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Another Friday night Drumph move


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5 hours ago, golfaddict1 said:







Here you go.......

"in case you missed it" 🤣

President Donald Trump is rooting out from the Pentagon all disloyal forces and United States Attorney General William Barr just fired US Attorney Geoffrey Berman and announced that the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Jay Clayton will replace him—the latter action being the most critical as US Attorney Berman was preparing to aid this coup by making up false charges against President Trump, and which Clinton’s emergency government would reward him for by making him the new US Attorney General—which explains why US Attorney Berman is now in open revolt and illegally refusing to accept his dismissal—with it further to be noticed that joining Clinton’s emergency government would be former socialist US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has just warned that if President Trump is reelected there will be a revolution, and former socialist National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who herself just stunningly quoted Russian communist revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky on what she plans to do with all of President Trump’s supporters when she gets back in power: “Throw them into the dustbin of history!


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2 hours ago, Troll said:

Here you go.......

"in case you missed it" 🤣

President Donald Trump is rooting out from the Pentagon all disloyal forces and United States Attorney General William Barr just fired US Attorney Geoffrey Berman and announced that the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Jay Clayton will replace him—the latter action being the most critical as US Attorney Berman was preparing to aid this coup by making up false charges against President Trump, and which Clinton’s emergency government would reward him for by making him the new US Attorney General—which explains why US Attorney Berman is now in open revolt and illegally refusing to accept his dismissal—with it further to be noticed that joining Clinton’s emergency government would be former socialist US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has just warned that if President Trump is reelected there will be a revolution, and former socialist National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who herself just stunningly quoted Russian communist revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky on what she plans to do with all of President Trump’s supporters when she gets back in power: “Throw them into the dustbin of history!


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23 minutes ago, RedZone said:

........the orange juice drinking me is really struggling right now.

We know....

Put down the juice and step away from the jug....

you are gonna OD.



PS : You may also want to check for toxic shock.....

orange tampons no good either.

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4 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Lol I had to double check the thread title , I thought I was lost for a sec


Well here's some of the rest then....😝

According to this report, on 11 March 1985 the last leader of the Soviet Union came to power when Mikhail Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union—an unexpected accession to power coming after the death of General Secretary Konstantin Chernenko, who ruled from 13 February 1984 to 10 March 1985—who himself ascended to power after the death of General Secretary Yuri Andropov, who ruled from 12 November 1982 to 9 February 1984—who replaced the longest serving Soviet leader General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, who ruled from 14 October 1964 to 10 November 1982.

The historic significance of General Secretary Gorbachev coming to power, this report explains, was his being the first leader of the Soviet Union not to have been a part of the 1917 Russian Revolution that allowed godless socialist-communists to capture the entire nation, as he wasn’t even born until 1931—which allowed Gorbachev to become the first Soviet leader to view with non-ideological honesty the absolute horror Russia had become after nearly 70-years of continuous socialist rule—a horror Gorbachev laid at the doorstep of the past Soviet leaders who waged endless and needless wars for global supremacy while watching Russia fall into poverty, chaos and ruin—which Gorbachev responded to by ending these needless wars, most critically the 10-year-long Russian-Afghan War he ended in 1989—after which Gorbachev embarked on his “Make Russia Great Again” agenda—the two most important parts of were “perestroika”, the restructuring and reforming of the Russian economic and political system—and—“glasnost”, the policy and practice of creating a more open consultative Russian government and the wider dissemination of truthful information—the end result of which saw Gorbachev becoming the first, last and only President of the Soviet Union, ruling from 15 March 1990 to 25 December 1991—after which the Soviet Union was buried in the grave it deserved to be in, and the Russian Federation was born.

Most instructive at this exact moment for the American people to know about this history, this report details, is that while Gorbachev was dismantling the Soviet Union, ending its wars and bringing soliders home, and freeing the Russian people from decades of tyranny in order make their lives more just and prosperous, his socialist enemies were plotting his overthrow and destruction—and saw them striking back on 19 August 1991 when Gorbachev was summer vacationing with his family—a vacation that saw all communication links with Gorbachev being severed—and then saw the State Committee on the State of Emergency declaring that it was in charge of the nation—a committee of hard-line socialists dedicated to keeping power at all costs—but whose reign of power only lasted for two days and ended on 21 August 1991—is now known to history as the 1991 August Coup—and two weeks later, saw Gorbachev destroying the Soviet Union forever so these socialists couldn’t do it again..     




Most critical to note about the 1991 August Coup against Gorbachev, this report explains, is that in the weeks and months that preceded it, socialist forces and their state media allies did everything in their power to sow as much chaos and economic pain among the Russian people as possible, while at the same time branding Gorbachev as a “traitor”—an economic upheaval that was beginning to make life unbearable for Russian peoples—with one of the anecdotes of that time being: “And one man turned in the queue to his neighbour and said: 'I'm fed up with this, I blame Gorbachev, I'm going to kill Gorbachev,' and off he went…He came back two days later and the people in the queue said: “Did you kill Gorbachev?”…”No”, he replied “The queue to kill Gorbachev was just too long”.

