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Poll says obama worst president in modern history!

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This is true. He was an enemy of America. An infiltrator from Kenya according to his older blood brother. 

He was the most corrupt, and Anti American leader West of Afghanistan! 

He stabbed our closest ally in the back, all while strengthening our enemies around the globe. 

An all time piece of shit who was protected by the MSM. 

He is a stain on this country’s history that Trump thank God is erasing from memory banks. 


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11 hours ago, NotBigdaddybloom said:


More Americans consider Barack Obama to be the worst President since World War II than they do any other president, according to a new poll.

More Americans consider Barack Obama to be the worst President since World War II than they do any other president, according to a new poll.

Curious: But why would you cite a 2014 poll as being new? 



This poll, for example, is from 2018. Although not new per se, it is newer than the poll you cited. Why not use this one or a poll more recent than 2014?

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31 minutes ago, playballintxandmi said:

Curious: But why would you cite a 2014 poll as being new? 



This poll, for example, is from 2018. Although not new per se, it is newer than the poll you cited. Why not use this one or a poll more recent than 2014?

It’s a reminder of how unflattering polls can be to a sitting president. The fact that President Trump has bucked the trend...except for Lamont’s made up polls, is a testament to how well he’s doing.

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Seriously. If I were certain democrats and certain one-time heads of intelligence and investigation agencies, I’d be really worried about going to jail right about now. Shit is getting real. We finally have an AG that is willing to wreck shop to ensure that justice is served and our governmental process is protected. 

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2 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Seriously. If I were certain democrats and certain one-time heads of intelligence and investigation agencies, I’d be really worried about going to jail right about now. Shit is getting real. We finally have an AG that is willing to wreck shop to ensure that justice is served and our governmental process is protected. 

Oh really ?  Trump's cabinets appointees don't seem to hang around very long.  Does Barr stick...or is he the second coming of John Mitchell....time will tell

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2 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

Your ancestors are you legacy.

What did they do again?

The latter (or what is passed down) is the legacy..... not the prior or precedent.

just sayin'

nice to know of what you speak sometimes...

go ahead and give it a try …..



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39 minutes ago, NotBigdaddybloom said:

How much of obamas salary went to charity? Oh yeah...none! The only false narrative is the websites your bitter ass uses.

You posted false information and now you are deflecting.  You are a liar, that’s all that’s been revealed here. 

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5 minutes ago, NotBigdaddybloom said:

You’re disingenuous at best. Your left wing hack site confirmed he donates his salary. They just couldn’t or wouldn’t confirm where the donation goes!  

I already know he donates his salary, but your claim was that he donated it to a veteran cemetery and condemned the left wing media for not reporting it.  

You screwed this one up. Now you want to make it about something else that wasn’t a part of your claim.  Smh 

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1 hour ago, Horsefly said:

I already know he donates his salary, but your claim was that he donated it to a veteran cemetery and condemned the left wing media for not reporting it.  

You screwed this one up. Now you want to make it about something else that wasn’t a part of your claim.  Smh 

Has the left wing media reported where his donated salary has went...ever?

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9 hours ago, Troll said:

LOL...win some lose some...

You tripped over your own dick, not me.

At least I was nice enough to post it on the scoreboard for the 'visiting side' 😉

Try swinging at a better pitch next time.



For those keeping score at home, @NotBigdaddybloom is having a rough start to this season, re-posting whatever he sees on the internet. Some time down on the farm might be beneficial if he wants to avoid further embarrassment up here in the Bigs...






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