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Biden/Harris firmly opposed to defunding the police


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13 minutes ago, badrouter said:

They say, if anything, the police needs more resources. Does this do more to bring moderates and Never Trump Republicans into the fold, or to cause the radical communist leftist cult to abandon Biden? Certainly an interesting development! The "they want to defund the police" argument won't work

America's left will vote Biden. They recognize that a second Trump term will end with many of them in jail. The left has not forgotten the McCarthy era even though that was a long time ago.  

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Just now, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Defunding was definitely an emotional reaction to systemic racism and profiling. 

We need more training, more de escalation and more less lethal measures with better physical restraint, It’s not rocket science. 

Retention of good police, weed out the shitheads, and qualified immunity needs to go. 



And maybe less folks breaking the law while on drugs and showing more respect for law enforcement.

Just throwing it out there.


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1 minute ago, DarterBlue said:

Blood Fire, fi you! You need the meds, not me. At this stage all Trump supporters need meds. Only bat shit crazy people could support this mad man!


Says the guy who seems to want to win a "make shit up about what Trump will do" competition.




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3 minutes ago, concha said:


And maybe less folks breaking the law while on drugs and showing more respect for law enforcement.

Just throwing it out there.


Of course, and inner city violence, what party is running what city, yada, yadda, yadda, etc.,.

Yeah we know what you like to “throw” out there. 



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33 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

America's left will vote Biden. They recognize that a second Trump term will end with many of them in jail. The left has not forgotten the McCarthy era even though that was a long time ago.  

A concern I've had for a while is that the socialist, "Critical Race Theory" cult will go ahead and separate themselves the rest of the way from the left. They really aren't "on the left". They are their own special cult, much like Trumpsters aren't really "on the right". Of course, if the entire CRT cult sits the election out, it'll be four more years of the corrupt buffoon. 

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30 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Defunding was definitely an emotional reaction to systemic racism and profiling. 

We need more training, more de escalation and more less lethal measures with better physical restraint, It’s not rocket science. 

Retention of good police, weed out the shitheads, and qualified immunity needs to go. 


As of...now, the leader of the Los Angeles Chapter of the political organization going by the name Black Lives Matter is staunchly in favor of ABOLISHING the police. Our mayor, regardless of how you view him as a whole, has said he wants to "re-imagine policing", and BLMLA has jumped down his throat for this because the phrase acknowledges there will still be police. They want NO POLICE WHATSOEVER.

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40 minutes ago, DarterBlue said:

America's left will vote Biden. They recognize that a second Trump term will end with many of them in jail. The left has not forgotten the McCarthy era even though that was a long time ago.  

I hope your stock market analysis is more grounded in reality

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24 minutes ago, Bormio said:

I hope your stock market analysis is more grounded in reality

Uhhhmmm...that is grounded in reality...

some may wind up in jail is correct...

And you don't have to go back to the McCarthy era,

Plenty of modern examples....


PS: Unfortunately those examples don't fit a left bias some like to present.

BTW: There are many ADMITTED crimes that have not been prosecuted....no need to go fishing 🐟

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1 hour ago, DarterBlue said:

America's left will vote Biden. They recognize that a second Trump term will end with many of them in jail. The left has not forgotten the McCarthy era even though that was a long time ago.  

U say that at rhe same time dismissing it was the democrats who mass incarcerated the blacks 

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1 hour ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Defunding was definitely an emotional reaction to systemic racism and profiling. 

We need more training, more de escalation and more less lethal measures with better physical restraint, It’s not rocket science. 

Retention of good police, weed out the shitheads, and qualified immunity needs to go. 


now here I was,

ready to post something like....

Biden/Harris firmly opposed to defunding the police

By badrouter, 1 hour ago


"There goes BGW's vote" 🤣



But then you HAD to go and ruin it .....😝



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3 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Defunding was definitely an emotional reaction to systemic racism and profiling. 

We need more training, more de escalation and more less lethal measures with better physical restraint, It’s not rocket science. 

Retention of good police, weed out the shitheads, and qualified immunity needs to go. 


IMHO, defunding the police, while a terrible slogan (Democrats are great for terrible slogans), most certainly does not mean having funding go to 0$.  What it does mean, for reasonable adults, is that the large amount of funding they do get should be reallocated to services better suited to dealing with the many community problems that the police are not trained to adequately deal with.  Mainly mental health issues but other areas that social services are better able to handle.  Many problems do not require that police show up with weapons and a narrow focus that police understandably have. 

More money could be used to help heal communities in order to minimize the reasons for people going down that road of crime and prison and death.  Seems money could be better used to implement a proactive response instead of reactive.

Regardless of whether this happens or not the police immunity thing needs to go away yesterday.  That is step one.

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3 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

IMHO, defunding the police, while a terrible slogan (Democrats are great for terrible slogans), most certainly does not mean having funding go to 0$.  What it does mean, for reasonable adults, is that the large amount of funding they do get should be reallocated to services better suited to dealing with the many community problems that the police are not trained to adequately deal with.  Mainly mental health issues but other areas that social services are better able to handle.  Many problems do not require that police show up with weapons and a narrow focus that police understandably have. 

More money could be used to help heal communities in order to minimize the reasons for people going down that road of crime and prison and death.  Seems money could be better used to implement a proactive response instead of reactive.

Regardless of whether this happens or not the police immunity thing needs to go away yesterday.  That is step one.


The defund movement is silly from the get-go and seems to range from reduce/repurpose to completely defund (there was actually some discussion at the Dem convention of complete defunding, elimination of prisons... crazy shit).