As to the socialist tactics used during that time to foment such an environment of rebellion in Russia, this report astoundingly notes, they are being exactly duplicated today in socialist Democrat Party stronghold cities throughout all of the United States—tactics designed to place ordinary peoples in terror as a means to make them accept anyone able to restore order


As to when the masses of the Americans will awaken to the reality that they are all living in a socialist revolution intent on destroying the United States and overthrowing President Trump, this report concludes, more signs are emerging showing this is occurring—best exampled today when noticing that even though the socialist Democrat Party and its leftist mainstream propaganda media allies have been covering up the cognitive decline of socialist leader Joe Biden, a just released new poll shows that 55% of the American people believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia—a crushing blow to these socialists as it shows the American people are going around them to find out what the truth is—and as further confirmed by the radical leftist fake news outlet CNN, who this past week re-interviewed 3 Trump voters from 2016 to see whom they intend on voting for now, and all 3 of whom said they are still voting for Trump—though all these American people should realize, and as history has always shown, socialist revolutions are indeed bloody and dangerous affairs—but when stood up against by fearless peoples and leaders, always end in failure. 



enjoy 😆

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Just now, Troll said:


Well here's some of the rest then....😝

According to this report, on 11 March 1985 the last leader of the Soviet Union came to power when Mikhail Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union—an unexpected accession to power coming after the death of General Secretary Konstantin Chernenko, who ruled from 13 February 1984 to 10 March 1985—who himself ascended to power after the death of General Secretary Yuri Andropov, who ruled from 12 November 1982 to 9 February 1984—who replaced the longest serving Soviet leader General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, who ruled from 14 October 1964 to 10 November 1982.

The historic significance of General Secretary Gorbachev coming to power, this report explains, was his being the first leader of the Soviet Union not to have been a part of the 1917 Russian Revolution that allowed godless socialist-communists to capture the entire nation, as he wasn’t even born until 1931—which allowed Gorbachev to become the first Soviet leader to view with non-ideological honesty the absolute horror Russia had become after nearly 70-years of continuous socialist rule—a horror Gorbachev laid at the doorstep of the past Soviet leaders who waged endless and needless wars for global supremacy while watching Russia fall into poverty, chaos and ruin—which Gorbachev responded to by ending these needless wars, most critically the 10-year-long Russian-Afghan War he ended in 1989—after which Gorbachev embarked on his “Make Russia Great Again” agenda—the two most important parts of were “perestroika”, the restructuring and reforming of the Russian economic and political system—and—“glasnost”, the policy and practice of creating a more open consultative Russian government and the wider dissemination of truthful information—the end result of which saw Gorbachev becoming the first, last and only President of the Soviet Union, ruling from 15 March 1990 to 25 December 1991—after which the Soviet Union was buried in the grave it deserved to be in, and the Russian Federation was born.

Most instructive at this exact moment for the American people to know about this history, this report details, is that while Gorbachev was dismantling the Soviet Union, ending its wars and bringing soliders home, and freeing the Russian people from decades of tyranny in order make their lives more just and prosperous, his socialist enemies were plotting his overthrow and destruction—and saw them striking back on 19 August 1991 when Gorbachev was summer vacationing with his family—a vacation that saw all communication links with Gorbachev being severed—and then saw the State Committee on the State of Emergency declaring that it was in charge of the nation—a committee of hard-line socialists dedicated to keeping power at all costs—but whose reign of power only lasted for two days and ended on 21 August 1991—is now known to history as the 1991 August Coup—and two weeks later, saw Gorbachev destroying the Soviet Union forever so these socialists couldn’t do it again..     






Most critical to note about the 1991 August Coup against Gorbachev, this report explains, is that in the weeks and months that preceded it, socialist forces and their state media allies did everything in their power to sow as much chaos and economic pain among the Russian people as possible, while at the same time branding Gorbachev as a “traitor”—an economic upheaval that was beginning to make life unbearable for Russian peoples—with one of the anecdotes of that time being: “And one man turned in the queue to his neighbour and said: 'I'm fed up with this, I blame Gorbachev, I'm going to kill Gorbachev,' and off he went…He came back two days later and the people in the queue said: “Did you kill Gorbachev?”…”No”, he replied “The queue to kill Gorbachev was just too long”.

