good God I’m not neighbors with this shit show. 
Nole you kiss my ass, you racist POS, you got busted because you’re stupid then you turn it into “black arresting officer, black judge, black probation officer then a black girlfriend who obviously made a big fucking mistake “ into how you’re not what you portray yourself and every fucking decision with someone turns into “ skin hating”... maybe that train on your narrow ass in lockup rerouted some fucking wiring for the worse. 

Fucking clown, and I’m really like WTF with some of you guys enabling this fucking clown and Nole if you insist that I’m a beta, well boy, I have a history of my own that outranks anything you could ever claim for yourself. 

Stupid mutha fucker. 

bgw, Larry the Woke

POST OF THE YEAR!!!! To date. 

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39 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

POST OF THE YEAR!!!! To date. 

Hey Padre, check this out for these mutha fuckers to chew on.... Michael Jordan is woke and here’s why....

Woke indeed, fuckin’ Klan assholes, now you’re fuckin diverse, you got a skin hatin’ Italiano (Nole), an ambulance driven’ Afro who’s just fuckin’ happy to be in the Klan with the ignorant white boys....

Morher of God. 


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Aztec and Larry the cable guy are the two most racist people on the board outside of Red Flag. The 3 stooges of racism. 

Red Flag: N word!!!

Larry: Blacks are so oppressed they can’t  make it on their own without handouts and dependence 

Aztec: any minority who leans right of center hates himself

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22 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Aztec and Larry the cable guy are the two most racist people on the board outside of Red Flag. The 3 stooges of racism. 

Red Flag: N word!!!

Larry: Blacks are so oppressed they can’t  make it on their own without handouts and dependence 

Aztec: any minority who leans right of center hates himself

Like your messiah, if you say it enough times it might end up being true, but only in your head.  Pinche vieja pendeja. 

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44 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Aztec and Larry the cable guy are the two most racist people on the board outside of Red Flag. The 3 stooges of racism. 

Red Flag: N word!!!

Larry: Blacks are so oppressed they can’t  make it on their own without handouts and dependence 

Aztec: any minority who leans right of center hates himself

Keep yapping you homeless orange picker who was rejected by all the Hate groups in 813. 
So what does the mongrel Italiano do? He goes to Metro PCS after posting bail for peddling shitty swag and loiters in the Mickey D’s parking lot for WIFI so he can spew Klan bullshit on the interweb. Can’t fit in at Aryan nation, polluted blood but tries to repress that shit and claim White Supremacy. 

Fuckin’ loser. 

Mr Larry the Woke


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6 hours ago, AztecPadre said:

Go the fuck back to where you came from since you constantly bitch and complain about this country.  I'm an American last time I checked...how about you? Where the fuck did I say any of your ASSumptions. My opinions of what I think you believe based upon years of reading your anti-American, reveling in pro-browning of America BS.  Please point to where I said blacks are uneducated or illiterate? You never said that. And I never said that YOU said that. Reading comprehension classes aren't expensive.  I will wait for your dumbass to point that.  I may be a lot of things, but a dumbass isn't one of them. Your rage which has only grown day by day is eating you up from the inside. It actually is just a smidge. No argument here.  Do yourself a favor and move to another county where it's exactly the way you want it to be and I bet you will live many more years. WTF are you babbling about? Seriously. You've gone bat shit crazy. I'm an American. Unlike you, I CHERISH and RESPECT AMERICA. And unlike you, I see all LEGAL citizens equally. And as for your go back to Mexico comment, I am 4th generation Cali and that side of the family goes all the way back to the 1700's. From Minnesota? LOL! ...and again reading comprehension is your friend. Go back and read what I said. But let's play along anyways.  Who is going to force me out?  You?  LOL!!!!!!!!!   Not sure what-the-fuck you're talking about. Learn how to read tough guy. 'Til then have a good night. 


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7 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Blue, I love you man I really do.... but you’re off base by a mile. 
Now living in the present is grand but take a person of your caliber... you didn’t come from shit parents and ancestors. 
And yes you pulled up and did shit, but you’re  perspective is on the narrow. 
TBall the same place as you and I respect that BUT think of what could’ve been. 
The Maoris/ Jews were made right. Americans Indians to a point... something to think about with cooler heads. 
Fuck that shit about going back to Mexico, you know better. 


Dude. Go back and read what I said....slowly. I'm pretty sure that I didn't say "go back to Mexico". And if you want to discuss additionally about why I said what I said, I'm good with that. 

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