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Do we cancel student loans??


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11 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Like how does one go about this? What happens to the people that busted thier ass to pay off loan already? Does everyone that paid of thier loan gets reimbursed??? This is a slippery slope 

Do a google......and,

....what's not slippery is the fact you were never a student.......you butchered "their" TWICE. How does one do that?..do you you just NOT know how to spell that word?

Don't worry about student loans. smdh

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20 minutes ago, RedZone said:

....what's not slippery is the fact you were never a student.......you butchered "their" TWICE. How does one do that?..do you you just NOT know how to spell that word?



Probably the biggest,

most often seen bug,

in all of your 'voice to text' software....👍

Hope this helps 👌


BTW: "how does one do that ???" 🤣🤣🤣



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The thing I don’t get about cancelling student loans is who is for? Just people CURRENTLY in loan debt only? 

What about the people who busted ass and paid back their debt? What if 2 different people graduated college a few years ago with the same amount of debt and one person paid all theirs back and the other didn’t. The one who didn’t is basically being rewarded for not fulfilling their signed obligations. 

Will this be for the future too? Just cancel all student debt and let everyone in for free right? Why the hell should people who graduated college from say 2012-2020 be the only people in recorded history to have their signed and agreed obligation disappear. 

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Well, I think a bill is a bill, a debt is a debt. I’ve always paid my bills. Now, if they want to delay or extend payments until every gets settled back in, ok but to wipe them out altogether, I don’t agree with. Like one said, what about everyone before (like my kids, wife & I) who paid their loans and everyone coming after the current group, it’s not right!

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53 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

The thing I don’t get about cancelling student loans is who is for? Just people CURRENTLY in loan debt only? 

What about the people who busted ass and paid back their debt? What if 2 different people graduated college a few years ago with the same amount of debt and one person paid all theirs back and the other didn’t. The one who didn’t is basically being rewarded for not fulfilling their signed obligations. 

Will this be for the future too? Just cancel all student debt and let everyone in for free right? Why the hell should people who graduated college from say 2012-2020 be the only people in recorded history to have their signed and agreed obligation disappear. 

I only got like 3 k left I can careless but my brother just busted his ass last 3 years to pay off his 30k loan, if he would have waited a couple years he could have saved 30k

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In the last 20 years:

  • The average tuition and fees at private National Universities have jumped 144%.
  • Out-of-state tuition and fees at public National Universities have risen 165%.
  • In-state tuition and fees at public National Universities have grown the most, increasing 212%

It takes well over 100K to get a quality college education these days..

It's certainly NOT like it used to be....it's all numbers and money.

Anyways, my answer? Fuck college. Pick up dead bodies and scrap copper for a living. Smoke some crack to ease that pain, bitch at the President about stimulus checks and then butcher the English language.

It all evens out eventually.

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1 minute ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

I only got like 3 k left I can careless but my brother just busted his ass last 3 years to pay off his 30k loan, if he would have waited a couple years he could have saved 30k

Is your brother as illiterate as you? Does he smoke crack and pick up scrap copper?

Just being real....


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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

The thing I don’t get about cancelling student loans is who is for? Just people CURRENTLY in loan debt only?

What about the people who busted ass and paid back their debt? What if 2 different people graduated college a few years ago with the same amount of debt and one person paid all theirs back and the other didn’t. The one who didn’t is basically being rewarded for not fulfilling their signed obligations.

Will this be for the future too? Just cancel all student debt and let everyone in for free right? Why the hell should people who graduated college from say 2012-2020 be the only people in recorded history to have their signed and agreed obligation disappear. 

Again, a very stupid reason not to do it.

If we followed this logic then no debts would ever be forgiven.

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I notice a lot of lying about "busting ass" in this thread.

2 hours ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Like how does one go about this? What happens to the people that busted thier ass to pay off loan already?

1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

What about the people who busted ass and paid back their debt?

12 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

I only got like 3 k left I can careless but my brother just busted his ass last 3 years to pay off his 30k loan, if he would have waited a couple years he could have saved 30k

The people who have already paid off their loans went to work every day just like those who are currently paying off their loans.

It's not like the engineering grad worked weekends at the Kwik E Mart to pay off their loans and the accounting grad is dicking off waiting for someone to forgive their loans.

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15 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

It's not like the engineering grad worked weekends at the Kwik E Mart to pay off their loans and the accounting grad is dicking off waiting for someone to forgive their loans.

that is good because according to your boy joey it ain't happenin...👍

So Kwick-E-mart to the rescue 👌

But Just one problem...

You remember that COVID relief bill that has nothing to do with covid and everything to do with pork ???

Well, did you know that the federal $15 per hour minimum wage was REJECTED/CANCELLED/SCREW YOU in that whole thingy...so there is that 🤔

Hope this helps 👍



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This cancel student debt garbage is just another pathetic way Democrat leaders are enabling young adults to take their obligations and responsibilities and put the burden on people who didn’t sign up or agree to them at any point of the process. 

You have to agree to the loans. You have to sign paperwork stating you will pay it back. So when you don’t hold up your end of the contract, why should society shoulder your burden? That doesn’t make sense on any level. 

You can’t agree to $80K to study Lesbian Dance at NYU, and then when you can’t get a job for it, demand the country pay off your debt. Doesn’t work that way. 

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25 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

This cancel student debt garbage is just another pathetic way Democrat leaders are enabling young adults to take their obligations and responsibilities and put the burden on people who didn’t sign up or agree to them at any point of the process. 

You have to agree to the loans. You have to sign paperwork stating you will pay it back. So when you don’t hold up your end of the contract, why should society shoulder your burden? That doesn’t make sense on any level. 

You can’t agree to $80K to study Lesbian Dance at NYU, and then when you can’t get a job for it, demand the country pay off your debt. Doesn’t work that way. 

Strawmen and red herrings from a GED recipient.

Loans would be forgiven for those who *could* get a job too.

In fact I bet you don't even know any of the actual details of the proposed bill on this.

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35 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Because they didn't work any more or harder than those people who are currently paying off their loans.

It's a made-up claim to support a dumb argument.


That was not the claim.

It never ceases to amaze how desperate you are to stand up for leftist bullshit.

Saying certain people worked their asses off does not mean others are not.

It is hardly a "dumb argument" to point out the obvious truth that an inequity exists if some people made sacrifices to live up to their obligations and are then to have financial burdens forced upon them in order eliminate or reduce the same obligations agreed to by others.


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31 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Strawmen and red herrings from a GED recipient.

Loans would be forgiven for those who *could* get a job too.

In fact I bet you don't even know any of the actual details of the proposed bill on this.


Andy casting aspersions at another person's education.

Classic comedy.


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13 minutes ago, concha said:


That was not the claim.

It never ceases to amaze how desperate you are to stand up for leftist bullshit.

Saying certain people worked their asses off does not mean others are not.

It is hardly a "dumb argument" to point out the obvious truth that an inequity exists if some people made sacrifices to live up to their obligations and are then to have financial burdens forced upon them in order eliminate or reduce the same obligations agreed to by others.


Can’t even debate a hot topic without a Radical Leftest having a full blown melt. Down

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