The problem for the Dems is that the BLM movement these days is the tail wagging the stupid Dem party dog. If Slow Joe and Willie Brown's Chew Toy don't toe the BLM line, they could see a slow bleed of votes.

Based on the political betting sites, there is already indication that there may be no bump from the Dem convention.  Biden's huge lead is on a trajectory to be down 10 points in a month and is doen over 4 points just in the last week.

This thing is far from a done deal yet.


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23 minutes ago, concha said:


The defund movement is silly from the get-go and seems to range from reduce/repurpose to completely defund (there was actually some discussion at the Dem convention of complete defunding, elimination of prisons... crazy shit).

The problem for the Dems is that the BLM movement these days is the tail wagging the stupid Dem party dog. If Slow Joe and Willie Brown's Chew Toy don't toe the BLM line, they could see a slow bleed of votes.

Based on the political betting sites, there is already indication that there may be no bump from the Dem convention.  Biden's huge lead is on a trajectory to be down 10 points in a month and is doen over 4 points just in the last week.

This thing is far from a done deal yet.


The defund movement is silly if you take the slogan literally.  

The problem with the Republicans is the Alt-Right and white nationals are the tail wagging the stupid Repub party dog (I actually think it is big business).  If Trump doesn't keep throwing them dog whistles they could see a slow bleed of votes.  

Does the above paragraph make sense to you?  Me either.  And your BLM analysis doesn't make sense to me.  Willie Brown's chew toy.  What are you 12 yrs old.  

The Dem convention may have or may not have been a help, we shall see.  Most certainly not a done deal yet.  Trump will continue to say stupid shit and Biden will be held to a higher standard than Trump as far as being criticized by the right.  The left will ignore stupid shit Biden says and jump on every stupid thing Trump does and says.  Such is the reality of an extremely polarized populace.  

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3 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

The defund movement is silly if you take the slogan literally.  

The problem with the Republicans is the Alt-Right and white nationals are the tail wagging the stupid Repub party dog (I actually think it is big business).  If Trump doesn't keep throwing them dog whistles they could see a slow bleed of votes.  

Does the above paragraph make sense to you?  Me either.  And your BLM analysis doesn't make sense to me.  Willie Brown's chew toy.  What are you 12 yrs old.  

The Dem convention may have or may not have been a help, we shall see.  Most certainly not a done deal yet.  Trump will continue to say stupid shit and Biden will be held to a higher standard than Trump as far as being criticized by the right.  The left will ignore stupid shit Biden says and jump on every stupid thing Trump does and says.  Such is the reality of an extremely polarized populace.  

1) As I mentioned, the defund movement ranged from reprioritization of funding to reductions to complete elimination. Crime rates are rising and/or rioting is tending to happen in cities where it's being entertained.  Not a good look in any of the above variations going into an election.

2) You don't think the Dems are influenced by or cowed by BLM?  LOL. OK...

3) Do you prefer "Sugar Tits"?

4) It's hard to hold a guy to a higher standard when his party keeps him hidden in a basement and won't take questions from the press (even if they are almost assuredly 110% in the bag for him).  


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11 minutes ago, concha said:

1) As I mentioned, the defund movement ranged from reprioritization of funding to reductions to complete elimination. Crime rates are rising and/or rioting is tending to happen in cities where it's being entertained.  Not a good look in any of the above variations going into an election.

2) You don't think the Dems are influenced by or cowed by BLM?  LOL. OK...

3) Do you prefer "Sugar Tits"?

4) It's hard to hold a guy to a higher standard when his party keeps him hidden in a basement and won't take questions from the press (even if they are almost assuredly 110% in the bag for him).  


1) A complete elimination isn't something reasonable adults consider.  Re-allocation of funds makes perfect sense regardless of election year politics.  IMO, it is easily the best solution out there to deal with serious issues.

 2) You don't think the Trump party is influenced by or cowed by white nationals and alt-right?  OK...

3) I prefer Kamala Harris to sugar tits when referring to KH.  However, if you are strictly talking about sugar tits then I have no problem and consider it an improvement over lime-tits any day.  Sweeter.  :D

4) It may be hard but you all do it anyway.  It's amazing what you can do when you put you're hate into it.  And of course the Democrat party is in the bag for him.  That is not breaking news.  Why should Biden come out and campaign hard while Trump is doing his work for him?  

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4 hours ago, World Citizen said:

1) A complete elimination isn't something reasonable adults consider.  Re-allocation of funds makes perfect sense regardless of election year politics.  IMO, it is easily the best solution out there to deal with serious issues.

 2) You don't think the Trump party is influenced by or cowed by white nationals and alt-right?  OK...

3) I prefer Kamala Harris to sugar tits when referring to KH.  However, if you are strictly talking about sugar tits then I have no problem and consider it an improvement over lime-tits any day.  Sweeter.  :D

4) It may be hard but you all do it anyway.  It's amazing what you can do when you put you're hate into it.  And of course the Democrat party is in the bag for him.  That is not breaking news.  Why should Biden come out and campaign hard while Trump is doing his work for him?  

1)  The looney left is not "reasonable adults".  And like it or not they have grown in influence in the Democratic Party.

2)  No. Again, I'm happy to hear examples. Got any of note?

3)  I would have gone with skank tits, but you'd be offended.  Sugar Tits it is.

4) Nice to see basically admit that the press is essentially a Democratic Party propaganda arm. 👍



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