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rush limbaugh claims coronavirus is being 'weaponized' to 'bring down' Trump


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34 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

I have had dinner with his mom multiple times.  Serious: go fuck yourself!  You’re messing with the mother of a close friend.

This may be a forum where people sit in front of a keyboard and say whatever comes to mind.  But there are human beings on the other side.  You wouldn’t say this about your own family.  Don’t say it about the mother of a close friend.

I'll say whatever the fuck I want.  Your answer has been noted.

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1 hour ago, concha said:


If you believe Pew research (and I do),  the gap between the parties has widened greatly in the last 25 years. And most of the movement has clearly been by the Democrats moving sharply left.

Core Republican/conservative positions have not changed materially over the years. If you disagree I am happy to listen to examples.

Look at the Dems/left though.  

Look at one of the biggest issues of our time. Immigration and border control.  Clinton, Obama, Schumer...  all can be found on video preaching immigration and border control.  Dem presidential candidates today call for literally open borders.  Not only that, they call for hard-working Americans to pay for the healthcare, education etc of foreigners.

Healthcare policy movement to the left has become more extreme.

Reliance on the government and only the government to solve perceived ills....

Identity politics run amok.

At least one, if not two, leading Dem presidential candidates are socialists.  S-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t-s.


There is no "uniting" of Americans (except maybe in extraordinary circumstances) when scores of millions have been led by the nose evermore left. A typical Republican of 20 or 30 years ago would not feel out-of-place in a Republican convention of today.  A typical 1990s Democrat transported to today would wonder the hell happened to his party.





You don’t have to unite in ideology, that will never happen but you can through diplomacy and extraordinary events like this coronavirus. Trump does neither.  And he drives an even bigger wedge.  People can disagree with your ideology and still respect you as a person.  He’s unlikable because he antagonizes too much. 

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1 minute ago, Horsefly said:

You don’t have to unite in ideology, that will never happen but you can through diplomacy and extraordinary events like this coronavirus. Trump does neither.  And he drives an even bigger wedge.  People can disagree with your ideology and still respect you as a person.  He’s unlikable because he talks too much. 


Fucking Gavin Newsom has actually had praise for Trump.

Is the problem Trump, or a general emotional frailty on the evermore liberal left that STILL cannot process the loss in 2016?

This is today's left:


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Just now, concha said:


Fucking Gavin Newsom has actually had praise for Trump.

Is the problem Trump, or a general emotional frailty on the evermore liberal left that STILL cannot process the loss in 2016?

This is today's left:


Again this is what you interpret folks that aren’t republican.   I see it quite the opposite.  

How much of a bitch does your leader have to be to constantly bitch and moan about the media (the right in general does it all the time...crying) and deflect issues to a president that damn served 3 years ago!  And you clowns endorse it.  This is how I see the right when they hear criticisms about their supreme leader, they cry “no fair, what about.....?”  



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Just now, Horsefly said:

Again this is what you interpret folks that aren’t republican.   I see it quite the opposite.  

How much of a bitch does your leader have to be to constantly bitch and moan about the media (the right in general does it all the time...crying) and deflect issues to a president that damn served 3 years ago!  And you clowns endorse it.  This is how I see the right when they hear criticisms about their supreme leader, they cry “no fair, what about.....?”  




You are an idiot.

The media leans solidly left. Only a fukwit like you would even begin to deny that.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Show some damned dignity.


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20 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

 People can disagree with your ideology and still respect you as a person.

Not with the new dictator trump party..

The gop was ripe for the picking and it got picked by the orange dictator (he could have tried the Dem side)...it actually started in 2009 when the republicans fucked with Obama daily. I could post a million charts, articles, and etc to back that up, but what's the point??

Then they ran a normal Romney and got their feelings hurt.

Anyone can see what happened to the gop. They rallied around rich whitey white and gave him a free pass to destroy normal politics and never looked back....now. it's not about anything political....IT'S ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA "WINNING".


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5 minutes ago, concha said:


You are an idiot.

The media leans solidly left. Only a fukwit like you would even begin to deny that.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Show some damned dignity.


The reality that you’re too stupid to piece together is trump is everything this country generally desires in a president:  an older white wealthy man and he has found a way to fuck that up and be despised.  He may have a different approach but should at least be generally tolerated based on those qualities, like other previous presidents.  GTFOH conch with your myopic view of stuff 

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4 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

The reality that you’re too stupid to piece together is trump is everything this country generally desires in a president:  an older white wealthy man and he has found a way to fuck that up and be despised.  He may have a different approach but should at least be generally tolerated based on those qualities, like other previous presidents.  GTFOH conch with your myopic view of stuff 


He is not simply despised.

He is despised by the left.

He fills stadiums and arenas to record crowds.  Significant percentages of his crowds consistently self-identify as democrats. He probaby has better-than-even odds of getting re-elected.

