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HawgGoneIt is a Giant Man Baby


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2 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

The entire point of the warning/ban exercise is to steer behavior. Some guys get it. Some don't. Some take much longer than others before they click and "get it".

Again, how can you stand by this, @PrepGridiron?

I don't expect an answer because you've been either absent or purposefully indifferent to the degradation of your message board.

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8 minutes ago, BannedAdInfinitum said:

You're clearly one of those losers whose wife hates him, kids hate him and coworkers hate him but one day somebody allowed you to moderate his niche message board and now you're abusing the only authority that you'll ever have.


The irony in this hashtag is profound.

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6 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Valuable? If was total BS!! Fake, wrong, incorrect, etc. More proof that he's nowhere close to an insider at STA that he projects.

I KO'd you in Round 1.

I completely exposed your lies.

What's funny is that when you were exposed you ran a hid like a pussy and only now, when your stooge friend is banning me in perpetuity, do you actually have the sack to discuss this.

What a fraud.

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6 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

If you like, PM me your email address so you can see the emails in question. 

"Bbbbbbbut emails!"

The dates don't line up. Any stooge can show emails but the emails have to actually prove something.

Yours prove nothing.

You said on January 7th that you were still working it.

Then admitted that you were told on January 4th.

The players were told on December 20th-21st.

Your entire timeline is shit.

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6 hours ago, Ararar said:

Thanks but I don’t think you lied 

I don’t think Los lied either 

there was obviously a breakdown in communication 

He lied.

He posted on January 7th that he was still waiting for a response from STA.

Then he admitted in a PM that he was told on January 4th.

This is just on top of all of his other documented lies and distortions.

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21 minutes ago, BannedAdInfinitum said:

You're clearly one of those losers whose wife hates him, kids hate him and coworkers hate him but one day somebody allowed you to moderate his niche message board and now you're abusing the only authority that you'll ever have.


It's funny you should say that, because that's exactly how I've got you pegged. 

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Personally I’m not a fan of banning people period.  Only in extreme cases maybe.  Everyone has their moments.

Those on here that date back from the old TX 5A board (Not all here were around back in the day on that board but some of the longtime posters like Myself, Canes, Horsefly, TXBall, Adam K., TXFan, Caj, DSouth, OU, Steeler, Zulu, Concha, etc...apologies to those not mentioned) to Rivals, to NHSFB.com, to this current board have all heard some BS.  I’ve been called every name in the book between posting on all of those boards by pretty much every poster over the years. It’s not personal and to me there is no need to go banning people when posts or posters can simply be ignored.  We are supposedly grown men on here.  Sticks and stones and all that.  I Guess anonymous words on a message board don’t bother me all that much, I don’t know.  

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52 minutes ago, BannedAdInfinitum said:

You're clearly one of those losers whose wife hates him, kids hate him and coworkers hate him but one day somebody allowed you to moderate his niche message board and now you're abusing the only authority that you'll ever have.


Ha! coming from someone who is clearly not married



Took you several hours to make a new account


Did you run out of emails or did your boss catch you on computer and threaten to fire you and forced you to have to wait till you got home LMAO

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44 minutes ago, BannedAdInfinitum said:

The person who would ban someone else and preach about rules and the "staff" of a free niche message board is, indeed, pathetic.

No irony.

You really are a certain kind of special aren't you


Your the dude who spends hours a day acting like a whiner on a message board when you don't get your way like a entitled child


Get a life!

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21 minutes ago, BannedAdInfinitum said:

Yes, HawgGoneIt is an angry little man throwing a tantrum.

Goodness gracious you really are pathetic


All you have done today is make account after account to bitch and whine


If you aren't going to actually add anything to the conversation than why the fuck do you keep coming back for


Can't you take the not so subtle hint that you are a has been that can't argue for shit anymore??

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The simple fact is either he stops calling people names constantly, stops with the abusive and stalker like behaviors and stops machine gun spamming page after page, or, I keep banning him. Over and over and over and over and over. 

He may be able to pop on and get in a few posts here and there, but as soon as I see and recognize him, he's off again. 

The fact that it has went on for years isn't a valid defense. 

Nobody else seems to have as many issues with this stuff than does Los and Block. I'm beginning to think they're one another's split personalities. 

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1 minute ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Nobody else seems to have as many issues with this stuff than does Los and Block. I'm beginning to think they're one another's split personalities. 

Because you don't apply the made-up rules equally.

If so pretty much everybody would have been banned by now.

You're a rent-a-cop wannabe who will never have any real authority so you're just abusing this crappy power that you have now.

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6 minutes ago, Columbiafan said:



Get a life!

and, you are sorta like the goofy kid with the cell phone camera who can't take enough pictures of stuff he's not involved in...

That seems like a good life to me.

Let the man get it out of his system one way or another without YOU!





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6 minutes ago, BannedAdInfinitum said:

I didn't break the rules when I was banned.

And you don't apply the "rules" equally anyway.

It's all just made up bullshit.

You called me something. You've called just about every user on here something. These are personal attacks and clear violations of the rules. 

Most people manage to make it through the day without personally attacking others on here. They generally debate the subject matter which is more than welcome. Hell, even a little personal sparring back and forth doesn't bring on a warning or ban. 

You constantly do this stuff. 

It's a clear violation of the rules. Read them. Come back when you think you can follow them. 

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