As to the socialist tactics used during that time to foment such an environment of rebellion in Russia, this report astoundingly notes, they are being exactly duplicated today in socialist Democrat Party stronghold cities throughout all of the United States—tactics designed to place ordinary peoples in terror as a means to make them accept anyone able to restore order


As to when the masses of the Americans will awaken to the reality that they are all living in a socialist revolution intent on destroying the United States and overthrowing President Trump, this report concludes, more signs are emerging showing this is occurring—best exampled today when noticing that even though the socialist Democrat Party and its leftist mainstream propaganda media allies have been covering up the cognitive decline of socialist leader Joe Biden, a just released new poll shows that 55% of the American people believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia—a crushing blow to these socialists as it shows the American people are going around them to find out what the truth is—and as further confirmed by the radical leftist fake news outlet CNN, who this past week re-interviewed 3 Trump voters from 2016 to see whom they intend on voting for now, and all 3 of whom said they are still voting for Trump—though all these American people should realize, and as history has always shown, socialist revolutions are indeed bloody and dangerous affairs—but when stood up against by fearless peoples and leaders, always end in failure. 



enjoy 😆

I’m gonna have to make another cup of coffee and light up a stogie before I see this shit

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12 hours ago, Troll said:

Here you go.......

"in case you missed it" 🤣

President Donald Trump is rooting out from the Pentagon all disloyal forces and United States Attorney General William Barr just fired US Attorney Geoffrey Berman and announced that the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission Jay Clayton will replace him—the latter action being the most critical as US Attorney Berman was preparing to aid this coup by making up false charges against President Trump, and which Clinton’s emergency government would reward him for by making him the new US Attorney General—which explains why US Attorney Berman is now in open revolt and illegally refusing to accept his dismissal—with it further to be noticed that joining Clinton’s emergency government would be former socialist US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has just warned that if President Trump is reelected there will be a revolution, and former socialist National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who herself just stunningly quoted Russian communist revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky on what she plans to do with all of President Trump’s supporters when she gets back in power: “Throw them into the dustbin of history!


(Links in RED)

disloyal forces??..LOL..you mean forces that don't comply to his whims??...he's scared of what a real SDNY  prosecutor can do to him and his cronies...like the Duetsch Bank investigation they are investigating....the Russian money him and Jared were laundering??...rooting out "disloyal forces"...LOL..you mean anyone with morals??....😞

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On 6/20/2020 at 9:13 AM, golfaddict1 said:


First, Happy Father's Day my friend!  I hope your daughter is holding up through all this.  I really feel bad for the kids about her age -- This is a rough deal that will leave a mark for a long time.

As for your post, thank you for pointing it out.  Clearly there are still plenty of moves to be made, and the news will continue to unfold, but the relentless Friday middle of the night assaults on the rule of law continue.  Here's where I think we are at the moment:

  • Barr, the chief law enforcement officer in the land, lied in writing to the American people, apparently hoping nobody would notice (does Friday night news dump even work in the internet age?)


  • Berman noticed, and told the American people he didn't resign and went back to work Saturday morning.  It seems kinda obvious, but saying "investigations will move forward without delay or interruption," suggests Berman wants us to think he was being forced out because someone wanted to delay or interrupt an investigation.


  • So later on Saturday Barr writes a letter saying "I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so."  So now Berman has been fired by the President.


  • But, because Berman didn't resign and was fired instead, for arcane reasons I never knew, this apparently changes the rules of succession.  Now Berman’s deputy, Audrey Strauss steps into the SDNY lead role.  It also frees Berman to testify before Congress.


What we still don’t know:

  •  Why did IMPOTUS and Barr want to fire Berman, the man in charge of the office that has lead multiple inquiries into crimes by Trump associates? We know it wasn’t for cause because they offered Berman other powerful positions in the DOJ.


  •  Why did Barr lie about Berman resigning when he was trying to fire him?


  • What’s the over/under on how long Strauss remains in the role?

Quite a chess match so far.  Stay tuned.


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25 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:


First, Happy Father's Day my friend!  I hope your daughter is holding up through all this.  I really feel bad for the kids about her age -- This is a rough deal that will leave a mark for a long time.

As for your post, thank you for pointing it out.  Clearly there are still plenty moves to be made, and the news will continue to unfold, but the relentless Friday middle of the night assaults on the rule of law continue.  Here's where I think we are at the moment:

  • Barr, the chief law enforcement officer in the land, lied in writing to the American people, apparently hoping nobody would notice (does Friday night news dump even work in the internet age?)


  • Berman noticed, and told the American people he didn't resign and went back to work Saturday morning.  It seems kinda obvious, but saying "investigations will move forward without delay or interruption," suggests Berman wants us to think he was being forced out because someone wanted to delay or interrupt an investigation.


  • So later on Saturday Barr writes a letter saying "I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so."  So now Berman has been fired by the President.


  • But, because Berman didn't resign and was fired instead, for arcane reasons I never knew, this apparently changes the rules of succession.  Now Berman’s deputy, Audrey Strauss steps into the SDNY lead role.  It also frees Berman to testify before Congress.


What we still don’t know:

  •  Why did IMPOTUS and Barr want to fire Berman, the man in charge of the office that has lead multiple inquiries into crimes by Trump associates? We know it wasn’t for cause because they offered Berman other powerful positions in the DOJ.


  •  Why did Barr lie about Berman resigning when he was trying to fire him?


  • What’s the over/under on how long Strauss remains in the role?

Quite a chess match so far.  Stay tuned.



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