Here's where YOU fuck up:

You think because the press and your friends shit and piss themselves everyday over him, that all of America is doing so.

Some of us appreciate healthy, consistent economic growth.  Manufacturing jobs returning. Record low unemployment and real income growth for all colors and creeds. The reworking of bad trade deals that have fucked this country for years. Demanding (and getting) our "allies" to step the fuck up with defense commitments. Help to HBCUs. Prosperity zones...

I'll take a loudmouth, crass boor who can deliver that for hundreds of millions than any smooth-talking, slick bullshitter just to not offend my sensibilities.

You'd rather have the smooth-talking bullshitter. What does that say about you?



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Just now, BigDrop said:

As I type this more than one thousand people are in line in O’Hare waiting for a test.

Many restaurants will not open on Monday in D. C....

And elsewhere.  The distributors for these restaurants will have a problem too.

This is only the beginning.0


And in your very tiny mind, Trump is to blame, right?


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16 minutes ago, concha said:


He is not simply despised.

He is despised by the left.

He fills stadiums and arenas to record crowds.  Significant percentages of his crowds consistently self-identify as democrats. He probaby has better-than-even odds of getting re-elected.

Here's where YOU fuck up:

You think because the press and your friends shit and piss themselves everyday over him, that all of America is doing so.

Some of us appreciate healthy, consistent economic growth.  Manufacturing jobs returning. Record low unemployment and real income growth for all colors and creeds. The reworking of bad trade deals that have fucked this country for years. Demanding (and getting) our "allies" to step the fuck up with defense commitments. Help to HBCUs. Prosperity zones...

I'll take a loudmouth, crass boor who can deliver that for hundreds of millions than any smooth-talking, slick bullshitter just to not offend my sensibilities.

You'd rather have the smooth-talking bullshitter. What does that say about you?



You’re too much of a jackass to know what I desire.  It’s a not a conman like trump.  It’s obvious you aren’t around folks that have honor and integrity, so you cluelessly think folks gravitate towards liars, bull shitters and smooth talkers that oppose your views, and you’re willing to ignore those traits for personal gain.  🤡 

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18 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

You’re too much of a jackass to know what I desire.  It’s a not a conman like trump.  It’s obvious you aren’t around folks that have honor and integrity, so you cluelessly think folks gravitate towards liars, bull shitters and smooth talkers that oppose your views, and you’re willing to ignore those traits for personal gain.  🤡 


You're desires come through loud and clear, asshat.

Economic growth,  real income growth, record low unemployment rates across the board... That's REAL, shit-for-brains.

You'd love to sacrifice that for someone who doesn't make you clutch your fucking pearls.  😂

What a jackass.

You're hilarious. What a fool.



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8 minutes ago, concha said:


You're desires come through loud and clear, asshat.

Economic growth,  real income growth, record low unemployment rates across the board... That's REAL, shit-for-brains.

You'd love to sacrifice that for someone who doesn't make you clutch your fucking pearls.  😂

What a jackass.

You're hilarious. What a fool.



The fool is the one on here 7 days a week talking crap and not influencing a soul.  5 years ago you were seen as a jackass and 5,000 posts later on the OT threads you’re still seen as a jackass.  You’re doing great concha! Your time is well spent over here  😂  

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4 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

The fool is the one on here 7 days a week talking crap and not influencing a soul.  5 years ago you were seen as a jackass and 5,000 posts later on the OT threads you’re still seen as a jackass.  You’re doing great concha! Your time is well spent over here  😂  


Says the guy who has a nearly identical post count?  🤡  🤣

Who sees me as a jackass? You? A complete fool?  🤣


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41 minutes ago, concha said:

I'll take a loudmouth, crass boor who can deliver that for hundreds of millions than any smooth-talking, slick bullshitter just to not offend my sensibilities.

You've given dictator trump a pass to fuck your grandmother and other gandmothers..........you are nothing!

You were nothing 5 years ago though when you bashed Obama 24/7 365.

I still remember you shitting your pants when he went 4 more.


Such a loser with NO life that just won't shut up.

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1 minute ago, World Citizen said:

I do.  And you're not only a jackass but a rather significant jackass.  Congrats.

 A complete fool?  That might be a stretch.   

Hope this helps.  :D


Not a stretch. A charitable understatement.

You're the kind of guy who'll vote for the dementia victim and wonder why unemployment goes up, growth goes down etc after  you vote out the guy who brought them.  Because he offended your sensibilities.

Thankfully, that election result is unlikely to happen.


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5 minutes ago, concha said:


Not a stretch. A charitable understatement.

You're the kind of guy who'll vote for the dementia victim and wonder why unemployment goes up, growth goes down etc after  you vote out the guy who brought them.  Because he offended your sensibilities.

Thankfully, that election result is unlikely to happen.


How many times are you going to use that pic?  2024?  I am disappointed with the effort on this.  

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